
The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Chen Gong's situation in "The Wind Rises in Longxi" is worrying.

When Chen Gong was not yet twenty years old, he took the place of others, infiltrated the State of Wei, and became a high-ranking secret agent to pass on information to the Shu Han; Chen Gong read many books when he was young, became a middle-level civil official in the State of Wei, and was appointed as the lord of Tianshui County.

The identity of the lord of Tianshui County provided him with a lot of convenience, Chen Gong was alert, and could judge the military strategy of the Wei state according to actions such as the mobilization of food and grass of the Wei army, and was a rare intelligence analyst talent, providing a lot of valuable intelligence for the Shu state.

However, it was such a top secret agent who was suspected by Wei and Shu because of the loss of the street pavilion in the first battle.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Chen Gong saved himself, and Gu Zheng was humiliated

The secret letter sent by Chen Gong back to the Shu kingdom was transferred, which directly led to the loss of the street pavilion, and the Shu state suspected that Chen Gong had defected; and the Wei side also discovered that there were ghosts in the team, and Mi Chong had already targeted Chen Gong, but there was no evidence.

Chen Gong was in a difficult situation on both sides, his loyalty was misunderstood, and in order to prove his innocence to the Shu state, Chen Gong secretly investigated the real traitors with the help of Xun Xue.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

According to the principle of Wen Cao of the Shu State Division, the spies working on the front line were isolated from each other and operated vertically on a single line, mainly to ensure that one spy would not cause damage to other lines after being arrested.

The first thing Chen Gong wanted to investigate was Gu Zheng, the downline personnel who accepted his intelligence.

Gu Zheng's identity was a car dealer in WeiGuo, Xun Xue met with him, deliberately paraphrasing his words, according to Gu Zheng, in addition to docking with Chen Gong, he also contacted a spy code-named "Red Emperor", he had never seen the face of the Red Emperor, and the news was spread through archery.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Si Wencao of the Shu State did not have a spy codenamed the Red Emperor, Gu Zheng had actually been exposed long ago, it was Wei Guo's mi chong who impersonated the Red Emperor and deceived Gu Zheng's intelligence, Gu Zheng did not know until his death, he had long been caught in the trap of the enemy.

Xun Xue's interrogation made Gu Zheng feel humiliated, he was loyal to the Han Family, he had no second heart, but he was suspected of being a traitor; Gu Zheng could be born and died for the country, but he could not stand this kind of wrong, Gu Zheng was angry and committed suicide with a knife.

Gu Zheng's death brought Chen Gong's investigation to an impasse.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Gu zheng left a clue

In the play "The Wind Rises in Longxi", Chen Gong is code named White Emperor, and in the original novel, Gu Zheng is the White Emperor, and Gu Zheng drew two circles for Chen Gong before his death, so that Chen Gong's work can be successfully completed.

Gu Zheng's sacrifice brought a great touch to Chen Gong's body and mind.

In the original work of "Wind Rises longxi", Gu Zheng was not used by the State of Wei, he was a very good intelligence officer, serving as a deputy governor in Taishou Province, and his rank was quite high. Gu Zheng is exposed, it is in the liquor store with Chen Gong, Sima Guogang, the Wei state army, discovers Gu Zheng's whereabouts, and Gu Zheng chooses to commit suicide in order to protect Chen Gong.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Gu Zheng had a lot of military intelligence about the State of Wei in his hands.

Guo Gang led his troops to blockade the place where Gu Zheng lived, searched his house to the sky, even opened the floor tiles to see, but found nothing, Chen Gong also pretended to remind Guo Gang that he could check whether there was a sandwich in the wall.

In fact, hiding the secret letter in the wall is the most clumsy spy can do, Gu Zheng, as a high-level secret agent, will not easily make that kind of mistake, and sure enough, Guo Gang found nothing in Gu Zheng's home.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Guo Gang was anxious, Chen Gong was of course anxious, if he could not get the information in Gu Zheng's hand, Gu Zheng would lose his life in vain, Chen Gong of course was grieving for the sacrifice of his colleagues, but he did not have time to be sentimental, and the best way to comfort Gu Zheng was to transfer the intelligence he had painstakingly collected to the Shu kingdom.

Chen Gong pretended to drink with his friends, and then came to the tavern where Gu Zheng was exposed, Chen Gong sat in the position where Gu Zheng was sitting, and with excellent professionalism and insight, Chen Gong found scratches under the table.

Two diagonal lines leaning to the right, and two circles connected from end to end, were obviously left by Gu Zheng before he died.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Chen Gong broke the Jingu Zheng code

Chen Gong recognized the meaning of the two slashes as "warning", meaning that the situation was dangerous, and advising his companions to evacuate was a secret language commonly used by spies; and those two circles made Chen Gong feel confused.

Chen Gong speculated that Gu was conveying some kind of information to him in this way, and Gu Zheng's two circles were likely to point to the hiding place of Wei Guo's intelligence data, and only by deciphering the meaning of these two circles could he get valuable secret reports.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

When it came to the time of curfew, Chen Gong only left triumphantly, he was not very interested, and on the way home he was still thinking about Gu Zheng's code, so that when he passed a haggis soup shop, he did not look up in the face of the boss's shouting, and waved his hand to refuse.

However, when Chen Gong was about to leave, he suddenly found that the sign of this haggis soup was very unusual, and the original book of "The Wind Rises longxi" wrote:

"There was a dirty guise fluttering on the pole in front of this haggis shop. In the last rays of the setting sun, he could see the word 'sheep soup' on the cover, and the two words were nested in two yellow circles connected end to end. ”

Chen Gong suddenly woke up, he realized that this shop was most likely a link in Gu Zheng's intelligence network, he sorted out his thoughts and walked into this haggis soup shop.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

The house smelled of sheep fat, the iron pot was boiling soup, the walls by the stove had been blackened, it could be seen that the shop had been open for a long time, Chen Gong carefully examined the boss, it was a man in his fifties, his cheekbones were red, his face was covered with wrinkles, and a crooked mouth of large yellow teeth was particularly conspicuous.

This was a weathered man, Chen Gong tried to code with him, the man did not say the next sentence according to the rules, but said in a sad tone: "Don't say it, I know." ”

In the original book of "The Wind Rises longxi", it is written:

The boss said so, he didn't know how to continue. At this time, the boss pushed the wheat stalk next to the stove to the side, then removed the wooden pole and top cover of the blower box, and took out a pile of paper full of words from it. ”

The boss asked, "That's what you want, right?" ”

Chen Gong hesitantly took a look at it, it was full of Cao Wei military documents, and this shop was indeed the secret place where Gu Zheng stored the documents. The boss continued to burn the fire and boil the soup as if there was no ripple in life.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

The fate of the little people

The boss said, "I don't understand any of your code words, but Mr. Gu has explained that if something happens to him, he will give these things to the person who said it." ”

"Well..." Chen Gong didn't know what to say at this time, "Mr. Gu's death is a great loss to our cause of reviving the Han Room, and I am also very sad." But our work will continue, and from today onwards, I will take his place in the intelligence pipeline, and you will be accountable to me. ”

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Chen Gong thought that the boss was also a member of the intelligence line, willing to be a spy for the revival of the Han, but he did not expect the boss to smile bitterly:

"What Shu Han, Han Room, I don't understand all this." I'm just a common man. Mr. Gu saved my life, so I came to this Shangyi City with him. Everything I did was just to repay his kindness. Now that he is dead and his last wish has been fulfilled, I think I should also return to my people in the west, and that death is to be returned to the roots. ”

The boss's words mourned and decadent, which made Chen Gong feel very unhappy, he saw clearly that he was a Qiang person, and the last sentence the boss said to Chen Gong was: "Since you got something, then this store will be closed tomorrow, and please take care of yourself in the future." ”

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Chen Gong left the sheep soup shop, the boss did not go out to send each other, they were just passers-by, but because Gu Zheng had such a wisp of intersection, they were not the same kind of people, but they had some similar characteristics.

Chen Gong and Gu Zheng, who risked death as an undercover for the sake of their homeland, harbored the ideal of the revival of the Han Dynasty, they had flesh and blood; and that Qiang man, with affection and righteousness, followed Gu Zheng for the sake of repaying favors, he was just an ordinary citizen, did not care about the great cause of the country, but there was grace that would be repaid, and it was also the shining existence of that era.

Chen Gong carefully examined the documents left by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng was meticulous and sorted out all kinds of documents in different categories, so that people could see at a glance, and the original work of "The Wind Rises in Longxi" wrote:

These documents, including internal circulars, instructions, meeting minutes, and personnel transfers of the Cao Wei army, were of considerable value; what was even more rare was that they not only had information about the tianshui county government troops, but also many of them also involved the movements of the Chinese army, such as the Guo Huai army. How much courage and wisdom it takes to obtain these documents, Chen Gong thought half admiration and half sentimentality. ”

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Gu Zheng's intelligence allowed Chen Gong to analyze Wei Guo's intention to steal the Shu state's crossbow machine, and saved the shu state's secrets; but Gu Zheng's death was a major loss for the Shu state.

Wei Guo had already strengthened the management of household registration, and it was even more difficult for the Shu State to send new spies in, and only by using the "old man" who had already come undercover could he maintain the normal operation of the intelligence network.

Gu Zheng fell in front of Chen Gong, which made Chen Gong feel pessimistic, he had been in the Wei kingdom for more than ten years, accustomed to seeing the life and death of his companions, those comrades who had the same dreams as him, were arrested for identity disclosure, Chen Gong was shocked and cold again and again, he had long been prepared for his arrest.

Chen Gong felt that his contribution to the country was immeasurable, and even if he was arrested, he had no regrets. Chen Gong was terrified and waited for his searchers to knock on the door.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Sure enough, as he expected, Sima Guogang of the Wei State Army suspected that Chen Gong's identity was false, and Guo Gang deliberately went to chen Gong's registered place of origin to investigate, and Chen Gong's young experience was on the number, but he lost to a detail.

According to people in Chen Gong's village, the real Chen Gong had six fingers when he was a child, and Chen Gong, who was working in Tianshui County, had his hands intact and was obviously fake.

Fortunately, Chen Gong got a secret report from Guo Gang to investigate him, and Guo Gang pounced; Chen Gong escaped overnight and returned to his homeland, and there was no place more reassuring than his hometown.

The original work of "The Wind Rises longxi": Seeing the two circles that Gu Zheng drew before his death, he understood why Chen Gong ran away

Unfortunately, things are not human, Chen Gong saw the storm in the court of the Shu Kingdom, he was already tired of dealing with the situation of Eryu and my deception, he did not pursue fame and fortune, at the end of the original work of "The Wind Rises longxi", Chen Gong found his real name Du Bi, he refused to serve as a military strategist, but was transferred back to Chengdu to serve as a counselor, living a low-key life.

Whether it is Du Bi or Gu Zheng, in the end, it is just an inconspicuous wave in the long river of history, but it is these small people who pursue ideals that have converged into the rolling water of the Yangtze River.

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