
Children often lose control of their emotions and scold their mothers at every turn, how do parents cope?

Children often lose control of their emotions and scold their mothers at every turn, how do parents cope?

Now many parents in the education of children, will not use the right method, some people will even use their hands to beat the child, so that in the child's heart will leave a big shadow, the same reason, some families are too spoiled for the child, then what about the child to beat the parents?

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Children often lose control of their emotions and scold their mothers at every turn, how do parents cope?

Children often lose control of their emotions and scold their mothers at every turn, how do parents cope?

What should I do if my child loses control of her emotions and hits her mother? The attitude and treatment of parents at this time is particularly important, which will affect the child's life.

Step 1: Do the control action.

Control your child's arm from behind, but don't push too hard and don't make your child think you're going to hit it to hurt him. You just control his movements and wait for the child's emotions to gradually calm down.

Step 2: Speak directly to your true feelings.

"Baby, you hit your mother like this, your mother is very painful, your mother is very sad, do you want your mother to hurt and make your mother sad?"

Step 3: Make the right bootstrap.

"Boy, are you so happy?" But happiness can not be expressed in this way, happy can laugh or hug the mother, can kiss the mother. Are you angry? Anger can't be expressed in this way, you can say it or cry, but you can't beat your mother to understand? ”

At this time, you must be serious, but don't be mad, it is solemn to talk to the child.

Step 4: Get your child to apologize.

Apologizing is about teaching the child to take responsibility, so that after a few times, the child's beating will disappear.

Issues that parents must be aware of

Children often lose control of their emotions and scold their mothers at every turn, how do parents cope?

After the child beats the mother, parents should maintain their emotional calm, must not scold the child, this will only make the development of things more serious, through a reasonable way to stop the child's behavior, and tell the child the most wrong way to do things, in daily life, parents should also play a good role, when encountering problems can not be angry, but also can not scold other family members and children.

All family members in the issue of children's education, to maintain a unified attitude, can not be one side in discipline, and some family members are pampered, so that for education is no help, in their own life, you can take the child out to play, through this method can effectively interact between parents and children, so that you can understand the child's inner thoughts, encounter problems can also be considered from the perspective of the other party.

In the education should pay attention to, if the child has appeared to make a mistake phenomenon, no matter how small the punishment must also be implemented, such as the homework is not done well, parents can choose not to watch TV or other methods, to carry out reasonable education of the child, but can not be without reason to scold the child.

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