
Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

11 years ago, the 56-year-old Guo Min successfully gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, refreshing the record of the local maternal age, and now that 11 years have passed, how are they living?

Guo Min was born in Jiangxi in 1954, the family conditions are ordinary, after growing up in a local factory to work as an accountant, when the state implemented a family planning policy, in response to the state's call Guo Min and her husband only needed one child. In 1981, Guo Min ushered in his daughter, because it was such a child, and the husband and wife naturally treated this daughter as a pearl in the palm of their hands. At that time, although Guo Min worked in a state-owned enterprise, her monthly income was only 200 yuan, which could not provide a better life for her daughter. In order to save money for her daughter to go to school and give her a good future, Guo Min went to Beijing alone when her daughter was 11 years old.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

Originally, Guo Min only planned to work outside for five years, ten years, earn enough money for her daughter to go to college and then return to her hometown, but life in Beijing was not as simple as imagined. In 1998, the husband chose to divorce because he could not bear the long separation. Two years later, Guo Min re-established a family with a worker in Shougang.

The time when her daughter lived with herself was when Guo Min was happiest

Mother and daughter were reunited and happy, and all this went according to Guo Min's imagination. What she didn't expect, however, was that such a happy time lasted only a year. When SARS broke out in 2003, Guo Min asked her daughter to go back to her hometown in Jiangxi to hide for her safety. The daughter originally planned to continue to work after completing her undergraduate studies in her hometown. What no one expected, however, was that on the night of November 12, 2005, just before her daughter was about to graduate from college, she was killed in a car accident while crossing the street.

This news is undoubtedly a thunderbolt for Guo Min, at the moment of seeing the news on the mobile phone, I can't even believe my eyes, my daughter is her spiritual pillar, and now that the spiritual pillar has fallen, Guo Min doesn't even have the confidence to live, and she wants to find death. In the end, he fainted due to excessive grief and was taken to the hospital.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

People to middle-aged pain lost their beloved daughter, Guo Min white hair in one day, and now Guo Min is still in the middle of the night when the photo of his daughter slowly groped, if there is no accident, the daughter is now more than 30 years old.

Until I saw that there were elderly women in Japan who gave birth

At that time, she was extremely glad that she came from her hometown in Jiangsu to Beijing, where information is more developed, and immediately decided to have another child like that Japanese mother, everyone can have a child at the age of 60, and she can certainly be 54 years old, and she is pregnant, which is very difficult for a person who is more than 50 years old. Guo Min found many hospitals, but the doctor's advice made her very disappointed. Doctors say that even IVF is only a 50 percent success rate, and the premise is that women under the age of 50 are born.

"When I went, didn't the doctors say they weren't 54 years old?" Without hope, our success rate is fifty percent, and you can't succeed. Because there are no people over 50 years old in our hospital, the largest are 48.49 years old, and there are no more than 50. Your 50-year-old is impossible. ”

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

In any case, the doctor's words did not discourage Guo Min, she found a hospital willing to do IVF after many inquiries, and she took out her fifty thousand yuan savings and invested in this gamble of life for life. After many examinations, the doctor found that Guo Min's physical condition was very good, and immediately prescribed medicine to her. Then there was a miscarriage during pregnancy, which eventually lasted two years.

The heavens pay off

Guo Min successfully gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses in 2010, and the arrival of this pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses also refreshed the record of the oldest local pregnant women in Beijing, spending a total of 80,000 yuan before and after. Until now, Guo Min also believes that this eighty thousand yuan is the most worthwhile amount of money she has spent in her life. In order to make the children safe and secure, Guo Min also deliberately went to find someone to name the two children, the boy's name was Ren Jiabin, and the girl's name was Ren Jiayi.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

These two children made Guo Min feel that all the suffering he had suffered before was nothing, everything was worth it, but the pressure of life soon diluted the joy of the arrival of a new life. 54 years old was originally the age when children needed to be cared for, but now the couple needs to take on the burden of parenting again. When the child was not yet a full moon, Guo Min began to run around various companies to work as a part-time accountant, earning a little income, plus a pension of more than 1,000 yuan, and the family barely survived.

However, in July 2013, Guo Min's husband fell seriously ill, and a sudden change made the family worse again.

Guo Min raises two children alone, lives in an urban village on the outskirts of Beijing's Changping, a cottage of less than 20 square meters, the monthly rent is 500 yuan, the two children are lively and active, but never asked Guo Min, why is she older than other people's mothers?

The kindergarten is responsible for the child's three meals a day, which also makes Guo Min a lot more relaxed. In order to subsidize the meager source of livelihood, Guo Min will also pick up a lot of bottles on the way to send her children to school, and she can pick up 40 bottles a day, and Guo Min will go home to eat after sending her children to kindergarten. Eating alone, Guo Min basically made up his mind to deal with two bites casually, and simply started working after breakfast.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

Guo Min accounts for 6 companies at the same time, and each company pays her between 200 and 300 yuan. Because the bosses of the old customer companies see Guo Min working seriously, they will find Guo Min to help when they are busy every month. Faced with the increasingly expensive cost of living and many problems such as children going to school and seeing a doctor, Guo Min, who has been an accountant all her life, strictly implements financial plans. Buying a three-pound fish can be eaten for a month.

I tell it out not afraid of you laughing at me, I buy a fish about three pounds to eat for a month, eat it four times apart, eat it once a week, eat it once at the beginning and tail, and then divide it into three parts in the middle, eat once a week. It's this one fish that eats for a month.

Like most parents, every night Guo Min also has to take care of the two children to write homework, sometimes the child is disobedient, it is very late to finish the homework, and guo Min will start working until the child finishes packing up and going to bed.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

There were also people who wanted to adopt two children, some out of 1 million, some out of 500,000 but were rejected by Guo Min, for Guo Min even if she is now very tired and tired, she does not have the slightest regret, she especially cherishes this lost and regained mood.

After the news of Guo Min's affair was spread, many families with similar experiences to her came to visit and extended a helping hand, and some mothers who lost their feet asked Guo Min for self-help experience, and Guo Min always did her best for those who needed help. In the eyes of many parents, children have always been the whole reason and hope of a family life. If such a reason and hope were to disappear in an instant because of a change, it would also be a fatal blow.

Whether it is from the mental or physical as a bystander of us, we simply can not feel, in Guo Min's phone book there is a netizen called Happy Big Sister, she is also a lost mother, 10 years ago the child died unexpectedly, after her heart was also hollowed out of all kinds of pressure to her, in this traditional society has always been filial piety, no posterity Such a thought is constantly impacting every lost family, the child's death from the day the parents' remaining fate is also buried together. After this, parents did not dare to touch the objects used by their children, and even did not dare to hear other children call mom and dad, blindly avoiding this matter.

Child unfortunate car accident: 56-year-old pregnant woman gave birth to a dragon and phoenix fetus again, what did this process go through?

Now that Guo Min's two children have gone to primary school, Guo Min still helps some small companies to do part-time accounting. It doesn't matter to her to be bitter and tired, two children growing up healthy is the best reward. The group of families who have lost their footing on the mainland is gradually entering our field of vision.

When people have lost their ability to reproduce in middle age, the only child dies unexpectedly for various reasons, so they become the ones who have lost their independence. The pain of the orphaned, only the experiencer can understand how to help this group, which is the most important thing we should think about.

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