
Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

Author | Read aloud Jun

When the New Year arrives, visiting relatives to visit the New Year is lively and lively, and the children are even happier, because they can receive a lot of money, and their pockets are always bulging.

However, in most cases, the child's happiness is only half a day, and in the evening, the mother will use various ways to "coerce and induce" the child to hand over the pressure money, full of routines.

"You don't have a bank card yet, I want to save it for you, and I'll tell me when you want it."

But if you keep it, the money will never be returned to the child's hands, and when the mother asks for the money, she is full of innocence.

"Wait until the end of the year to give it to you, lest you run east and west every day, and the money will be stolen by thieves!"

I don't know if the child's money has been stolen, but the mother at this time is like a thief who "steals money".

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

In fact, the parents' starting point is good, afraid that the child will not use this money reasonably, squander it at will, and even more, worship gold and compare with classmates, so parents directly "confiscate".

However, confiscating the child's old age money without authorization is likely to hurt the child. The child is disappointed, resentful, and more eager for money.

At the time point of receiving red envelopes during the Spring Festival, it is a good time to teach children to understand the cultural significance behind the pressure of old money, understand money, and cultivate the concept of consumption.

The cultural significance behind the pressure on the money

If you ask a child, what is the money used for?

90% of his answer would be: I give new year greetings to the elders, and they will give me red envelopes.

During the Spring Festival, with the joy of children receiving the money, you can tell the children about the cultural significance behind this.

Pressing the old money is not just as simple as the elders giving the younger generations red envelopes.

In the past, the money was used to cure demons, and in the earliest times, it was called money.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a small monster called "Qi", who was black and white-handed, and every Chinese New Year's Eve night, he came out to harm people.

As soon as it touches the sleeping child with its hand, the child will cry, get sick with fever, and when the illness is cured, the originally intelligent child will become a fool.

People are afraid of "sneaking out" to make trouble, so they light the lights all night and don't sleep, which is shou qi (shou nian).

There is such a family, the couple is old and child, Chinese New Year's Eve night, the child plays with the eight copper coins wrapped in red paper, until he falls asleep and puts them on the pillow.

In the middle of the night, a strong wind blew open the door, and the "qi" came!

When "Qi" was going to touch the child's head with its white hand, a bright light cracked out from the child's pillow, and "Qi" screamed and fled.

The next day, the husband and wife told everyone about the red paper wrapped copper coins, and everyone imitated them one after another, and sure enough, the "qi" did not dare to come again.

It turned out that these eight copper coins were transformed by the eight immortals, secretly protecting the children!

Later, people called this money "pressure money". Because of the harmonic sound of "祟" and "year", with the passage of time, it has become "pressing the old money".

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

Pressing the old age money is the Spring Festival tradition of the Han people, generally in the New Year countdown, the elders will put the money into the red envelope bag to the younger generation, which means to bless the peace, and the younger generation who get the pressure money can spend the year in peace.

Nowadays, pressing the age of money not only means that the elders bless the health of the younger generations, but also carries a blessing, representing the care of the elders for the younger generations, and is the transmission of love.

Recognize money and cultivate your child's view of money

After understanding the cultural significance and source behind the pressure of money, you can start the next step of cultivating the concept of money.

For the management of the pressure money, many education experts have long been conclusive:

As the "big income" that children are exposed to, it is actually a good opportunity for parents to establish a correct view of money for their children.

If your child gets the money, take the opportunity to ask him: Do you know what the money can be used for?

In this regard, I believe that the child will be very positive to answer:

It is used to buy snacks, buy stationery, buy toys, buy extracurricular books, buy clothes, go to amusement parks...

Most children have a very limited understanding of money, knowing that it can be used to buy things, and do not know other uses.

Therefore, this is a perfect time to establish a correct view of money in children.

We can start with the following questions.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

1. Tell your child where the money is coming from

Some experts once did a survey of primary school students, and the study found that:

Only 20% of children know that the money comes from the hard work of their parents, and many children think that the money is taken directly from the pockets of their parents.

Children's misconceptions about money lead to spending money on a large amount of money, and may even spend all the money saved by their parents overnight because of games, live broadcasts, etc.

At certain times, we have to talk to our children about money.

Tell him that every penny in the family is earned by his parents' hard work.

If you can, every once in a while, take your children to experience what it means to make money, whether it is to do some small handicrafts to sell in the community, or to go to the supermarket to experience being a small cashier.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

2. Let your child understand that money is not a panacea

Some parents will instill in their children the misconception that "our family is not short of money, and all this money will be yours in the future", and over time, the child will develop a "money is omnipotent" concept.

We can tell our children:

Money can indeed buy a lot of things, but it can't buy knowledge, can't buy the affirmation and respect of others, can't buy friends, can't buy family, can't buy health, can't buy love...

You can even say to your child:

Although our family is not bad for money, this money is earned by mom and dad and does not belong to you.

We spend money on you, it is our freedom to dispose of money, does not mean that you can use this money at will.

In the future, you also need to get money through your own efforts, so that the money you get is really yours.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

3. Distinguish between "real wants" and "fake wants"

Some mothers will cultivate their children's view of money by letting their children distinguish between "want" and "need", which is not accurate, because in many situations, the concepts of "want" and "need" are vague.

A more accurate approach is to help children distinguish between "real wants" and "false wants", that is, making trade-offs between a bunch of "wants".

For example, it is agreed with the child in advance that only one toy can be bought today.

When the child checks out with a bunch of toys, gently tell him:

Mom knows you like all of this, but we agreed that we can only buy one, and now we need you to pick the one you want to buy the most today and put the others back.

In this process, he will definitely be entangled, hesitant, and will compare repeatedly, do not urge the child to make a decision quickly, and give him time to think and consider.

Choosing what is "really wanting" and what is "false wanting" in a bunch of "wants" requires the observation and guidance of parents, as well as the accumulation of time.

Through the choice of "really wanting", the child will gradually develop a good relationship with money and learn the correct way to dispose of money.

How to deal with the old money?

Teach your child to manage money

In the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", Mr. Kiyosaki said: As long as children are interested in money at the beginning, it is time to teach them to manage money.

So when you see your kids get their money and happily put them in their own little bags, you should realize that this is one of the best times to teach them how to manage their money.

Teaching children to manage their finances is not the same as letting them hand over the money they are pressing, and you do financial management for him.

More, let the child participate in the financial management process, step by step to understand how to do it, why to do it.

Here, it is recommended to recommend a way to manage the money of the year, which can be divided into 5 parts of the child's money:

The first portion is about 10% and is used to give children discretion, whether it is to buy snacks, toys or school supplies, and it is gone after spending.

The second part is about 10%, encouraging children to dedicate their love to children in poor mountainous areas, etc., to cultivate children's empathy and gratitude.

The third is about 20%, used as a stand-up fund, divided evenly into months or quarters, and given regularly to children for class reunions, or birthday gifts.

The fourth, also 10%, is used to assist with family planning, such as a small share of the family shopping, or part of the cost of the family's travel, in order to make the child more involved in the family.

The fifth is 50%, which can be saved or purchased for financial products such as education funds, and can be used when the children grow up.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

What needs special reminder is that the specific distribution must be discussed with the child to ensure that both parties can reasonably accept it.

In addition, if the share is agreed, parents must do what they say, and they must give when they should give, and they cannot be sloppy.

Not only to press the old money, but also to gradually instill the relevant concepts and knowledge of financial management for children on weekdays.

Of course, children are in different age groups, and the financial information they need to grasp is also different.

1. Preschool children aged 3-6 years old focus on cultivating concepts

4 to 6 years old is the best time to cultivate children's concept of money, and their concept of money cultivation, the focus is on understanding the basic concepts, especially to deepen the child's understanding of "small money" and "big money".

There is a mother's approach that is very worth learning:

She prepared 2 piggy banks for her daughter so that he could learn how much money to use.

The pink piggy bank is used to put coins under 1 yuan; accumulate to a certain extent, take the money out, exchange it for the whole money, and put it into the piggy bank of zhao cai cat.

In this way, children can clearly understand what is change and what is whole money, and they can also understand the difficulty of "from zero to whole", so as to avoid the habit of spending money in the future.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

2. Children aged 7-11 years old, focus on cultivating habits

Children who have gone to primary school need to pay attention to the cultivation of habits, whether it is learning habits or habits about using money.

Give your child a little pocket money every week, let him learn to arrange his own expenses or savings, and gradually try money management from daily life.

At the same time, you can set up some paid labor, such as helping your mother do housework.

Clearly tell the child that he only has pocket money once a week, and if he has something he wants to buy, he must save it well, or exchange it through his own labor, so that he can realize that money is not easy to come by as soon as possible.

Will the money be "confiscated", resulting in two completely different lives for children, and parents should do so

3. Teenagers aged 12-16 are exposed to richer financial knowledge

After entering junior high school, children should learn and understand more sound financial knowledge, such as learning to make monthly income and expenditure plans, and regularly review and sort out to balance the income and expenditure.

It can also involve children in the family's money decisions, or financial plans, so that children can understand the family's income, expenditure, expenditure, budget, etc. every month.

The more clearly a child understands the family's financial situation, the deeper he will have a sense of financial responsibility.

During the winter and summer vacations, children can also participate in some social practices or small-scale trading practices, so that children can truly experience labor, money and remuneration in practice.

There are many ways for parents to help their children manage their money, and tough confiscation is the most far-sighted one.

How to correctly deal with the child's pressure money, the test is actually the wisdom of parents.

In any case, please remember that we give our children money out of expectation and blessing for him, and we take this opportunity to establish a correct view of money for children.

This kind of pressing money is the most meaningful old age money.

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