
The Japanese Navy and Army are notoriously indigent and have deep contradictions with each other, such as the Japanese Army attaché who suddenly attacked a number of admirals in the 226 Incident, and the Japanese Navy was killed by the Japanese Army

author:Daming Liang is chubby

The Japanese Navy and Army are notoriously indigent, and the contradictions between them are very deep, for example, the Japanese Army attaché suddenly surprised a group of admirals in the 226 incident, and the Japanese Navy was almost unable to save when the Japanese Army was trapped on Guadalcanal, anyway, these two groups of people were at home every day waiting for each other to have an accident.

The Japanese Navy and Army are notoriously indigent and have deep contradictions with each other, such as the Japanese Army attaché who suddenly attacked a number of admirals in the 226 Incident, and the Japanese Navy was killed by the Japanese Army
The Japanese Navy and Army are notoriously indigent and have deep contradictions with each other, such as the Japanese Army attaché who suddenly attacked a number of admirals in the 226 Incident, and the Japanese Navy was killed by the Japanese Army

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