
Night Reading 丨When you have these 3 signs on your body, the aura is getting stronger and stronger

Text/Kyobo Sinology

Su Shi once said: "A little bit of haoran qi, a thousand miles of fast wind." ”

A person's personality, temperament, quality, pattern, the formation of personal charm and influence, an invisible force emanating from the inside out, is the aura that a person has.

Aura is a unique spiritual business card of a person. It is not innate, but the result of the baptism of time and inner cultivation.

Control your temper and soothe your breath

"There is calmness in every great event, and I do not believe that there are no ancient sages in this day." Tranquility is to fade the impetuousness in the heart and see the essence of things more clearly.

A snake looking for food to eat, crept into a carpenter's workshop and was accidentally scratched by a saw. The snake angrily bit the saw and scratched its own mouth.

Thinking that the saw was attacking itself, it wrapped its entire body around the saw and used all its strength to suffocate the saw. As a result, the snake was covered in wounds and covered in blood by the saw.

Anger and anger in the face of trouble are never the way to solve the problem, just like this snake, he has brought himself into the abyss.

Liang Shiqiu said: "When the blood is boiling, reason is not very sober, words and deeds are easy to exceed, and it is not suitable for others or themselves. "When people are angry, it is easy to lose their minds and do wrong things, and how to eliminate their anger is crucial.

During the Warring States period, the Wei statesman Ximen Leopard was violent. To dispel his anger, he carried a soft cowhide with him. Every time you want to get angry, touch the cowhide with your hands to distract yourself and control your temper.

Li Ne, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was impatient, but he loved to play chess, and when he played chess, he had a serene look, extremely tolerant and gentle. He was often impatient and about to lose his temper, and the family quietly put the chess in front of him. Li Ne saw that the chess was immediately with Yan Yuexi, picked up the chess pieces and fiddled with the chess game, so he threw away all his anger.

It is instinct to lose your temper; it is better to be able to control your temper.

"The water static pole is clear, and the heart is wise." Those who have achieved great things must not have a calm breath in their hearts. Only when things are not panicked and do not panic, can we be quiet and wise.

Gather pride and cultivate backbone

Zhuge Liang said in the "General Commandment": "Only those who are not proud are proud of others, and they are not favored and sit on the prestige." "Do not rely on your own talent and show arrogance in front of others, do not glorify being pampered."

During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan's cousin Sun Jiao was able to fight a good war and made great contributions to the stability of the Eastern Wu regime. Although Sun Jiao was a talent, he was arrogant and arrogant, and he was very dismissive of the Eastern Wu generals with different surnames. He often spoke insultingly and insulted the general Gan Ning.

In order to reconcile the contradictions between the Sun clan and the officials of the generals with different surnames, Sun Quan wrote to Sun Jiao to exhort: "Husbands live respectfully and simply, they can approach the people, love people more than tolerated, and can win the masses." "Only by treating things with a simple and respectful behavior can we be loved by the people; only by cherishing the people's tolerance and generosity can we get the support of the people."

Sun Jiao heeded Sun Quan's advice and apologized to Gan Ning, and the two shook hands and made peace, and later cooperated to fight together.

Sun Quan adopted an impartial attitude toward the Sun family and other surnames, corrected the arrogance and willfulness of the Sun family, established a good family style of sun family justice and selflessness, and also laid a good foundation for the stability of the Wu state regime.

Xu Beihong said: "People must not be proud, but they must not be proud." "Bone qi is the great beauty of human nature; pride is the great taboo in human nature." People with backbones have a height of character; people without pride have a temperature in personality.

"Pride is the source of failure, and pride is the foundation of oneself." To be a person, we must have the aura of not being hurt by others, and we must also have the cultivation of not hurting people. With backbone and no pride, being a person has both height and temperature.

Night Reading 丨When you have these 3 signs on your body, the aura is getting stronger and stronger

Abandon stinginess and nurture the atmosphere

In the Xunzi Non-Phase, it is said: "A gentleman is wise and can tolerate it, knows and can tolerate foolishness, be broad and tolerant of shallowness, and be pure and tolerant of miscellaneousness." "A gentleman is able to accommodate the incompetent, a wise man to accommodate the stupid; a man who is knowledgeable and can accommodate the uninformed, and a man of moral purity who is able to accommodate a man of mixed character."

Nurturing the atmosphere is a person's pattern, and the Northern Song Dynasty famous Minister Lü Mengzheng is such a person.

Lü Mengzheng had just been appointed deputy prime minister, and on the first day he entered the dynasty and took office, full of vigor. Walking on the main hall, I suddenly heard someone say, "Even if he becomes a suffragan?" Facing this basin of cold water, Lu Meng was pretending not to hear and left.

Lü Mengzheng's colleagues were very dissatisfied with this matter and were determined to track down this person. Lu Meng was hurriedly stopping it and not letting it be traced. He said: "If you know his name, you will never forget it for the rest of your life, it is better not to know." ”

As the saying goes, "The prime minister can hold a boat in his belly." "Lu Mengzheng's atmosphere is precisely reflected in the shortness of tolerant people, tolerant words, and tolerant of people's faults.

He knew that people were good at use, and he also recommended to the imperial court Wen Zhongshu, an old classmate who often said bad things about him. His tolerance for people, even Song Taizong said: "Lü Meng is righteous, I might as well be." ”

The atmosphere is a kind of temperament that embraces all kinds of rivers, is a mature and generous amount of qi; it is a kind of temperament that calmly advances and retreats, and it is an unconscious exposure of a person's inner qualities and connotations.

To be a man in the atmosphere, he must be generous and virtuous, elegant and tolerant, frank and frank, and be a model.

Control the temper, nourish the calm, people's affinity will become stronger and stronger; convergence of pride, cultivation of bone qi, people's attraction will become stronger and stronger; abandon stinginess, conserve the atmosphere, people's influence will become stronger and stronger.

When people have calm, bone, and atmosphere, they naturally form a powerful aura. Diversify and attract brighter, warmer things around.

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