
What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

It is undeniable that after pregnancy, pregnant mothers' needs for nutrition, whether it is quality or quantity, have been improved to a certain extent, but some pregnant mothers will feel that for the fetus, they should eat more purposefully, and some pregnant mothers are because of morning sickness, they can only choose better food ~ less and fine, do not have to eat too much but can achieve the purpose. And, after all, she is pregnant, so it is also appropriate to pay a little attention to diet.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

So what foods are better to eat during pregnancy?

First, eat foods that are rich in high-quality protein

Protein is an important component of all cells and tissues of the human body, and it can be said that any important part of the body needs protein. It can be seen how important protein is to our human body, and after pregnancy, due to the participation of the fetus, the demand for protein will be more.

According to the Recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society:

Female light manual workers, the daily protein requirement before pregnancy is 65g;

Increase protein by 5 g per day in the first trimester;

Increase protein by 15 g per day in the second trimester;

Increase protein by 20g per day in the third trimester.

Chicken breast, lean meat, eggs, soy products, dairy products and other foods are rich in protein, pregnant mothers can eat more of these foods to supplement protein.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

Second, eat foods that contain calcium

We are inseparable from calcium in our daily life, and the second trimester is the peak period of fetal bone development, and it is necessary to need a lot of calcium. If the pregnant mother lacks calcium, there will be symptoms such as loose teeth and cramps in the lower legs, and it will also affect the development of fetal bones, so calcium supplementation during pregnancy is also necessary.

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends:

The intake of calcium in adults is 800-1000 mg per day;

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, it is 1000-1200 mg per day.

Milk, tahini, shrimp skin, seaweed, soy products, etc. are rich in calcium, it is recommended that pregnant mothers eat more appropriately.

However, if the pregnant mother has symptoms of calcium deficiency, it is best to consult a doctor, do not rely on food alone if you need to supplement with calcium, and usually bask in the sun to promote calcium absorption through synthetic vitamin D.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

Third, eat foods that contain iron

After pregnancy, the blood volume of pregnant mothers increased by about 30%, due to the increase in demand, pregnant mothers are prone to anemia if they do not supplement iron in time, such as dizziness, fatigue and so on.

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends:

The amount of iron required by pregnant mothers in the first trimester is 20g per day;

The daily iron required by pregnant mothers in the second trimester is 24g;

Pregnant mothers in the third trimester need 29g of iron per day.

These iron elements needed by pregnant mothers can be obtained from animal liver, chicken blood, duck blood, red meat, spinach, egg yolks and other foods.

Pregnant mothers if there is anemia, be sure to see a doctor in time, if it is mild anemia, you can eat more iron-rich foods for supplementation; if it is already moderate, it is best to supplement through iron.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

Fourth, eat foods rich in DHA

Dha equals the development of the fetus has a very important role, because dha will be involved in the development of the fetal brain and the development of fetal vision.

If you want the baby to be smart, and you want the baby to have good eyesight and good eyes, then eat more dha. Pregnant mothers are recommended to consume no less than 200 mg of Dha per day.

Eat fish 2-3 times a week, eat more walnuts, shrimp, seaweed, etc. appropriately to supplement Dhα, you can also buy pregnant women's milk powder containing DHA, and you can also supplement other nutrients.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

Fifth, eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals

At the same time, other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, lutein, zinc, iodine, etc., are indispensable for fetal development.

Pregnant mothers can eat more seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, including shellfish, cabbage, tomatoes, kiwifruit, oranges, apples, etc.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

Sixth, folic acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin found in leafy greens. Don't think that you only eat folic acid when you are trying to get pregnant, in fact, you should also eat it during pregnancy.

Folic acid can prevent fetal neural tube malformations, and in the early stages of pregnancy, if the pregnant mother's folic acid is insufficient, the fetus may develop neural tube malformations. After pregnancy, pregnant mothers need 4 times more folate than before pregnancy, that is, 400 units of folic acid need to be supplemented every day.

This content is difficult to achieve from food, so it is generally recommended that pregnant mothers eat folic acid tablets directly, but the good news is that the hospital has free folic acid distribution, and women of childbearing age can go to get it.

Generally, folic acid supplementation is good until the end of the first trimester, but the situation of each pregnant woman is different, and some pregnant mothers need to take it for a longer time, and the specific time is good according to the doctor's advice.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

The diet during pregnancy always seems to be controversial, and some people feel that pregnancy is not a disease, where there are so many foods that cannot be eaten;

There are also some people who feel that although pregnancy is not sick, it is related to the fetus in the abdomen, and eating should be paid more attention to.

Lazy mothers also feel that even if they are pregnant, they do not need to be too "pretentious" in terms of diet, but they cannot be completely ignored.

Because some foods are really not suitable for pregnant women.

Like what:

Tobacco and alcohol. Alcohol and cigarettes will have an impact on the fetus, and mainly the brain, they will damage the brain cells of the fetus, so in order to make the fetus develop better, pregnant mothers must quit smoking and alcohol.

Foods that stimulate uterine contractions. Because these foods can stimulate uterine contractions, it is easy to cause the fetus to give birth because of uterine contractions, which is a dangerous product for the fetus, so do not eat it. For example, hawthorn, barley, and papaya are such foods.

Blood-activating food. The fetus in the uterus needs to be more firmly connected to the uterine wall, if you eat blood-activating food, it may lead to their separation, which is very dangerous, pregnant women should not eat. Representative food: crab, turtle.

Pickled food. This type of food is easy to cause the fetus J-shaped, it is best not to eat.

Frozen food. Frozen food can easily cause pregnant mothers to have stomach pain, uterine contractions, and so on.

There are also some spicy, irritating, hot and cold foods that pregnant mothers should also eat less.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to fetal development, and what foods can not be eaten? Don't guess, 6 eat 5 do not eat

If you think about the fetus, you should eat more food that is good for the fetus, and at the same time do a good job of obstetric examinations and maintain a good and happy mood, so that the fetus will be better.

I'm a lazy mom, a multi-platform original author, and your support is my motivation. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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