
If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings

author:Sister Qiao talks about emotions

It is said that turnip greens have their own love, everyone will have their own strengths, and everyone has a shining point.

Therefore, there will be more or less a few crushes behind everyone, in fact, people's feelings cannot be hidden, even if they have a crush on a person, they will show it.

So when someone has a crush on you, you can easily detect it, because if someone has a crush on you, you will have three feelings, the first of which is the feeling of being embraced.

When someone has a crush on you, you will find that no matter what decision you make, there is always someone around you to support you, even if it is wrong, there are people standing by your side and silently giving you encouragement.

The second is the feeling of being cared for, unconsciously, there is one more person around who often cares about and cares for himself, often asks himself anything, will seek his own opinions, and will care about your warmth and coldness.

Such a person definitely has other feelings for you, not just friends, over time, you will find that even other people around you have noticed it, because such a like is really too blatant.

Finally, the feeling of being treated gently, in fact, liking a person will become particularly gentle, even if it is only a simple sentence or two, it will be expressed in the most gentle way, just like you like a person, you are absolutely the most gentle to him.

So when you have these three feelings, don't question your intuition, there are really people around you who are silently liking you, if you also like him, then you must learn to take the initiative, maybe the next second you can start sweet love.

If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings

If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings

The feeling of being championed

In fact, people who like you will not hesitate to support you, because if you fall in love with someone, your IQ will decline.

Just like you watch many idol dramas, obviously the starring role is not so attractive in your opinion, and even you will feel that the supporting roles are more excellent, but the people in the TV series often only like the people who are surrounded by the aura of the protagonist. In fact, it is the same in daily life.

When you like a person, you will subconsciously stand behind the other person, and you will support him in whatever decision the other party makes, just like chasing stars.

A person who does not hesitate to support you and always stands behind you, then this person must like you very much, and there is no need to question it at all.

If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings

The feeling of being cared for

What does it look like to care about a person? Probably there are many people in this world, and there are only a few who can warm you.

Maybe all she can say to you is to say hello and how you're doing? Did you eat or not? Have you taken care of yourself? But behind such simple language, it is full of care, a person who really likes you, he will put you first, he will care about everything about you, will pay attention to your dynamics.

When you feel that someone is caring, then someone is quietly liking you, at this time you are actually very happy, if you want, you can turn around and embrace your happiness.

If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings

The feeling of being treated gently

Maybe everyone has been treated gently!

But when being treated gently by others, I always feel that the most sincere emotion in this world is gentleness.

The reason why love is believed by people and pursued by people is because two people who love each other can be gentle with each other, and when they encounter difficulties, the other party will be your pillar, and in ordinary days, it will add some color to your life.

Therefore, the first feeling of liking a person is gentleness, a kind of gentleness from the heart. But you feel this gentle treatment, which proves that there must be someone around you who is silently waiting for you, hoping that you will live happily, hoping that you will be happy.

If you have a crush on the opposite sex around you, there will be these feelings


Love is such a thing, do not have to have to be happy, many times, silently look at the person you like, as long as he can live happily, even if it has nothing to do with himself, it is also good.

To learn to be gentle with the people around you, not everyone has the courage to tell you that he likes you, and many emotions you just need to feel.

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