
Shu Han Cheng Xiang: Zhuge Liang! Teach us how to use skill and emotional intelligence to defeat the enemy and achieve victory?

Shu Han Cheng Xiang: Zhuge Liang! Teach us how to use skill and emotional intelligence to defeat the enemy and achieve victory?

When I talk about the Three Kingdoms, the first thing that comes to mind in my mind is Zhuge Liang, who is clever and calculating, are you the same as me? Zhuge Liang's role in the Three Kingdoms is very important, and let's learn about the great achievements of this Shu Han Chancellor during the Three Kingdoms period, and he is still admired in people's hearts.

1. Liu Bei condescended to move to meet Zhuge Liang (an incident in which Liu Beisan Gu Maolu asked Zhuge Liang), thus having the "Longzhong Countermeasures" historical record "Longzhong Pair", when Zhuge Liang was only 27 years old, enough to see his wisdom. He analyzed the current situation with Liu Bei and told him how to better grasp the direction of progress, formulate the direction of the route, occupy the main position, and achieve great achievements for hegemony, and "Longzhong Pair" was the basic national policy of Liu Bei and Shu Han in the following decades.

2. "The Battle of Chibi" Zhuge Liang used clever tricks to persuade Sun Quan to join Liu Bei in resisting Cao Cao's army, and in the process, learned zhuge liang to use the dichotomy to give Sun Quan 2 choices:

(1) With Wu and the Vietnamese military strength to compete with the state of the Central Plains, it is better to break off diplomatic relations with Cao Cao as soon as possible.

(2) If there is no ability to resist, the radical general shall be ordered to stop military operations and submit to the north.

The two choices very well opened up Sun Quan's right to speak, and asked Zhuge Liang why Liu Bei did not surrender?

Then how high Zhuge Liang's emotional intelligence is: he said that Liu Bei's character was very righteous, grasped that everyone had a psychology, wanted to be an iron and strong man with a backbone, dug out Sun Quan's inner words, and he also wanted to be a righteous person who did not surrender. Throughout the conversation, Zhuge Liang was able to capture what the other side was thinking, analyze the situation of the authorities, describe it, dispel the other party's concerns, and at a certain time, finally tell Sun Quan with his own words that Cao Cao would be defeated, so Sun Quan was happy to join forces with Liu To resist Cao Cao, and sent Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lu Su and others to lead 30,000 water troops to fight cao Cao. Of course, what is more important is the Battle of Chibi that tells how Zhuge Liang skillfully passed through geography: the heavens, the time, the place, and the people, skillfully used the advantages of the East Wind to lay out, defeated Cao Cao, and had to admire Zhuge Liang's military talent.

3. "Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows" is a story in the "Battle of Chibi". Zhou Yu deliberately proposed a method to embarrass Zhuge Liang, limiting 10 days to make 100,000 arrows. The resourceful Zhuge Liang saw at a glance that this was a harmful plan, but calmly said that "it only takes three days." Zhuge Liang asked him to make a straw boat, taking advantage of Cao Cao's suspicious personality, luring the enemy, and cleverly borrowing 100,000 arrows, so that everyone had to admire Zhuge Liang's wisdom.

4. "The Empty City Plan" is an event in the Northern Expedition War after Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang assisted the Later Lord. The State of Wei sent Sima Yi to attack the Shuguo Street Pavilion, and Zhuge Liang sent Ma Mo to garrison it in failure. Sima Yi led his troops to the western city with victory, and Zhuge Liang had no troops to meet the enemy, but he was calm and composed, opened the city gate, and played the piano and sang music on the city tower himself. Sima Yi suspected that there was an ambush and led his troops to retreat. When he learned that the Western City was an empty city to return to fight again, Zhao Yun rushed back to relieve the siege, and finally defeated Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang used the scene of authenticity to tell us that in times of crisis, we should not be impatient, but should think calmly. When analyzing others, we must also understand ourselves, use the psychology of others, rely on wisdom and wisdom, and know ourselves and others in order to win every battle. ......

Zhuge Liang deservedly been an outstanding politician, military expert, inventor and writer in ancient China! From Zhuge Liang, we can learn a lot of useful methods, he can have such a high position in history, inseparable from his resourcefulness and high emotional intelligence of the way of dealing with the world. What do you think?

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