
【Lanzhou Tianlun Medical Q&A】There is a history of miscarriage, what should I pay attention to when preparing for pregnancy again?

In modern society, due to the open concept of sex, many women will have multiple pregnancies, multiple abortions, you know, such damage to the body is very large, and when you really want to have children, you may regret it. So, how should you prepare for pregnancy healthily after multiple abortions?

【Lanzhou Tianlun Medical Q&A】There is a history of miscarriage, what should I pay attention to when preparing for pregnancy again?

Human pregnancy is a very complex physiological change process, which is manifested in endocrine hormone increases, endometrial thickening, breast enlargement, laying the foundation for the conception of the fetus. Repeated abortion surgery can easily cause endocrine disorders and lead to irregular menstruation.

When pregnant, the uterine wall becomes soft and thin, multiple pregnancies, multiple abortion surgeries, it is easy to penetrate the soft and thin uterine wall, resulting in uterine perforation, life-threatening. With multiple consecutive abortions, the basal layer of the endometrium is repeatedly damaged, causing the functional layer to fail to grow.

Although abortion is a small operation, it is more harmful to the body of female friends, not to mention multiple abortions. Multiple abortions can lead to irregular menstruation, and in severe cases can be life-threatening. Multiple abortion surgeries often require scraping off the endometrium, and the more times you scrape, the greater the damage to the endometrium.

For example, the endometrium is a natural barrier to protect the baby's growth, and after the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, the lining around the uterus is like a large umbrella to protect the growth of the fetus. This umbrella, too thin and too thick is not good. Before that, every miscarriage would scrape off the umbrella, and after many miscarriages, the "umbrella" naturally became thinner and thinner. Can you still shield your baby from the wind and rain under the umbrella? Obviously, it's too fragile.

In addition, multiple abortions are at risk of spontaneous abortion. Recurrent abortions have a certain impact on women's neuroendocrine and reproductive function, especially for non-pregnant women, which can increase the rate of spontaneous abortion in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. It also increases the incidence of ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and postpartum haemorrhage.

【Lanzhou Tianlun Medical Q&A】There is a history of miscarriage, what should I pay attention to when preparing for pregnancy again?

Therefore, the harm of multiple abortions is very large. It is recommended to go to the hospital for a systematic examination before trying to conceive, focusing on the thickness of the endometrium. How thick is the endometrium normal? Generally speaking, the thickness of the endometrium is 0.2 cm-1 cm, so if it is thinner than 0.2 cm, it is time to pay attention to this problem.

How should I try to get pregnant after multiple miscarriages?

The reasons for infertility after artificial abortion are mainly postoperative prone to abnormal tubal patency, uterine adhesions, endometriosis, luteal insufficiency and ovulation disorders, and eventually form abnormal tubal patency (obstruction or inability), adhesions around the fallopian tubes, affecting the combination of sperm and eggs, resulting in infertility.

Therefore, before preparing for pregnancy, it is still very necessary to go to the hospital to do a systematic and comprehensive examination to see whether the fallopian tubes are still unobstructed, whether the thickness of the endometrium is normal, and whether the luteal body function is normal.

There have been many abortions, if you want to get pregnant again, you need to do a chromosome examination, as well as hormone level examination, B ultrasound and other examinations, the doctor tells you that you can get pregnant, you can prepare for pregnancy, it is best to have regular sex during ovulation, it is easier to conceive.

Considering to be pregnant, after a few abortions and getting pregnant again, you should be extra careful, pay attention to a nutritious diet, rest well, avoid weight, or work too tired, and pay attention to personal hygiene, generally there is no problem in adjusting the body.

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