
Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

author:Seriously, the stars talk about entertainment

1. The wedding news that shocked the world made people wake up the pain of love like drinking sweet

The dazzling and charming June 6, 2019 was originally just an ordinary hot summer day, but it was completely subverted by Lin Chiling's bombshell news on major social media.

Prior to this, countless audiences who love Lin Chiling have been eagerly looking forward to this beautiful goddess-level figure being able to walk on the red carpet with Yan Chengxu, who has been in love for 17 years, but unexpectedly, her groom is a young actor who is still unknown in Japan - Ryohei Kurosawa.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

This wedding news that shook the global network was like a bolt from the blue, making countless netizens sigh and be stunned. Previously, everyone was looking forward to Lin Chiling being able to spend the rest of her life with Yan Chengxu, who had a deep relationship, but she unexpectedly chose a Kurosawa Ryohei who was still unfamiliar in the public eye.

Ryohei Kurosawa once struggled alone in Taiwan and was a core member of a Japanese idol group, which is far from Lin Chiling's household name. Therefore, the outside world is full of deep doubts and doubts about the star's sudden lightning marriage decision, thinking that this marriage is too hasty and hasty.

In the face of such a huge impact, Lin Chiling showed great calmness and confidence, and disclosed this exciting moment on social platforms with a smile. This sudden good news undoubtedly plunged netizens into complex emotional entanglements, with various emotions such as joy, loss, and helplessness coming one after another.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Lin Chiling has always been the focus of public attention, and her love with Yan Chengxu can be described as a legendary story. The two have known each other for more than 17 years, and their relationship is still the same as when they first met, and they thought that they would be able to finish this life.

However, Lin Chiling chose to abandon this familiar and deep old relationship, and instead threw herself into the arms of a Japanese man who was unfamiliar in the eyes of the public, becoming her new partner on the road of life, such a sudden turn of events undoubtedly caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

The final outcome of this "golden boy and girl", which was once envied by countless people, made the general public feel disappointed and difficult to accept. Was it Lin Chiling's impulsive choice, or was it to pursue a long-term happy life? We sincerely wish them a hundred years of happiness, but deep down there are doubts.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

2. Affectionate friendship, old love is hard to give up

To trace the emotional context between Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu, we need to go back to 2002. That year, Lin Chiling had been in the film and television industry for many years, and gradually emerged, showing outstanding strength; As for him, Seung-wook is a rising star, with the hit series "Meteor Garden", which became a blockbuster, and his popularity soared like a rocket.

It is worth mentioning that the two celebrities belong to the same brokerage company, and it is inevitable that they will meet frequently in their busy work. At first, they maintained a polite and distant way of getting along, but with the continuous contact at work, they gradually narrowed the distance between each other, took precious time out of their busy lives, discussed life ideals together, and developed a deep affection for each other.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Since the moment they met, Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu have been like flowers slowly blooming in the sun, although the relationship has not yet been officially determined, the spark of love has already ignited in their hearts, leaving a deep imprint.

At that time, they were all careful to guard this emotion, and did not publicize it, but in each other's smiles and eye contact, they revealed that silent tacit understanding.

However, time flies, and in 2004, an unexpected incident uncovers the secret romance of this low-key couple. Yan Chengxu sent his mobile phone for repair, but unexpectedly, the clerk maliciously leaked his intimate photo with Lin Chiling, and this originally hidden little secret instantly became the focus of public attention.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Although both sides have denied it many times, doubts have arisen on the Internet, and the spearhead of public opinion is directed at their emotional direction. The emotional bond that had been quietly growing behind the scenes was pushed into the spotlight and became the focus of attention.

The popular idol duo were forced to step beyond the boundaries of "AUO" and had to face the gentle and tenacious challenge of affection. For a time, their whereabouts attracted countless paparazzi to track them, and everyone was looking forward to witnessing their sweet marriage.

This sudden exposure undoubtedly brought them a lot of pressure, the original warm and private world was completely broken, and those sweet little secrets no longer belonged to the two of them.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

It can be said that since then, the relationship between Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu has entered a new stage of public development, and they must bravely face each other's hearts and cherish this originally beautiful and unique emotional bond.

In that year, the Lin family's economic situation fell to the bottom in an instant, and the entire family fell into an unprecedented predicament. Seeing the family sinking like a sunken ship, Lin's mother was heartbroken, and she desperately hoped that her daughter could quickly marry into a wealthy family like a savior, so as to save the fate of the family.

Mother Lin began to actively look for an ideal partner for Lin Chiling, but Mother Lin was resolutely opposed to her relationship with Yan Chengxu. In the eyes of Mother Lin, although Yan Chengxu has become popular with half the sky, he is only a little star with an uncertain future after all, and he cannot bring a happy future to his daughter.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Faced with her mother's strong opposition, Lin Chiling fell into a dilemma. In the end, she chose to obey her mother's wishes and publicly announced her breakup with Yan Chengxu in 2005. At that time, her heart was full of pain and helplessness, but for the sake of her family, she could only give up this deep feeling.

In this way, Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu's 17-year love marathon was forced to come to an end, and the two failed to spend the rest of their lives together, but instead changed from a couple in love to strangers.

In the years after the breakup, scandals about Lin Chiling and rich celebrities emerged one after another, and her love life seemed to be confused.

However, during this time, Yan Chengxu's career was thriving, he has made remarkable achievements in the entertainment industry, and his reputation has been increasing day by day. It wasn't until 2017 that after experiencing their own hard work and growth, the two came together again due to the arrangement of fate.

After the reunion, Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu seem to have turned back time and returned to the original tacit understanding and intimacy, and the two hearts that have reunited after a long absence have rekindled the flame of love. The unique emotion that only belongs to the two of them once again touched people's heartstrings, and everyone has deep expectations for whether they can reunite.

However, good times are always short-lived, and a close friend of Yan Chengxu inadvertently revealed a shocking fact in an interview - it turns out that Yan Chengxu is still single and unmarried.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

This explosive news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which made Lin Chiling's expectations and longing come to naught in an instant.

After learning that Yan Chengxu had been hiding the truth from him, Lin Chiling's trust and tolerance for this relationship had reached the limit, and it became the last line of vulnerability that caused her to collapse emotionally.

The long-standing friendship was shattered in an instant, and she finally made up her mind to bid farewell to the person who had deceived her repeatedly.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Looking back on that relationship, the relationship between Lin Chiling and Yan Chengxu can be said to have gone through ups and downs. Everything seemed to foreshadow their eventual outcome - in the end, they chose to break up.

Fourth, the parting of life and death is grief-stricken

That friend's unintentional words were like a ruthless blade, mercilessly tearing apart Lin Chiling's last trace of expectation for this relationship.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

She could never have imagined that after spending 17 years together, Yan Chengxu would always hide his true identity and status from her. At that moment, Lin Chiling's heart was full of shock, pain, and endless disappointment.

Looking back on the past, they used to love each other so deeply that they didn't say anything. Lin Chiling wholeheartedly cared for and cherished this feeling, and unreservedly entrusted her sincerity to Yan Chengxu.

The same is true for Cheng Xu, who interprets their firm belief in love with practical actions.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

They have walked through countless days and nights in their lives hand in hand, and have gone through a period of difficult and difficult days together. Whether they are facing the crazy chase of the paparazzi, the fierce criticism of public opinion, or the opposition of the family, they all grit their teeth and insist, and prove the preciousness of this relationship with their actions.

However, when Lin Chiling was full of confidence and ready to devote herself to this emotional entanglement, Yan Chengxu suddenly said such heartbreaking words, completely shattering her last illusion about this relationship.

Faced with such a deep emotional bond with Yan Chengxu, Lin Chiling naturally had countless hesitations and struggles. She even tried to convince herself that Yan Chengxu didn't deliberately hide it.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

However, the cruel reality was like a resounding slap in the face, which made her completely sober.

The pain, anger, and disappointment in her heart churned in Lin Chiling's heart like a volcanic eruption, and she could no longer bear the complete collapse of this trust. How many secrets this man still hid, she couldn't guess.

Lin Chiling faced a sudden major blow and fell into a deep quagmire of sadness. She had poured all her heart and soul into this precious affection, but she had received such a heart-wrenching result that the pain in her heart could not be described in words.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

In the face of nearly 17 years of emotional process, Lin Chiling once had high hopes and worked hard to cultivate and work hard, but now, all beautiful fantasies have turned into bubbles, and her expectations for love have been shattered in an instant, and her heart is as painful as a knife.

In this predicament, Lin Chiling is determined to make the most decisive decision - to break up with Yan Chengxu. Although this decision left her devastated, life still needs to go on, and she can only muster up the courage to embrace a new future.

5. Reborn in adversity and challenge new roles

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Just when Lin Chiling was completely desperate for love, an unexpected turning point quietly came - the appearance of Ryohei Kurosawa opened a new chapter in her life. Maybe this is the arrangement of fate, maybe it is just a momentary impulse and confusion, after experiencing the pain of parting with Yan Chengxu, Lin Chiling finally chose to accept and embrace a new married life with Ryohei Kurosawa.

In June 2019, a news that shook the entire entertainment industry spread quickly - Lin Chiling tied the knot with little-known Japanese actor Ryohei Kurosawa. The combination of this seemingly unrelated couple has undoubtedly sparked countless speculations and heated discussions from the outside world.

Getting back up from a broken dream is not an easy task for Lin Chiling. She needs to start a new life, to a strange country, and to integrate into a new environment and social circle.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

In order to support her husband's career, she needs to cross the ocean frequently, and while she is physically and mentally exhausted, she also has to take on the responsibilities of a wife.

And the biggest pressure comes from the expectations of marriage and family for Lin Chiling's fertility. According to Japanese traditional culture, you should have children as soon as possible after marriage, but it is not easy for Lin Chiling, who has entered middle age, to realize this wish.

Only three years have passed, and Lin Chiling still has not been able to get her wish, and the pressure she is under as a wife can be imagined. Faced with her inner contradictions and struggles, she had no choice but to firmly try to adapt to her new role step by step.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Although the turmoil around her constantly questioned Lin Chiling's marriage decision, she seems to have strengthened her faith and faced all the problems and tests with great courage.

After that dreamy night of beauty, she will surely explore new and far-reaching meanings and life values in the trivial things of daily life.

Sixth, carrying the mission is deeply trapped in guilt and depression

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Nowadays, whenever the topic of married life is mentioned, Lin Chiling can always have a bright smile on her sculpted and noble face. In public, she made no secret of her inner joy and contentment, proudly declaring her husband's deep affection for her, and their feelings were still as sweet as their first love.

However, the look of exhaustion hidden in the depths of those clear eyes revealed her true inner world. As a 43-year-old wife, Lin Chiling is trying her best to adapt and play this new role, but the burden of guilt, tiredness, and helplessness is always haunting her heart.

For countless sleepless nights, Lin Chiling always had doubts about the correctness of the decision to leave Yan Chengxu. This deep relationship that has lasted for nearly 17 years, she mustered all the courage to give up.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

Now, she has stepped into a new marriage hall, but she still can't completely let go of the past. In the depths of her heart, Lin Chiling can't give a positive answer to whether Lin Chiling made a wise choice, whether she made the right choice for herself, and whether she really paid a complete rebirth for love.

In addition to the guilt that plagues her all the time, the responsibility and pressure of being a wife are like a thousand pounds of boulders on Lin Chiling's shoulders. In a foreign land, she needs to take on the responsibility of building a new family on her own, and it is no easy task to integrate into an unfamiliar environment and social circle.

The greater pressure comes from the constraints of cultural traditions, and Lin Chiling, as a Japanese daughter-in-law, must realize her expectations of childbirth as soon as possible. However, time flies, she has entered the threshold of 43 years old, and the road to becoming a mother is undoubtedly full of hardships.

Why did Lin Chiling give up Yan Chengxu, who had been in love for many years? exposed the cold point and gradually crushed Lin Chiling

In the face of such tremendous pressure, Lin Chiling had no choice but to bear this heavy cross silently. In this way, every time she takes a step forward, she is burdened with the guilt left by the past and the helplessness brought by her wife's new role.

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