
These daily comic actions are actually very dangerous, parents should not do it again!

Children are innocent and cute, teasing them can be said to be the biggest hobby of parents, but playing and playing, teasing, or "safety" as the first premise! Because some of the ways you think are full of love, there may be hidden dangers!

Throw high

It is very common to play with babies in this way, and it is also said that it can exercise your baby's guts. First, this statement is not scientific. Secondly, under the action of acceleration, the impact force of the baby when it falls down is very large, not only may it damage the adult's hand, but the adult's finger may also poke the baby. In case you don't pick up your baby... The consequences are truly unimaginable.

These daily comic actions are actually very dangerous, parents should not do it again!

Pinch your little face

Frequent pinching of the baby's face may stimulate the secretion of salivary glands, aggravate the situation of drooling, and more likely to lead to skin damage, redness, and rashes, often called "saliva rash". In addition, the parotid glands and mumps ducts of infants and young children are squeezed again and again, which is very easy to cause diseases such as oral mucositis in babies.

Ride a big horse

Many parents will put their children on their necks, and then grab the baby's little feet and walk forward, and the baby will grab the parent's hair. This kind of action is also very dangerous, a baby under two years old, the grasping ability is not strong, the balance of the body is not well controlled, it is easy to fall back because of the inability to sit still. When planted from the shoulder of the parent, the head must land first, and if the parent does not react in time, the baby will be injured.

These daily comic actions are actually very dangerous, parents should not do it again!

Circle in circles

Holding your child's hands or neck to play "circle", this game seems to be fun, but it is actually very dangerous. When we pull the child's hands hard with our hands, it is easy to cause the child's hands to dislocate. If you don't hold your child back during the turn, it's easy to get them to fall to the ground or hit a surrounding obstacle.

Laugh at your baby too much

For example, it is not advisable to make the baby laugh passively for a long time by tickling. Such a small baby's muscle coordination ability is insufficient, if the laughter time is too long, it may lead to the baby's lack of oxygen, serious or even suffocation.

These daily comic actions are actually very dangerous, parents should not do it again!

In addition, there are many behaviors that seem to be funny babies, but are actually "pit babies"! For example, let the baby open his mouth to pick up things, play with small toys for the child, shake the child hard, use chopsticks to dip wine to taste the baby, scare the baby "your mother doesn't want it"... The above behaviors, although they may not seem inconspicuous, are absolutely not to be done. Nothing is lucky, there is no regret is too late, tease the child, coax the child to be moderate, do not turn love into harm! I really understand the baby, I understand you more about the baby!

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