
Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

Lao Wang opened the video number!

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Source: Running Guide (id: running_guide)

Author: Lao Wang

Lao Wang saw a piece of news.

In a park in Luoyang, Henan Province, a video of a family of three running together went viral.

In the video, a family of three is wearing parent-child sportswear, with the son running in front, the mother in the middle, and the father at the end. The family runs neatly in a straight line, with a standard and beautiful running posture, forming a beautiful scenery.

Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

The video was taken along the River Road in Yihe National Wetland Park, Yichuan County. His father, a sprinter, returned home with his wife two years ago from out of town to open a sporting goods store in the county.

Since then, he has often taken his wife and children for a run. Over time, the family of three developed a good habit of running every day.

In an interview, the father modestly said that nothing special was that he and his wife insisted on running 5 kilometers a day with their children.

Speaking of the reason, Dad simply said: accompanying you in the run.

The video has received nearly 400,000 likes, and many media and netizens have also rushed to brush the screen. They are also called "hardcore couples" by netizens.

If there is time to run with children, Lao Wang feels that this is the best kind of companionship.

How to accompany children has always been a problem for many adults, because - accompanying ≠ accompanying.

For a child, it is not much better for you to take a mobile phone and have someone to accompany him unintentionally than to be unaccompanied.

TED Talks once did an experiment:

Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

When the father wholeheartedly accompanies the child, plays with him, and laughs together, the child's eyes glow and his face is full of happiness.

When the father stopped looking at the child, turned his head to do something else, and did not respond to the child's call, the child's smile suddenly disappeared, and the feeling of helplessness rose obviously.

For children, what they need most is not a parent like a "phone holder" who has been holding a mobile phone, but a close relative who takes them out to play, listen carefully, laugh together, go crazy together, share happiness together, and overcome difficulties together.

Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

For children, the care of the mother and the encouragement of the father are as indispensable. Only children who are accompanied by their parents with love will be happy and cheerful.

Running together, sweating together, experiencing pain together, running out of health together, accompanying and encouraging each other, this is a kind of high-quality companionship!

This kind of companionship will affect the child's life.

In fact, running can also strengthen the bones of children and teenagers. Exercise in childhood increases bone density and is maintained into adulthood. This health benefit for bones can be maintained over the long term. At the same time, each 10-20 minutes of running, three days a week, can promote the development of children's bones. The significance of adolescent bone health is that it is directly related to bone health in adulthood and the prevention of diseases of old age such as osteoporosis.

Although running is a safe exercise, in order to take care of growth and development, it is still not possible to increase the amount of running too fast - after all, the biggest task of teenagers is to grow a body, not a marathon.

Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

In particular, children running with adults still need to be treated scientifically.

The function of each part of the child's body is not yet mature, from the development characteristics of the bones and muscles of 3 to 6-year-old children, the bone elasticity is large, the hardness is small, it is easy to deform, the muscle fibers are thinner, and it is easy to fatigue and damage.

In terms of breathing and circulation, children's lung capacity is relatively small, so the breathing rate is faster than that of adults in order to meet the needs of the body. A child's heart is only 1/3 of that of an adult, with a thin heart wall and a small output per beat.

Children's bodies are poorly adapted to more intense sports and cannot tolerate sports such as long-distance running and weightlifting.

Children must not be separated from the reality of children, and children should be arranged and required by adult standards.

Hardcore couples run with their 10-year-old son for 1 year: accompany their children with their hearts, and the difference is amazing after 10 years

Last year, a mother in Lao Wang's circle of friends sent out to complete the half horse with her son, although everyone felt very inspirational, but Lao Wang did not respect this kind of behavior of letting children go for endurance running.

The half marathon is 21 kilometers, which is an ultra-long endurance run for adults. Don't think that there are more people running marathons now, as if all horses are not unusual. This is not the right idea, whether it is a half horse or a full horse is already an extreme sport. Therefore, Lao Wang is very opposed to letting children run such ultra-long distances for various purposes.

Generally, for the purpose of exercising, children can slowly run one or two kilometers, two or three kilometers, and the farthest is not more than 5 kilometers. Enough for small children.

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