
Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones

People who have had these three experiences in childhood will subconsciously form an inferiority complex


Security is something that each of us is very lacking in,

Often a person's sense of security is brought about by the original family from childhood.

An insecure child will develop a deep sense of inferiority, and when he grows up, he will become inferior and cowardly.

If parents do not pay attention to it, the child will be very weak when he grows up, and even have a lot of negative energy in his heart.

The formation of a sense of security has a lot to do with the earliest experiences of a person's life.

Inferiority is an uncomfortable emotion, and it is difficult for us to get involved in real life.

If we feel inferior to others and envy the people around us, we will slowly make ourselves feel inferior.

Psychologist Adler once said: "Happy people are healed by childhood all their lives, while unfortunate people spend their lives healing childhood." ”

Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones

The reason why many people with low self-esteem like to find reasons from childhood is actually because childhood has a really big impact on a person.

Children who cannot escape inferiority when they grow up often have the following three experiences when they are young.

Different experiences create a different individual,

Children who tend to have happy times in childhood are often full of positive energy and sunshine when they grow up.

In childhood, children who are full of negative energy have a darker heart, and their personality will be cowardly and inferior.

So most of us actually have inferiority complexes in our hearts, which actually stems from our comparison with others in every way.

As parents today, we must pay attention to the psychological activities and changes of our children, otherwise they will become cowardly and inferior when they grow up.

Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones

1. Repeated denials by parents

I believe that many parents will have such a common disease, that is, constantly deny their children.

Many parents think that their children are still young, and they will not care about anything they say.

In fact, this kind of thinking will cause a very large psychological shadow for children.

The denial of parents will make the child feel that he has nothing to do and can't do anything.

Slowly as I grow up, I learn to deny myself,

I know that I am very uncomfortable with myself, and I am also very cautious around others.

In fact, there is such a performance, which is entirely caused by my parents when I was young.

As parents, we must affirm the performance of our children, even if it is wrong, we must guide it correctly, not deny it.

Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones

2. Ignore your child's feelings and emotions

Many parents will always ignore their children's feelings, and they don't take their children seriously.

If there is any change in the child's heart, the parents will not think so,

Therefore, in the child's heart, he will think that no matter how he is a parent, he will not see it.

Slowly comparing with the children around you, you will have such a sense of inferiority.

This kind of inferiority will be very obvious when you grow up.

Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones

3. Being scolded by parents

In addition to being most afraid of being denied by their parents, children are actually afraid of being scolded by their parents.

Parents' words can cause great harm and psychological impact to children.

Because after getting angry, you will say some derogatory language, which will make the child slowly self-deny in his heart.

Over time, there will also be negative emotional influences in one's own heart, and young hearts will also be traumatized.

Therefore, the inferiority of a child in his bones is often affected by his parents' childhood.

It is also very likely that we adults bring negative emotions to children.

When children are young, they are like a blank piece of paper, and how parents teach them, they will do it.

So a lot of living habits are also learned from parents,

If we want our child to grow up safe and confident, give him more love when he is young.

If a person does not get the recognition, appreciation and love of his parents when he is young, it is difficult to feel safe when he grows up.

Psychology: People who have had these 3 experiences as children grow up to be inferior and weak in their bones


A child's childhood experience has a very big impact on his future.

Those happy children are often healed by childhood,

Unhappy children are curing their childhood all their lives.

During childhood, a child's psychological trauma may not be released for a long time or even after growing up.

So parents must be careful not to feel indifferent at this point.

As a parent, you should encourage and praise your child when you are young,

Inferiority is a universal fact, not a mistake, he is born and needs to grow up to control and resist.

So as a parent, you have to change your way of thinking and really put yourself in the shoes of your child.

In this way, the child can become safe and inferior when he grows up.


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What experiences did people who had experiences when they were children grow up to be inferior and cowardly?

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References | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

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