
I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

Leftover women are probably divided into three types: 1, the appearance is better; 2, the education is relatively high; 3, both.

No matter which type, when they first entered the society, their mentality towards love and marriage was beautiful, and they all had a basically consistent attitude.

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

That is: the emperor's daughter does not worry about marrying! Of course, our general classification does not mean that these women will definitely become leftover women, but the probability may be relatively large.

In fact, these women with certain advantages are also more qualified and likely to enter the marriage hall on time, and enjoy the joy of life brought by family happiness and career success!

These enviable leaders are found in all areas of our society, in all walks of life. Many of them have also entered the social elite!

However, the so-called advantages and disadvantages. The above types of women may be due to ideological awareness, values and cognitive level and other different factors, but also lead to some people are more likely to consciously or unconsciously produce some sense of superiority in love marriage, resulting in some obstacles, becoming a high incidence of "leftover women"!

For the first type of beauty, I always feel that the appearance of the old woman given by God is God's grace to herself, and if you don't make good use of it in terms of love and marriage, you will waste your life!

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

The second type of talented woman also believes that the Buddha-figure's hard reading in the cold window and the hard work of more than ten years as a day must reflect the value of mental labor and cultural knowledge, and the handsome guy who has not reached a certain threshold of "access qualifications" will come out and say something about it, otherwise it is a toad who wants to eat swan meat!

As for the third type of "double material good product", it is even more dependent on its own unique scarce resources to "sit on the ground": you must be both talented and beautiful or rich and noble to become your own Prince Charming!

Admittedly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with their ideas. A person should make full use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, make full use of his own advantages in some aspects, and reasonably seek corresponding benefits for himself!

The problem is that how to accurately grasp this "degree" is very critical! If it is too late, the extremes of things will be reversed, and everything must be appropriate. Otherwise, it is easy to become a poor worm whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper!

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

For beautiful women who are born beautiful, there are naturally many handsome men to pursue. However, some of them, because of the large number of people of the opposite sex who fell under their pomegranate skirts, felt that they were the golden single women who were eager in the eyes of handsome men!

As a result, the mind will inevitably have a fluttering feeling, chaotically satisfied with a sensory stimulus, so that a sense of superiority and vanity will arise from the mentality.

Over time, they indulge in some kind of luxurious and expensive material enjoyment and are accustomed to the feeling of being pampered by many boys, regardless of whether people are sincere or even have a family.

Although among these people, there are also people who have sworn to divorce and marry her, but it is not the same thing to really implement the action of abandoning their wives and children!

Anyway, the days of the stars and the moon are beautiful and wonderful!

Therefore, they will instinctively do their best, and even use all kinds of tricks to try their best to maintain this state of being chased by many people and being favored by many people, so as to achieve their own life and psychological satisfaction, resulting in the illusion that they can easily "eat by appearance"!

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

In fact, this is the red flag of the warm boiled frog! First of all, their way of playing is easy to give people a watery poplar, cynical impression.

With the deepening and spread of people's impression of them, all kinds of male handsome men began to "leave the field" and "close the team", leaving her one by one!

At this time, they found that Li Qingzhao's poem "Lonely and deep, soft intestines an inch of sorrow, cherishing spring and spring, a few points of flower rain" is a true portrayal of their own sad and lonely situation at this moment!

And that's not all, more troublesome things may be ahead! Some men spend a lot of time, energy and even money on her sunk costs, and finally do not get a result they want, and they will inevitably have some dissatisfaction and resentment in their hearts, and even have a feeling of being played and deceived!

At this time, they may make some irrational words or behaviors to retaliate or even attack, and even recover financial losses! Pretty girls will be hurt physically and mentally! In the end, I was exhausted physically and mentally, miserable, and regretted it!

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

Looking back, I suddenly found myself empty-handed, not saying anything, and the glitz and splendor were scattered like clouds, Shaohua was easy to pass away, and his face was easy to grow old, and it turned out that all the chases and desires were just a dream!

In fact, beautiful women should wake up, if a person has a lot of opposite sex chase, there are at least two possibilities: one is that you are very good, of course, including the appearance of people, outstanding; the other is that you may not be good enough, including appearance and flaws!

The first point is easy to understand, and the second point may not be understood by some people. Just imagine, if many people are so confident to chase you, it means that you have a high sex, and it just means that your value is not high enough to make people retreat!

There are probably two kinds of people who chase you: one is to play with the cannon, to seduce the sister, to please you, without actual action; the other is willing to pay a certain amount of time, energy and money to cater to you!

The former shows that you don't have much value, and many people just tease you; the latter shows that you may have some value. You have to weigh which scenario is the most.

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

Beauty as a scarce resource certainly has its own value, but if it is only a beautiful appearance and does not have much other "added value", then I am afraid that the former is more of a situation!

It is inevitable that the suitors will eventually disperse! By then, your confidence and appearance have been greatly reduced, and you are still far from the "glorious title" of the leftover woman?

As for the talented female leftover women, in addition to the "access" threshold set by themselves is too high, overemphasizing the door to the door, many of them may belong to the career type of strong women, so that men are afraid, respectful, and retreat!

They really want to do a career first, fully reflect the value of their lives, and then say, "temporarily" not much time and energy to spend on spending the month before, Qingqing I fell in love with my romance.

But often "temporarily" becomes "fixed", and when you do it, you unconsciously "forget" this matter! Occasionally, there are "good people" who match, and the result is that they will either end up in a tiger's head or die without a problem!

With the passage of time and the growth of years, they missed the best years of love in the struggle, and gradually became leftover women. Although there is a little reluctance, there is also a little helplessness!

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

Maybe later I was really a little anxious, if there was something that looked good, I was eager to give my heart to others, and I loved it very deeply. Once abandoned, it hurts very deeply!

For the leftover women who are both beautiful and talented ," the situation is roughly similar to the former. The difference is that their own threshold may be higher, and men feel more depressed!

It also forms a reverse gap, so their active suitors are even fewer!

I don't know if it's the genes of optimism that people are born with, or the scarce resources of beauty and talent that give them calm and calm capital and traits, but they often feel good about themselves anyway!

Sometimes I am intoxicated by my own work achievements and the dilemma that others yearn for me and can't get in. The little days are leisurely and leisurely.

I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry! How are leftover women made?

For the play of love marriage or something, hell go, they are not anxious, not anxious, really not anxious! It's time to eat, it's time to sleep, and it's time to be a happy single woman!

But happiness is happy, and they still have such a hope in their hearts, even if they wait for the rabbit, they must wait until the Prince Charming in their minds appears! Just wait, wait, and unconsciously be "left" down!

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