
The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

The world is in a hurry, panicking, and running non-stop every day, just for a few pieces of silver.

Tear apart the true face of life, you will find that our life is a place of chicken feathers, are full of sores, all have their own indescribable tiredness.

Is it because life is hard? Do we have to suppress ourselves all the time and choose to live our lives like this?

Of course not, there is a word that is not to be called pleasure in suffering.

And often some adults do not know how to release, which eventually leads to the last straw that crushes the camel, a momentary collapse.

So, in fact, life is very hard, we still have to properly seek some fun and pursuit.

But after all, everyone's attitude towards the timely pleasure of life is different, especially between husband and wife.

Today we will talk about the husband's mortgage anxiety, the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics.

01, the origin of the matter

It happened in Taizhou, Zhejiang, and it is understood that the wife was married far away, and the mother's family was far away from here. Now a housewife, at home to handle chores and take care of the children, the husband works outside the home.

The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

Because he had to support the family and pay off the mortgage, the husband's daily pressure was very great, and now, seeing that it was time to repay the mortgage, the husband was worried about it.

Unexpectedly, when I came home and saw that my wife had spent 2,000 yuan to buy a set of cosmetics, I completely collapsed, and the two had an argument.

The husband thinks that he is working hard outside alone, but no one understands him, for his sake, he is angry, he smashed his wife's 2,000 pieces of cosmetics.

The wife also packed her bags and ran away from home.

But when the husband returned home again and found that his wife could only sit on the couch to help her daughter with her homework, he felt guilty about it, because his wife had been married far away and had nowhere to go.

The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

Eventually, the two apologize to each other and then reconcile.

But after all, there is a gap in each other's hearts, and no matter how much they can go back to the past.

02. Analyze the husband's behavior and psychology

I think for the husband, although he is very stressed, the wife's inaction, spending 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics has led to his worsening, and then can not control the emotions, a momentary collapse.

But after all, things have been bought, it is a pity that you fell, can you come back after falling money?

I think it can't.

Now that things have happened, nothing can be done now?

You are angry in vain, not to say that you are angry and hurt your body, just say that you wasted money in vain, in addition to letting us know your hard work, your pressure, what else can you have?

Why not choose to say it well?

You feel that you have worked hard outside the home and that you are working hard for this home.

The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

But your wife is also ah, the housewife is also a job, the housewife is not tired at home for a day?

If the wife works outside the home for 30 days, she still has a salary, but if she works from home, no.

Is it because you have to pay off your mortgage with you, your family has to tighten your pockets to live, can't do anything, can't buy anything, can only save money day by day to save money?

And how do you know if your wife is considerate of you? Maybe she understands that you work hard every day, and she's been saving money.

But it's human nature to love beauty, and she may have waited a long time before she finally decided to buy a set of cosmetics that she liked.

I met you when you were tough, and then you got angry.

Maybe your wife just wants to dress herself up a little nicer, let you come home, see them happy, and dress yourself well in addition to keeping your husband's heart, but also pleasing yourself.

And when you see such beautiful wives and lovely children, you should work harder, you love them, you should try to give them a better life.

03. Analyze the wife's behavior and psychology

For the wife, you should communicate with your husband more often, know how to understand him, but also have fun and pursue it.

We don't know if you've always had no worries, whether you should buy it or whether this cosmetic really waited a long time before you made up your mind.

If it is the first one, I think you should still be properly considerate of your husband's hard work.

If it's the second one, I think it's understandable. After all, life still has to be happy in suffering, then your husband's behavior will cause you to warn.

Probably because there is no one to take care of the children, there is no way, you can only be a housewife, or your personal pursuit.

I don't discriminate against housewives, but housewives are in a vulnerable position in this society, and if your husband is considerate of you, that's fine.

But if you encounter inconsiderate people, then your housewife life is not good, so for women, if there is a chance, they must have their own work and life.

The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

For women, whether you choose to get married or not, become a housewife, or work outside the home, I think you must have your own way out.

It's not that you're wary of others, it's that after you've devoted yourself to it, you've found that the results aren't as good as you thought, making it unbearable for you to get out of your way to choose another thing, and don't be stupid enough to put yourself in a dead end.

04. Opinions on the husband's mortgage repayment

Some people have also questioned the husband's mortgage repayment, since he can't afford it, don't buy it.

I remember a survey about whether young people choose a mortgage, whether you choose to fight for 30 years to buy a house, or pay the down payment first, and then pay off the mortgage for 30 years.

This question has also been discussed by us, and their answers are still fresh in my mind.

Choosing a mortgage believes that although there is pressure to repay the mortgage, it is worth it to have a place to live, a place you like, and a place to return. And she could choose to experience that right 30 years in advance.

The husband was anxious to repay the mortgage, and the wife spent 2,000 yuan to buy cosmetics, and was angrily smashed by the husband

Instead of saying that you have struggled for 30 years to buy what you liked 30 years ago, you may change your preferences with the passage of time, or that you have not enjoyed it for a few years, and people will disappear.

Coupled with the rapid appreciation of the house, maybe 30 years ago, you made a careful calculation every day, thinking that after 30 years you can buy this house, then you forget, the house will also increase in value, 30 years later, this house is still what you can't get.

So, for young people to pay this mortgage, I think it is worth it, but you still have to rely on your personal ability.

This husband should work hard to improve himself and make more money!

The hardships of life are only temporary, and we may have found it difficult to survive at that time, but after we survived, we found that there was nothing to be afraid of in the original days that could not survive.

Give it a thumbs up, may you and I both have hope and a bright future.

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