
360 car is close to the top four domestic new forces The annual sales growth rate is explosive

From 2195 vehicles in January 2021 to 10127 units in December today, Nezha Automobile has achieved an explosive breakthrough in sales in less than a year, continuously entering the 10,000-vehicle mark and officially advancing into the first camp of new car-making forces.

360 car is close to the top four domestic new forces The annual sales growth rate is explosive

In December, Nezha Automobile delivered 10,127 units, an increase of 236% year-on-year, and in 2021, a total of 69,674 units were delivered, an increase of 362% year-on-year, becoming the top four players after "Wei Xiaoli" in the camp of new car-making forces.

Among the specific models, Nezha V has become its explosive model, with a total of 5280 units delivered in December, which is the pillar of Nezha Automobile's sales. Nezha U Pro delivered 4,847 units in December, up 62% month-on-month, once again breaking the delivery record.

360 car is close to the top four domestic new forces The annual sales growth rate is explosive

Since its listing, Nezha V has delivered more than 50,000 vehicles, becoming a hit in the 70,000-level pure electric vehicle market. At the same time, this year, Nezha Automobile also delivered Mengwa's first electric vehicle to the first batch of users- Nezha Devil Child, which also created a number of innovations involving the baby carriage camp of domestic OEMs.

In terms of research and development of technical reserves, Nezha Automobile released the industry's first, full-stack self-developed intelligent security vehicle platform - Shanhai Platform, the first model created by the platform Nezha S will also be listed at the end of 2022.

360 car is close to the top four domestic new forces The annual sales growth rate is explosive

Up to now, Nezha Automobile has 331 offline channels, involving 25 provinces and 193 cities. Among them, the number of directly operated stores has reached 70, covering 17 provinces and 28 cities;

In addition, Nezha Automobile is also an important partner of 360 to enter the automotive industry, and on October 18 last year, 360 announced that it intends to invest 2.9 billion yuan in Nezha Automobile. After the completion of this investment, the company will hold a total of 16.5940% of the equity of Nezha Automobile, becoming the second largest shareholder after the management team.

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