
On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

Some time ago, the sitting posture of a pair of sisters and brothers on the subway caused a wave of heated discussion on the Internet.

The younger brother in the picture carries a guitar with him, and after entering the subway, he conveniently places the guitar on the empty seat next to him.

The sister on the side saw it, took her brother's guitar away, held it tightly in her arms, and freed up the empty seat for others in need.

After understanding the meaning of the sister, the younger brother also consciously leaned in the direction of the sister.

These actions of the sisters and brothers seem simple and small, but behind them reflect the kindness and warmth of the children.

After netizens saw the picture, they also praised the children: this is the real educated child.

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

Parenting is reflected in all aspects of life

It's no exaggeration to say that parents all over the world want to raise their children to be cultured.

But if you think about it, the word parenting seems too broad and general, does it have a specific definition?

When a child exhibits what behaviors can it be said that it is a cultured child?

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

Before answering this question, let's take a look at what the word parenting actually means.

The dictionary defines the word "upbringing" as referring to the cultivation of general culture and character.

As early as the ancient enlightenment book "Three Character Classic", the word "education" has been mentioned, which refers to a kind of rule that people have learned from an early age, and the way of treating people and things.

In particular, the Three Character Sutra points out that if a person is not educated, it is the dereliction of duty of parents and teachers.

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

In the English-speaking world, "upbringing" is written as "Manner", which encompasses many aspects such as politeness, rules, attitudes, and lifestyles.

It can be seen that parenting is not a certain behavior, a certain attitude, it is more like a collection of culture and morality, embodied in all aspects of life.

Vacating a seat on a crowded subway is a kind of self-promotion and others.

On a rainy day, holding an umbrella for the elderly on the side of the road is a kind of old age and the old people's upbringing.

Facing the shared bicycles on the side of the road, taking the initiative to pick up and tidy up is a kind of selfless dedication.

Spirit" "Rich is rich, is rich, not "rich" of "wealth"

A nurtured child is not born, every child is born like a blank piece of paper, and the teaching and guidance of parents play a great role in it.

And about educating children, there is a word that has always been very hot, spiritual enrichment, it emphasizes the parents' education of children at the spiritual level. To put it simply, the wealth of spiritual enrichment is not the wealth of wealth, but the wealth of wealth.

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

The richness here can include many, many aspects:

Rich experience and vision, which can help children become more inclusive, understand the diversity of the world, and embrace the unknown with an open mind, seeking common ground while reserving differences.

A child surrounded by a sense of security will not feel uneasy about the external environment, they have the courage to explore, and they can feel the kindness of others and give kindness to others.

Rich in creativity, a creative child, will be full of curiosity about the world, they are willing to expand the boundaries of thinking, the whimsy in the brain into reality.

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

In addition to the above list, there are many more contents covered by spiritual enrichment, tracing back to the source, behind these richness, in fact, there is a common core, that is, unconditional love.

For parents, the most critical step in achieving spiritual prosperity is to love their children unconditionally.

Unconditional love, how to love

Unconditional love is not the same as coddling, the famous psychologist Rogers once said, love is deeply understood and accepted.

Loving the child is to love him as he is, even if he does not meet your expectations, parents will not be discouraged, will not be disappointed, but unconditionally accept, and find the shining point in the child.

In an interview with Li Yapeng, the host asked: Do you think of your daughter Li Yanmei?

Li Yan was just born with rabbit lips, a feature that has a great influence on appearance in the eyes of ordinary people, and there is no possibility of concealment. But Li Yapeng replied firmly: Not only me, but also her mother, we all think that our daughter is the most beautiful.

Unconditional acceptance is a full love for children, it spans high, fat and thin, IQ is high, is a kind of heartfelt appreciation.

On the subway, the sitting posture of the sisters and brothers has attracted praise from everyone: the real "rich support" never relies on throwing money

Loving children is unconditional trust and firmness, even if the wind and rain of the whole world are roaring towards him, parents still stand firmly behind him, hold his hand, and tell him: Don't be afraid of children, I believe you.

To love a child is to let the child know that no matter what, I love you, no matter what kind of problem you encounter, I am willing to face it with you. So when children make mistakes, please give them more comfort and tolerance.

In the current environment where grades are supreme, it is more important to love children, and it is more important to let children understand that what we care more about is the child's heart than the cold results, and it is that he can go on happily and happily in the future.

A child who is spiritually enriched by unconditional love must have light in his eyes and be afraid of the wind and waves. May you and I both learn to give unconditional love to our children.

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