
Chinese cuisine: steamed five-yuan beef tendon, shiitake mushroom meat slice soup, salted duck egg steamed tofu, lychee lotus seed porridge

author:Kitchen fun

Steamed five-yuan beef tendon

Chinese cuisine: steamed five-yuan beef tendon, shiitake mushroom meat slice soup, salted duck egg steamed tofu, lychee lotus seed porridge

Ingredients: 1000 g beef tendon, 10 g dates (dried), 10 g lychee, 10 g guiyuan, 12 g lotus seeds, 12 g goji berries, 15 g chanterelles, 25 g cooking wine, 5 g salt, 50 g honey, 2 g pepper, 15 g green onion, 15 g ginger.

Procedure steps:

1, green onion and ginger beat broken, red dates washed, steamed peeled, lychee, guiyuan peeled shell wash;

2, the fresh beef tendons are cleaned, put into the pot of boiling water, then washed with water, put into the pot of cold water, boiled on the high heat, simmered with low heat until 80% rotten fished out, remove impurities, cut into 5 cm long segments, and then cut into 1 cm large strips, into the soup cup;

3: Add cooking wine, green onion, ginger, salt, honey, pepper, chicken broth 600ml and original soup, lychee, cinnamon balls, red dates, lotus seeds, goji berries, chicken fat, steam until soft glutinous, remove the green onion and ginger, 20 minutes before eating, steam the five-yuan beef trotter basket and take it out, sprinkle pepper and eat.

Shiitake mushroom meat slice soup

Chinese cuisine: steamed five-yuan beef tendon, shiitake mushroom meat slice soup, salted duck egg steamed tofu, lychee lotus seed porridge

Ingredients: 200 grams of lean pork, 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 100 grams of fresh vegetable hearts, 30 grams of cooked lard, 20 grams of water bean powder, 1.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 1 gram of pepper, 700 ml of fresh soup, salt, rice wine, soy sauce.

1, pork lean meat, water hair mushrooms, fresh vegetable hearts washed, pork cut into thin slices, water hair shiitake mushroom slices into slices, pork slices in the bowl with salt, rice wine, water bean powder mix well;

2: Put the net pot on the high heat, put the fresh soup to boil, add the pork slices and cook until eight ripe, disperse and add shiitake mushroom slices and pepper;

3: After boiling, add the heart, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and cooked lard and put it into the soup bowl to eat.

Salted duck egg steamed tofu

Chinese cuisine: steamed five-yuan beef tendon, shiitake mushroom meat slice soup, salted duck egg steamed tofu, lychee lotus seed porridge

Ingredients: 200 grams of salted duck eggs, 500 grams of tofu (north), 10 grams of dried shrimp, 5 grams of white sugar, 35 grams of lard (refined).

1, soak the tofu with water, take out and cut into small cubes, wash the dried shrimp, soak in hot water and chop softly;

2, the salted duck egg into the bowl, egg yolk egg whites separated, egg whites with chopsticks to stir, add a little sugar to mix well, then pour into the tofu, gently mix, the egg yolk into small particles, scattered on the tofu, sprinkled with crushed shrimp, add cooked lard, and then put into the steamer, steam for about six or seven minutes to eat.

Lychee lotus seed porridge

Chinese cuisine: steamed five-yuan beef tendon, shiitake mushroom meat slice soup, salted duck egg steamed tofu, lychee lotus seed porridge

Ingredients: 50 g of dried lychee meat, 10 g of yam and lotus seeds, 300 g of japonica rice.

1, the yam peeled, pounded into a mud block, lotus seeds soaked in water after peeling and peeling the heart, japonica rice washed clean, lychee meat washed;

2, put the yam puree, lotus seeds, lychee meat into the pot, boil over a low flame, skim off the foam, switch to simmering for 30 minutes, then add japonica rice, cook until the japonica rice is cooked and the soup is thick and can be eaten (1 dose per day, 30 doses even, suitable for rough skin, weakened elasticity)

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