
The Nationalist army was superior, but for the first time there was a whole division uprising, and this Dian army was forced to rebel by Chiang Kai-shek

At the beginning of the war for the northeast, the Nationalist army landed from Qinhuangdao and fought all the way from Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, Shenyang, Siping, changchun, and to the south bank of the Songhua River. Lin Biao's Northeast Democratic Coalition Army was seriously injured after the Siping Defense Battle, and many troops lost their combat capabilities. At one point, the central authorities planned to abandon Harbin and turn to the countryside again to fight guerrillas. At this time, the national army can be said to have taken full advantage. However, it was at this time that there was an uprising of the 184th Division, which was the first uprising of the whole division in the history of the Nationalist Army, and the reasons behind it were actually very complicated, and it was related to Chiang Kai-shek's continuous faint moves.

After our army was defeated and retreated to the north bank of the Songhua River, in order to contain the strength of the Nationalist army, the Liaodong Military Region decided to take advantage of the weakness of the Liaonan Nationalist army to launch the Anhai Campaign. At this time, the Nationalist 184th Division in the Southern Liaoning region was scattered and stationed at the strongholds along the Anshan, Haicheng, Dashiqiao, and Yingkou railways. Our army launched a fierce attack on Anshan on May 23 and captured Anshan on the 25th. On the 27th, the siege of Haicheng was completed, and on the 28th, an attack was launched. On the 29th, Pan Shuoduan, commander of the 184th Division, sent someone to contact our army to revolt. On the surface, the 184th Division had no intention of fighting again after being besieged, but in fact, it was not so simple.

The Nationalist army was superior, but for the first time there was a whole division uprising, and this Dian army was forced to rebel by Chiang Kai-shek

The 184th Division was in a hurry, not because Du Yuming did not save it, but because Chiang Kai-shek made a faint move

Previously, because of the problem of attacking Changchun, Du Yuming and Sun Liren had a quarrel. Du Yuming ordered Liao Yaoxiang and Sun Liren to attack Changchun, and the advanced Changchun people were awarded 1 million Northeast circulation coupons. However, when Liao Yaoxiang's troops set out, Sun Liren's troops had just fought siping, and they had been fighting continuously for more than a month and needed to rest, and no matter what, they could not catch up with Liao Yaoxiang. Sun Liren felt that Du Yuming was unfair and did not accept the order to pursue forward. During the Anshan and Haicheng crises, Du Yuming ordered Sun Liren to assemble in Liaoyang by May 26 and go to relieve the siege, but Sun Liren was still unwilling to accept it.

On May 23, Chiang Kai-shek went to Shenyang for inspection, and Sun Liren complained to Chiang Kai-shek, who asked him to take a three-day vacation to recuperate.

Du Yuming was very surprised to hear this, and said to Jiang: "In this way, There will be chaos in Anshan and Haicheng, and Shenyang will also be in danger." Jiang replied, "It doesn't matter, I think the 184th Division can hold on." ”

In this way, Sun Liren's vanguard troops only arrived in Liaoyang on May 28, and only after the whole army was assembled on May 29 did they send a division south to Anshan. By this time, the 184th Division had already revolted in Haicheng. This missed fighter plane has to be said to be Chiang Kai-shek's masterpiece.

The Nationalist army was superior, but for the first time there was a whole division uprising, and this Dian army was forced to rebel by Chiang Kai-shek

The deep cause of the 184th Division's uprising was Chiang Kai-shek's contradictions with local forces

Of course, the 184th Division was by no means a greedy and life-threatening unit. This Dian army was Long Yun's unit, and in the War of Resistance Against Japan, it followed the general of the Dian Army, Lu Han, to the north and south of the great river, participated in the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Changsha, and later transferred to gannan and western Yunnan.

However, in these battles, chiang kai-shek also experienced his disregard for the "miscellaneous troops". When the 184th Division arrived at Taierzhuang, the Tang Enbo Department of the Central Army withdrew without any handover, and the Dian Army fought the Japanese army on the east bank of the canal for 50 days and nights. After completing the mission, he was transferred to Xuzhou, and on the way, he only saw the weapons discarded by the Nationalist army, but did not see a single person. After more than 20 days of night marching, the Dian army reached Zhoujiakou in Henan and broke out of the Japanese encirclement, during which the Central Army had no support.

The 184th Division was transferred to the northeast in May 1946 from Haiphong, Vietnam.

Prior to this, Chiang Kai-shek hated the semi-independent state of Yunnan to the bone and had been looking for an opportunity to solve the local forces, so he played a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Under the pretext of sending troops to Vietnam to accept the surrender of the Japanese army, the then chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Government of the Nationalist Government asked Lu Han, the general of the Dian Army, to lead the Fifty-second Army, sixty Army, and Ninety-third Army into Vietnam. After Lu Han left, only a gendarmerie regiment and a guard brigade were left in Kunming. In Kunming, however, Chiang Kai-shek had the Fifth Army, the 207th Division, four regiments of the Yunnan Airport Garrison Headquarters, and the 13th Gendarmerie Regiment, and other units, which were absolutely superior in strength.

The Nationalist army was superior, but for the first time there was a whole division uprising, and this Dian army was forced to rebel by Chiang Kai-shek

On September 30, 1945, Chiang Kai-shek, under the pretext of promoting Long Yun to the position of president of the Military Senate of the Military Commission, dismissed him from his posts as chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Government and asked him to take up a post in Chongqing. Chiang Kai-shek expected that Long Yun would not agree, and had already arranged for Du Yuming to make armed equipment. In the morning, Du Yuming sent troops to seize the outer stronghold of Kunming and surrounded Long Yun's house. Long Yun escaped from the back door and ran to Wuhua Mountain, the seat of the provincial government. Under the pressure of Du Yuming's force, and at the same time Chiang Kai-shek sent Song Ziwen, then president of the Executive Yuan, to personally persuade Long Yuncai to leave Kunming and take up a post in Chongqing. However, Long Yun was placed under house arrest after arriving in Chongqing.

Japan had just surrendered, and the whole country was celebrating victory. Chiang Kai-shek eliminated a highly influential local warlord by force without any reason, and the Dian army could not accept it emotionally. And after the 184th Division arrived in the northeast, it was scattered in the front of the Nationalist army, which was equivalent to using it as cannon fodder, and the troops were full of complaints. Chiang Kai-shek's move of eating Long Yun to move the tiger away from the mountain seems to be clever, but in fact it lays the foundation for future changes in the situation in northeast China.

The Nationalist army was superior, but for the first time there was a whole division uprising, and this Dian army was forced to rebel by Chiang Kai-shek

The impact of the Haicheng Uprising was enormous

The uprising telegram issued by the 184th Division exposed Chiang Kai-shek's crimes of sabotaging the peace agreement and taking the initiative to provoke war. It has aroused strong repercussions among the democratic parties and has won the support of public opinion in our army. At the same time, it also won the initiative for the ongoing negotiations on the Northeast Armistice. The uprising of the 184th Division caused great shock within the Nationalist army, especially the Dian army units in the Nationalist army, and there was a general reluctance to fight a civil war. In the later battles to liberate the northeast, many Generals of the Dian Army revolted. Even Long Yun and Lu Han also electrified the uprising, hastening the collapse of Chiang Kai-shek's regime.

After the fall of Anshan and Haicheng, the gateway to Shenyang was wide opened. The Nationalists had to transfer back the troops who had been preparing to attack Harbin from the north to attack southern Manchuria. In this way, the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army gained a chance to breathe, and Chiang Kai-shek also missed the best opportunity to seize the northeast. Moreover, the front line of the nationalist army from the south to the north was too long, and it was neither easy to supply, nor could it be taken care of in the first place. This created an opportunity for them to be broken by our army in the future.

After the uprising, the 184th Division was organized into the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and Pan Shuoduan successively served as the commander of the army, the deputy commander of the Northeast Nenjiang Military Region, and the deputy chief of staff of the First Corps of the Northeast People's Liberation Army.

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