
How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

When it comes to Highlander, everyone knows that it is also a car that many families can't avoid when buying a 7-seater SUV, how many Highlanders sold in 2021?

How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

According to official statistics, the cumulative sales volume in 2021 107733 units, an increase of 13% year-on-year; among them, the monthly sales in the fourth quarter exceeded 10,000 units for three consecutive months, and reached 14,401 units in December. From this number, we can also see that Highlander is still the mainstream option, of course, in today's market, there are also some good and distinctive options, such as GS8, ideal ONE, Lynk & Co 09 and so on.

How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

Let's say Highlander, just like GL8 created a precedent in the domestic commercial MPV market. At that time, Highlander also opened up a 7-seat SUV category. We look at history, Highlander has 21 years of model history, global cumulative sales of more than 4.5 million units, Highlander domestic production also has 12 years, maybe you drive is Highlander.

How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

It is also gagac Toyota's first SUV, which is a spire model. TNGA architecture, dual engine hybrid, low fuel consumption, retention rate, ownership, etc. are its signatures. After the annual sales of 100,000 units in 2017 and 2018, Highlander's annual sales in 2021 once again exceeded 100,000 units, setting a new annual sales record. According to the "2021 China Automobile Retention Rate Report" released by the China Automobile Dealers Association, the 3-year retention rate of Highlander is as high as 89.12%, ranking first in the same level of SUVs; "2021 China Automobile User Satisfaction CACSI Evaluation" shows that Highlander ranks first in the satisfaction of more than 200,000 medium-sized SUVs, and has won the first place in the market segment for 7 consecutive years.

How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

We also learned that GAC Toyota is now also implementing an "online car booking service system", an online car purchase platform that can visually display the city and the resources available for sale in a single store. At the same time, in view of the newly created new digital car purchase model, GAC Toyota also launched four major service commitments of "online ordering - convenience, online queuing - fairness, visual process - peace of mind, clear delivery - transparency".

How many Highlanders sold in 2021?

This year, GAC Toyota aims to produce and sell 1 million units a year. Highlander, Camry's final sales will play a key role. This year, the car market will face greater challenges, the known information is that the lack of core is still the same, new cars emerge in an endless stream, the further leaps and bounds of domestic and new forces, unknown challenges will certainly have, at that time, Highlander and Camry will remain in the current state? Market decisions.

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