
These 3 kinds of children are the most likely to be eliminated by society in the future!

These 3 kinds of children are the most likely to be eliminated by society in the future!

As the saying goes, three years old looks big, seven years old looks old.

Children's personality characteristics and behaviors when they are young often echo their achievements when they grow up.

The following 3 types of children will be difficult to adapt to society after 10 years, and it will be difficult to be accepted by society.

Parents take a closer look, if the child has similar characteristics, we must help them correct it as soon as possible and pull them back on track in time.


Children who are not disciplined

Parents often complain that my child is always distracted when he is in class; when he writes his homework, he doesn't know where to fly; when he takes the exam, he either cuts the pen or touches the eraser... It's really worrying.

In fact, this is a manifestation of children's indiscipline, they are too easy to be attracted to external things, unable to concentrate, difficult to restrain the inner restlessness.

To put it simply, self-discipline is a kind of constraint on self-behavior, which is to know how to restrain one's desires and move in a good direction.

Speaking of this, I have to mention han xue, the goddess of self-discipline that I admire the most.

Han Xue has a strict plan for his daily routine, getting up at half past seven, putting on makeup for five minutes, and never delaying;

In order to maintain a good figure, only eat two meals a day, and do not eat at noon;

In order to maintain a state of progress, every morning I use my free time to listen to the radio and learn English.

Although she has rarely made film and television dramas in recent years, her elegant temperament and the strength of her proficiency in eighteen martial arts still impress us deeply.

Good people regard self-discipline as a habit.

Taiwanese actor Peng Yuyan also has a high degree of self-discipline.

Before filming "Roll Over, Ashin", he practiced gymnastics for eight months and learned all the gymnastics projects;

When filming "Breaking the Wind", he rode for six or seven hours a day, and finally got a professional racing driver's license.

It is precisely because of his hard work and dedication that he has won continuous applause and praise from the audience.

I like a sentence: the road of self-discipline is destined to be the path taken by a few people, but only those who are truly self-disciplined will eventually make people look beyond their reach.

Self-disciplined people are more likely to succeed because they have clear goals and are able to move firmly towards them without being easily tempted and disturbed by the outside world.

M. Scott Pike wrote in The Road Few:

"Self-discipline is the main tool to solve life's problems, and it is also the most important way to eliminate the pain of life."

People who are not self-disciplined are always wavering in the face of various forks in life, and will only use laziness and lack of enterprising as an excuse for life failure.


Uncultured children

Cai Yuanpei said: "What determines a child's life is not academic performance, but sound personality cultivation. ”

At dinner outside last weekend, a pair of fathers and daughters sat at the next table, and during the meal, the girl kept scolding her father: "I asked you to bring me onions, are you deaf in your ears?" ”

The girl's voice was loud enough to be heard by pedestrians outside the door. The guests next to them were whispering that this child looked very watery, how could he be so uncultured.

Many guests ate unpleasantly, casually pulled two bites and left.

We often say that parenting is the bottom line of getting along with each other, and it is a person's good intentions from the heart.

No one wants to associate with uncultured people, because in front of them we do not get the respect we deserve.

Friends who do HR tell me that the first principle of their company's recruitment is to be educated.

People without education do not know how to get along with colleagues, let alone bring a pleasant and harmonious working atmosphere to the company.

All in all, it is not suitable for survival in the workplace.

What kind of people are cultured?

They will fully consider the feelings of others in the conversation, avoid the embarrassment of others; they will reveal the gentleness of thinking about others everywhere in the daily small things, and they will maintain the most basic respect for the preferences and attitudes of others...

Getting along with cultured people is like being in the warm spring breeze, which makes people comfortable and at ease.

Throughout the entertainment industry, those educated stars such as Hu Ge and Lin Zhiling have won the praise of countless audiences, and few people on the Internet will hack them.

These 3 kinds of children are the most likely to be eliminated by society in the future!

Hu Ge half-knelt on the ground to sign for fans

These 3 kinds of children are the most likely to be eliminated by society in the future!

Lin Chiling deliberately bent her knees when taking a group photo

A cultured person can attract many like-minded friends and the path of life will be broader.

And an uncultured person will only be spurned by everyone and will not be able to take root in society and survive.


Children who are not independent

I had a roommate in college who was spoiled by my mother.

Every weekend, her mother would come in the car to wash her clothes and clean up the bed once, while she did nothing, and the whole bed was like a garbage dump, inaccessible.

In the year after graduation, she changed three jobs back and forth, her boss assigned tasks that she did not want to do, picked up the bag and left; a little overtime worked hard, did not even say hello when she resigned; never studied problems she did not understand, and threw her brain to colleagues in a mess...

Not to mention that no one wants to recruit her as a staff member, not even friends are willing to do it with her.

A child who will only rely on his parents for everything, even if he is getting older, his heart is always like a little BABY, and there will be no big success.

Many parents always like to take care of everything for their children, so that they can enjoy the joy of childhood.

As everyone knows, if the child does not learn to be self-reliant now, and does not let the child suffer a little, then when he grows up, he will face ten times more hardships than this.

Society is cruel, into the workplace, no one will take the initiative to help you, let alone no one will take the initiative to protect you.

Only the ability to be independent from primary schools can solve difficulties with ease and find their own way of survival in society.

These 3 kinds of children are the most likely to be eliminated by society in the future!

The American thinker Emerson said:

"What kind of person a child ends up with depends largely on the quality of the love, companionship, and role model he receives from the first educator."

If you want your child to be self-disciplined, you must first be self-disciplined: the promises you make must be fulfilled; the rules you have made must be obeyed;

If you want your child to uphold kindness and self-cultivation, you must always be willing to be sunny and generous to others.

If you want your child to be independent, you must learn to open your clenched wings and let them fly freely.

As Taiwanese spiritual writer Huang Shuwen said:

"As long as you live out the example you want to give your child, the child will naturally grow into the person they see." 」

Encourage all parents.

| Proverbs 22:6|

To raise a child, to make him walk the path of the profession, even when he is old, he will not deviate.

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