
"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

In Sun Guoting's "Book Genealogy", it is said: "When the ancients were not obedient, the present is not the same. ”

We are accustomed to comparing history to a long river, and calligraphy is like a part of the long river, constantly moving and constantly updating. It is precisely because of this that Chinese calligraphy has been able to produce many classics of different styles in each period, including some exemplary calligraphers. However, throughout the ages, whether people have commented on calligraphy or painting, including other traditional techniques, there is a very obvious common feature, that is, "thick ancient and thin", this phenomenon is inevitable and has been passed down to this day.

Xie Wuliang has always been a controversial calligrapher in the book world, and some people say that his words are disorderly and uncompromising "ugly books"; others say that his words are unique and return to the basics, so he is known as "baby body". Chiang Kai-shek once threw a total of 500 million yuan to buy the articles he wrote, and Chairman Mao even threw a feast, personally received him, and left an intimate group photo. What ability did Xie Wuliang have to make the two giants treat each other like this?

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

It is reported that Xie Wuliang has been diligent and studious since childhood, and his poems and books are familiar. He could memorize Tang poems at the age of three, compose poems independently at the age of six, and read the Five Classics at the age of nine, and was even known as a "child prodigy" in the local area.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

His life was bumpy, he traveled for the first time as a teenager, traveled thousands of miles, accidentally encountered the Boxer Rebellion, witnessed the people's livelihood in the north, and faced the increasing fragmentation of the great rivers and mountains, he had the ambition to save the nation from peril.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

At that time, in addition to the youthful courage, he also used his own enthusiasm into sharp words to expose the darkness of that society.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Scared? Of course I'm afraid! In that world where people are murderous and can be put to death with a single word, fear is everywhere, but he is not afraid of the powerful and carries justice to the end.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

He worked as an editor, a teacher, and a revolutionary career, but unfortunately he had a bad fate, and after the death of Sun Yat-sen, he was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek and ruthlessly monitored. Since then, he has been selling words for a living, and once won the name of "half a social activist" because the Kuomintang did not elect Chiang Kai-shek when the Kuomintang was electing president at that time, and he voted for the right one.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was invited to serve as the director of the West Sichuan Museum and the librarian of the Sichuan Research Museum of Culture and History.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Xie Wuliang is an innovator in the field of calligraphy and a pioneer of calligraphy innovation. His knot body rises spontaneously, unrestrained, and his pen is like a flowing stream, full of natural interest, which is completely a natural outpouring of skill and cultivation after reaching the realm of pure fire, and it is definitely not intentional, so it is known as the "child body" of returning to the truth and has been recognized by everyone.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Yu Youren was very impressed with his calligraphy, saying that he was a "dry wood body", with a straight pen and a special charm, which was influenced by Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty. Shen Yinmo also praised: "Immeasurable calligraphy, the elegance of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the majestic style of the next generation, the strength of the pen, the beauty and freshness." ”

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Xie Wuliang, like Wu Yuru, Qi Gong, Lin Sanzhi and others, never called himself a calligrapher, he considered himself to be just a scholar, and he used calligraphy and poetry as a way to express his mind.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

He and Lu Xun are the same type of "calligraphers", their calligraphy seems to be not paying attention to the law, and those intriguing things are naturally and randomly revealed from between the lines, and it is the learning, talent and super-understanding of the essential characteristics of calligraphy that have made their calligraphy.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Looking at his writings, he could not see his ancestors at a glance, and when he repeatedly experienced it, he found that he had inherited the vivid charm of Jin Ti and the simple nature of the calligraphy of the Northern and Southern Dynasties inscriptions, and was also influenced by some Shen Zengzhi calligraphy.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

His calligraphy is not a word of sinister, out of leisure, but also strong and clear, qi YuXuan. "Canglang Poetry" said: "The people of the Tang Dynasty are only interested." Antelope hangs its horns and has no trace to seek. Therefore, its wonderful point, thorough and exquisite, can not be docked. Like the sound of the air, the color of the picture, the moon in the water, the image in the mirror, the words are endless and the meaning is endless. ”

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

It is not impossible to use this passage to explain Xie Wuliang's calligraphy, although from the perspective of "law", there are also many places in his works that are written as a body, but when he hangs his works together with Shen Yinmo and Deng Sanmu, who pay attention to the law everywhere and pay attention to the history of the pen, he still feels that at a higher level and meaning, the contrast gap is indeed more obvious.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek's sixtieth birthday, signaled air force commander Zhou Zhi Rouhuarun to pay 300 million yuan to thank Wuliang for a shouwen. Although he and Chiang Kai-shek's personality were incompatible, in the face of such an expensive penrunning fee, Xie Wuliang was moved, so he copied the three events of Chiang Kai-shek's establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, the Battle of the Northern Expedition, and the War of Resistance Against Japan, and who expected Chiang Kai-shek to be very happy after reading it. Commented on it as: "Capitalizer". Later, he asked Xie Wuliang to write Shou Ping, but at this time Xie Wuliang resigned on the grounds that he could not write a letter. Zhou Zhirou also donated 200 million yuan as a polishing pen for writing Shouping, xie Wuliang smiled and accepted it before he waved it.

Afterwards, his friend criticized Xie Wuliang for being unprincipled, but he said to his friend: "He paid for Shouwen, and I didn't recognize it when I went out." Everyone is doing business, going to and from the mall, and so on. "It turned out that Xie Wuliang didn't like to stamp his writing."

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

In the 1950s, Xie Wuliang attended the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference as a special representative of non-party democrats and was invited to Beijing. Chairman Mao personally received him and was very courteous. He also talked to him about the book from where he came from, leaving a precious group photo.

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

So much so that after Xie Wuliang returned to Sichuan from Beijing, he once said to people: "I have received the courtesy and preferential treatment of the two great leaders in my life, I have seen Dr. Sun Yat-sen in my early years, and I can be with Chairman Mao in my later years, and I feel very lucky." ”

"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!
"The most controversial calligrapher in history" Xie Wuliang, the child body was actually criticized as an "ugly book"!

Everyone said that looking at the immeasurable calligraphy, the comments would be polarized. People who like him will feel that he is different and relaxed. On the contrary, it will be blindly degraded, because it should be a place to put a foot, and he replaces it with a long point; some strokes should be connected, and he writes fragments, which makes many people difficult to understand.

How do you feel about Xie's immeasurable calligraphy? Leave your opinion in the comments section!


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