
In the third year of junior high school, I met the cousin of the uncle's family, her daughter is 24 years old, has already joined the work, and a son is in the third year of junior high school, and now he is very sad. I asked what was sad, she said

author:A shark in a cage

In the third year of junior high school, I met the cousin of the uncle's family, her daughter is 24 years old, has already joined the work, and a son is in the third year of junior high school, and now he is very sad.

I asked what was wrong, she said that she did not buy a house for her son, I said that my son is still young, don't be so anxious.

She said you don't know, now many families with sons in the village have basically prepared new houses for their children in the town or county, and they are particularly confident when they talk.

Play together to the eldest few children, only we did not buy, now the house is expensive, now do not buy, it is time to marry a daughter-in-law in the future, let alone afford to buy.

In the early years, I didn't buy a house outside the idea, and now the newly built house at home, the little girl can't see it, there is a house at home, and there must be a commercial house outside, otherwise, it is really troublesome.

Then she asked me, did you buy a house for your children? I said I bought a set, and then she was more emotional, saying why are you all so fine? How do you know how to buy a house early? Who made you buy it, you really care?

I cried and laughed, didn't know what to say next, and excused myself to leave... [Cover your face] [Cover your face] #Xuzhou headline # #买房 #

In the third year of junior high school, I met the cousin of the uncle's family, her daughter is 24 years old, has already joined the work, and a son is in the third year of junior high school, and now he is very sad. I asked what was sad, she said

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