
How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

How can an impetuous child calm down and study? This is really a headache for parents and a topic that makes teachers bother.

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

The cause of the formation of impetuous children

Behind every problem child, there must be a problem family, a problem parent. There really is some truth to this sentence. Looking at the growth of a child, what kind of personality attitude the child will form, the style of speaking and doing things, in addition to the child's natural side, the growth environment of the acquired original family, the parents' words and deeds will have a greater impact on the child.

In daily life, if parents belong to the dragonfly in everything, do things with tigers and tails, no rules, and the type of fast, then in the attitude towards children, such parents will also lack patience, lack of companionship, and the education of children belongs to the heat and cold fast, there is no end. Children who grow up under the influence of such a family atmosphere do not have a good mentality and habits, and their impetuous personality is naturally cultivated.

Ways and measures to let children quiet down and learn

Analyzing the reasons for the formation of children's problems, it is inseparable from family education, so parents must first reflect. Parents should actively change themselves, change bad behavior, set a good example for their children everywhere, and do things in an impatient and orderly manner. The attitude towards children should be calm and calm, and the spring wind and rain should be transformed. At the same time, we must pay attention to the companionship of children, pay attention to children's emotional changes, and carry out timely guidance, so that children can slowly learn to calm down. In addition to psychologically quieting the child, you can also cultivate the child's hobbies, so that the child can learn the ability to self-meditate in participating in these activities.

For example, painting, calligraphy, chess, embroidery and other activities that require attention. Sports are also a good choice, so that children can consume physical energy, release stress, and calm their emotions. Calm and naturally cool. Children do not have the phenomenon of impetuousness, concentration of work, a wide range of interests and hobbies, high enthusiasm for learning, and the learning effect is naturally good. Learning well, getting the recognition and affirmation of parents, teachers and classmates, further promoting the child's enthusiasm and enthusiasm for learning, making him fall in love with learning is a natural thing.

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

If it is a kindergarten child, it is normal for him to be impetuous and lively, and if he calms down, it is not right, it may be a physical condition, or he may be doing "bad things". So this age of children have such characteristics is not a disadvantage, do not worry too much, but it can indicate that he went to primary school, junior high school is also impetuous, calm down, it will be trouble, advantages become shortcomings, you have to be careful. We may wish to start with the kindergarten to cultivate the habit of children to focus on doing things, with this habit will be good for future school.

If he is a schoolboy, he is impetuous and lively to see when. If it is an activity, there is nothing wrong with it, it must be that children still need a little tao. If it's class or homework, that's the problem. If it lasts for a long time and "does not change" and is "repeatedly taught", it should be treated in two situations. The first is what people call "ADHD", which is a disease that must be seen by doctors and experts and treated symptomatically. The second is the "problem" that the teacher's parents say, which seems to be difficult to treat. Judging from my teaching experience of more than thirty years, children cannot get used to it.

In the school, the teacher ignored him and did it according to the rules of the classroom, "strict teacher out of high disciple". At home, the parents are not accustomed to him, according to the rules of the family, yes, see clearly, it is the rules of the family. "No rules, no squares." Rules are very important, and once established, they must be strictly enforced. Anything that is not implemented, or that is not consistently executed, has not worked well or has no effect. You don't expect your child to sit still and learn.

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

If he is a junior high school student, he is impetuous and lively, let's talk about his performance in class. Two days a day, two festivals a day, that's occasional, open a glance and close your eyes, talk more to annoy children. If it is often, it is indeed a problem to let the teacher "invite" the parents. What to do? Do you rely on school teachers? slow! There are so many students in the class, if there is only one such student, he can't make a big wave, if it is two or more, broken, the discipline and class style of this class will be affected. What do you say teachers do?

Softly speaking and reasoning, generally can not play the effect of "moisturizing and silent"; punishment, the risk is too great, and there will be a danger of losing the job bowl if you don't get it right. Then rely on parents, it is also difficult! The child has become like this, it is already a bad habit, and it is very laborious to correct. Parents have to be gracious and give, soft and hard, find ways to persevere, do not make chickens fly and jump, but also experience a splash and a splash. If there is an effect or even the child gets better, congratulations, you have become an "education expert".

If you are a high school student, such a habit can no longer be described as "faulty". He was so old that he could no longer prevaricate with the fact that the child was still young and playful. He did this, which can be regarded as specialized. Because high school students should be sensible and have strong self-control, but in reality, such high school students are not in the minority. What to do? The hard tube hurts both (teachers and students, children and parents), regardless of regrets.

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

I think if you let your child step down to learn, it is best to start from the time when the child is young. Guide your child to read. Teach children to read early, after literacy, take children to the library without any problem, especially on weekends and holidays, treat this as routine work, and slowly children will get used to it. Parents accompany their children to read together, each reading their own, after reading the book, go home and share the content of the book with the child, not only strengthen the parent-child relationship, but also gradually exercise the child's summary and generalization ability and language expression ability. At the same time, take advantage of the opportunity to travel to various places to find a library and quietly appreciate the charm of books.

At home, keep books in the place where you can see, don't be confused, even in the bathroom, you can also prepare a book. Slowly, children take reading as a habit, as long as children who like to read are children who are willing to learn. Learn an instrument. Whether it is a piano, violin or what instrument, the child begins to learn at the age of 5 or 6, because the learning process needs to learn music theory knowledge, memorize musical scores, but also practice over and over again, in the process of practice, the coordination and flexibility of the fingers have been used to exercise, and as long as you persist, you can also hone the child's endurance and perseverance, it can be said that children who play the piano from an early age can sit still, and the academic performance will not be too bad.

To develop a sports hobby, it is best to have a little technical content, such as playing table tennis, badminton or swimming. In sports competitions, children's attention will be highly concentrated, physical strength and perseverance will be well exercised, but also to cultivate a sense of competition, improve physical fitness. Subtle effects. Thinking is the beacon to guide action, no matter how big or small, parents should establish the correct three views when the child is a child, from the parents' words and deeds to teach the importance of unconsciously instilling knowledge, respect knowledge, love learning, strict requirements for children, so that children from an early age to develop good learning habits, lay a solid foundation.

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?


I don't know how old the child is, if the primary school stage, you can put down the academic performance a little, the cultivation of habits is more important, learning habits, thinking habits, ability training, sense of responsibility, etc., you can appropriately let him do some housework, help adults do work, cultivate a sense of responsibility, but also let him understand that he is an independent person, not a baby who needs parents for everything. With a sense of responsibility, there is motivation to learn; with the ability in all aspects, there is greater self-confidence. A child, must not let him only study, do nothing else, as long as the grades are good, everything is good, this is a must-have thought.

Impetuousness is a common disease of children, children have unlimited energy, need to release, can let him play when he should play, when he calm down to learn, calm down. Take it slowly, start asking from 5 minutes or 10 minutes, develop habits, and have the motivation and desire to learn in his heart, and he will see results. If the middle and high school children are still impetuous, then ask him about his life goals, if not, now start to think about what kind of life he wants to live, what aspects he is interested in, what are his strengths?

Of course, the goal is not set in stone, can be adjusted with time to change, the key is that only with a sense of purpose, he can calm down and face boring learning. In this kind of middle school entrance examination, about half of the people will not be able to go to high school, so the middle school entrance examination system is that this society classifies people and selectively gives what kind of resources and benefits to what kind of people, and it is the mechanism for the state to select talents. Let the child understand this truth, let him think about what kind of category he wants to be classified into, what kind of resources he wants to get, and ultimately what kind of life he wants to get?

How to make an impetuous child calm down and learn?

Finally, parents are only guides, can only suggest guidance, it is impossible to help children plan, can not be mandatory, it is impossible to accompany children for a lifetime, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, sometimes, some things are forced to come, go with the flow, is the best way to adapt to the times.

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