
Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

The real goal of education is to make children happy and parents at ease

Nagging and preaching is counterproductive

As a parent, we must learn to face problems with our children and learn to respect their children's ideas, which is the best upbringing for children

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Recently received a lot of private messages from parents, I looked at it and found that most parents have the same problem

That is, children are disobedient, like to work against people everywhere, procrastinate in doing things, and do not seek progress in learning

Carefully studying the parent-child routine described by most parents, I found that the children have parents who have these manifestations

In the process of parenting, it is generally like to say something that negates the child, commands the child, and nags the child

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

The famous psychologist Susan Foward wrote in the book "Poisoned Parents":

"Children don't distinguish between facts and jokes, they believe what their parents say about themselves and turn them into their own ideas."

For children, every word and deed of their parents seriously affects their cognition and behavior

Maybe a sentence you inadvertently said has deeply affected your child's life

The Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other institutions have jointly released the "Blue Book for Teenagers"

Among them, it is pointed out that the following 5 sentences, the more parents say, the more disgusted the child is


Hurry up and study/write homework to go

Like to urge children to write homework or study, is a common problem of many parents

Some parents have even reached the point where they are inexplicably mad when they see their children playing there, fearing that their children will fall behind others

There are also some parents whose children are slower in rhythm, and they are anxious

As a result, the more parents urge, the more rebellious the child is, and the less they want to learn

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

Why is that?

To figure this out, parents need to learn to think differently

When you start from the child's point of view, you will find out

The so-called urging seems to be good for the child, but it always reveals two other information:

One is distrust of the child, as if you do not urge, the child himself will not write homework, will not study

The second is that it will make the child feel that the parents just like the me who studies seriously and writes homework seriously, rather than the original me

Once the child forms such a cognition, he is bound to resent the parent's words

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

As a parent, the best way is to make an agreement with your child in advance

The time for studying each day and the time for doing homework are arranged in advance, and the rest of the time is left to the child's discretion

This can not only exercise the child's self-discipline ability, but also make the parent-child relationship more harmonious


You look at people XXX / learn other people is good or not

A few days ago, a friend told me about such a case:

A mother always hates her child's homework grinding and rubbing, and there are many things

Every time he writes his homework, the child either has to go to the toilet or drink water

As a result, the mother often scolded the child:

"Why do you have so many things, do you see that other students are like this?"

How do I put on a you, other people's children have good grades, and they are so conscious of learning, why don't you learn from others? ”

Unexpectedly, once the child scolded her back: "You envy other people's children, and I still envy other people's mothers."

Other people's mothers are beautiful and capable, and have their own careers, even if you know every day to stare at me."

The child's words suddenly made the mother dumb

Indeed, she was much worse than those mothers, which made her feel very sad

Remembering that she usually compared her children with others, she realized how cruel and annoying she usually was

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

There are not a few such parents in life

They always think that comparison will make children realize their own shortcomings and take the initiative to learn from others

But forget that such a comparison will not only not motivate children, but will make children feel inferior

Even gradually lost himself, unable to find his own direction

At the same time, they will also have doubts about their parents and feel that their parents do not like themselves at all

As a parent, remember not to always take other people's standards to demand your own children, and find more of your children's shining points

Encourage the child more, as long as the child finds self-confidence, then the future will not be bad


Don't play games/can't watch TV/don't play on your phone

In the eyes of some parents, children are absolutely not allowed to touch electronic products

However, the more parents do not let play, the more likely it is for children to be curious

When parents are not allowed, not allowed, and cannot be allowed, children will have a rebellious mentality

Some parents, even playing electronics for their children, will use force to solve problems

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

In fact, electronic products also have a good side

It not only allows children to relax appropriately after learning

It can even be turned into a learning product to help children learn

How do you shield your child from the negative effects and let your child get a favorable one?

This is not something that can be solved by blind prohibition

As parents, we can do that

First of all, make an appointment with your child to have fun, such as playing 1-2 hours a week

Second, cultivate children's other interests, such as reading, sports, and so on

When children's real lives are enriched, then their chances of indulging in the virtual online world will be consciously reduced


How can you be so stupid/so useless/really not out of breath

"Belittling education" is definitely nothing new in China

Many parents like to motivate their children by belittling them, and like to call their children "stupid", "not out of breath", "what can you do"

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

When I was in junior high school, there was a classmate in the class who was always clumsy

Later, he told me that the reason why he always did things was half a beat slower than others

It is because from childhood to adulthood, parents like to belittle him

The test results were not ideal, and his parents said "How can you be so stupid"

I accidentally bumped into something at home, and my parents said to him, "You are not a pig brain, you can't do anything."

When he was in kindergarten, a classmate bullied him, and he went home to tell his father

As a result, dad said to him: "You don't have hands, are you stupid?"

After being said for a long time, he is very inferior, and every time he does things, he is afraid of not doing well, so he is slow and leisurely, but the more worried he is, the more wrong he is

Over time, he also felt that he was not smart by nature

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

Yeah, kids who are always living in the negative evaluations of their parents, it's hard not to doubt themselves

In the long run, they will lack self-confidence, be afraid to do things, and always like to choose to give up when encountering difficulties and setbacks

As a parent, you must remember not to make personal attacks on your child when she makes a mistake

Learning to do things on the spot, encouraging and guiding them appropriately, is much more useful than labeling children


What else would you do besides eating and playing?

In addition to learning, a child's life should have something else

But for some parents, as long as their children do something else, they are not happy

They think that children are not doing their jobs and are not motivated

Talking always likes to pick a thorn

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

Children and classmates play ball after school

As soon as you go home, parents like to say, "Do you play or play every day?"

Children are in a hurry to share interesting things about what happened at school with their parents

Parents split their heads and cover their faces is a basin of cold water:

"Don't study well, what mess you pay attention to every day, you think about playing in your heart can't do it"

The child finished his homework and just lay down

Parents came over and criticized

"What about lying down and playing without writing homework?"

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

To be honest, parents do not ask about the wronged children

Not only will the child feel aggrieved, but it will also cause the child's rebellion, so that they deliberately confront the parents

Don't you hate me for always playing? Since I study hard and you can't see it, then I just play it

As a parent, we must start from the facts, and if the child behaves well, we must encourage him more and give him a little more freedom

If the child does not behave well, do not criticize the child at will, control your emotions, and communicate positively with the child

For example, replace the phrase "you know to play" with "You've been playing for so long, you should study hard."

Speak peacefully, and the effect of education will be much better

Children hate the 5 sentences said by their parents the most, and parents change them as soon as possible, and the sentences poke their hearts

All said: a good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June

Parents must be cautious in words and deeds, think more empathetically, and consider their children's thoughts and feelings

Don't let your words turn into a sharp sword that stabs your child's sensitive heart.

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