
rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

Text/Xiao He Social Theory (Original Article Ban Plagiarism)

Title: Invert! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

Since the country fully opened up the "three-child" policy, our birth rate has not increased but declined, and young people seem to have no desire to have children.

On the contrary, some middle-aged couples are very interested in having three children, even if they know that they are old, they can't help but want more children and add a new ding to the family.

However, we must know that the risk of childbirth of older mothers is very large, once the unexpected consequences are unimaginable, and once people are old, their reproductive function will decline, and pregnancy and childbirth will face relatively large difficulties.

But life is uncertain, no one knows when the accident will happen, if the elderly woman really happens to be pregnant with a child, it can only be thought and decided by the husband and wife.

rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

Recently, in Suzhou, Anhui Province, a video of a 60-year-old woman successfully giving birth to a 6-kilogram baby girl in the hospital went viral on the Internet, triggering heated discussion among netizens.

According to the video, the baby girl was born with a full six pounds, and all the indicators of the body are very healthy, in addition, the couple is still conceived naturally, not by accepting scientific and technological means to get pregnant.

Hearing this, I can't help but suddenly realize that it seems that the old couple can give birth to children is not accidental, but the fertility function of the couple is better, especially the old woman, at the age of 60, there are eggs in the body, and many women often lose their reproductive function after the age of 50.

rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

When the video was exposed, many netizens were surprised by this matter, after all, it was too outrageous to have a child at the age of 60, and there was a lot of controversy on the Internet for a while.

Some people think that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, and although the husband in the video looks old, the pregnant woman with black hair does not look like a 60-year-old person.

Some people also think that it is not impossible to have a child at the age of 60, and there is no need to make a fuss before there is no need for a 60-year-old woman to have a child.

As public opinion intensified, the hospitals involved responded to the matter:

"Although the maternity identity card says that she is 60 years old, her actual age is only 43 years old, which is so because the mother's mental abnormality is not normal and the age is wrong."

rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

However, when everyone learned the truth, no one felt happy, but worried about the future of their children.

Through the above response, it is not difficult to see that the couple's family situation is relatively special, the husband is old and has reached the age of 68 this year, the wife is still young but mentally abnormal, the child was born in such a family, how to ensure future life.

In addition, it is not known whether the mother's mental illness will be inherited, and if it is passed on to the child, it is really a tragedy of life.

rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

In my opinion, it is best not to have children when you are old, unless you are childless or can try, otherwise it is not cost-effective to bet on your own life.

And giving birth to a child must also take into account their own economic conditions and energy, otherwise they are under pressure and the child will also suffer, which is a very irresponsible behavior.

In this case, if the couple has other children to help them, it is fine, but they are afraid that they are such an only daughter, then it will be really difficult to live in the future.

rollback! The 60-year-old woman in Anhui province gave birth to a false woman, and the mother was actually only 43 years old and suffered from mental illness

Through this incident, we also understand that having a child is a very serious matter, we need to consider all aspects of the problem, pregnancy is only a process, and parenting is the top priority.

In this regard, I hope that the majority of couples can rationally treat the matter of having children, since they choose to give birth to him, they must be responsible for the end, and must not be born without raising.

What do you think about this? Welcome to comment and forward!

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