
Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

author:Little coconut loves sports

When talking about the advisors of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind must be the world-famous Zhou Yu. But today, we're going to talk about another person - Lu Su. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is often described as a "loyal, generous, and old-fashioned" character, giving people an impression of honesty and honesty. However, is this really the case?

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

Let's lift the veil of this "good old man", and you will find that Lu Su can be called the most scheming and scheming strategist during the Three Kingdoms period! Compared with Zhou Yu and others, Lu Su's background is unspeakably expensive. He has a prominent family background, has received a good education since he was a child, and has been a talent in both civil and military affairs since he was a child. When he was young, he was already a well-known young talent in the local area.

In that troubled world, such talents were naturally highly valued. In order to be able to invite Lu Su to help, Zhou Yu even did not hesitate to come to the door to ask for help in person. This time, Lu Su was absorbed by Soochow and entered the official career. After entering the Eastern Wu Imperial Hall, Lu Su immediately showed extraordinary insight. He was the first person to put forward the idea of "ruling across the river and dividing the territory and dividing the territory" during the Three Kingdoms period.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

According to his strategy, Sun Quan seized Jingxiang, and Liu Bei took control of Yizhou, dividing the world into two with Cao Cao. This is many years earlier than Zhuge Liang's "Battle of Yiling"! Unfortunately, the situation was complicated at that time, and Sun Quan was unable to put it into action. However, from this idea alone, we can see that Lu Su was far-sighted and thoughtful, and his thinking was a little ahead of his contemporaries.

Moreover, Lu Su's proposition for the alliance between Eastern Wu and Shu Han ran through his life. Regardless of whether Jingzhou was attacked after the Battle of Chibi, or Liu Bei fought for ownership after taking possession, Lu Su insisted that Sun and Liu join forces and confront Cao Cao. It was his unremitting efforts that maintained the Eastern Wu Shu Han Alliance for many years.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

In other words, if he hadn't reconciled in the middle, the contradictions between the two sides would have erupted earlier, leading to a lose-lose situation. In addition, Lu Su's ability to identify talents is also outstanding. He not only took a fancy to the extraordinary talent of "Wolong and Phoenix Chick" Pang Tong at a glance, but also recommended Sun Quan and Liu Bei twice for him.

You must know that at that time, no one looked down on Pang Tong, the "ugly eight monsters", but it was the blessing of Tuo Rusu that Pang Tong was able to display his talents. Therefore, Lu Su not only has a torch in his eyes, but also advocates meritocracy, and has already jumped out of that era of ignorance. In addition, Lu Su was also beautified as a "good man" by later generations because of his friendship with Zhou Yu.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

But as everyone knows, in that undercurrent of the court, how can there be such a simple "good person" at all? The reason why Lu Su always eased the contradictions was only out of consideration for the long-term interests of the alliance. Once the situation reverses, he will not hesitate to change course. In fact, this "honest" old man on the surface is often ill-intentioned on the inside.

For example, after the Battle of Chibi, almost all the generals in the Eastern Wu Dynasty wanted to strike while the iron was hot and take Jingzhou in one fell swoop. However, Lu Su was the only one who objected, he knew that Eastern Wu was unable to defeat Cao Wei alone at that time, and he must continue to form an alliance with Shu Han. From this, it can be seen that he is far more skilled in scheming than others, and knows how to think in the long run.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

In general, although Lu Su gives people the impression of a good man, he is actually very deep inside. He is not only quick thinking and strategic, but also has a unique way of identifying talents, and is sleek and sophisticated. It can be said that without Lu Su, the "behind-the-scenes operator", it would be difficult for Eastern Wu to maintain the alliance with Shu Han for so long, let alone confront Cao Wei for many years.

It can be seen that his status and role in the Eastern Wu Dynasty are no less than those of Zhou Yu and others. Of course, the reason why Lu Su can make such extraordinary achievements is largely related to his family background. He was born in a prominent background, and he has been well educated since he was a child, and his knowledge is naturally much broader than that of ordinary people.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

Moreover, there must be some unique family motto or wisdom crystallization in his family, which has created Lu Su's superhuman wisdom and talent. However, on the other hand, Lu Su also gives us a reflection: are we also like the people of the past, blinded by the appearance of some people? Do you often make mistakes in judgment and miss out on the opportunity to identify talent?

In modern society, we still have too many talents who are seriously ignored and buried, which cannot but be said to be a huge waste and regret. Therefore, we should be like Lu Su, with a broad vision and an inclusive mentality, to appreciate and cherish everyone's unique talents.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

Of course, at the same time, we must also be like him, keep a clear head in terms of power and strategy, always see the benefits and losses, and make wise choices. Only by cultivating both internally and externally can we be invincible in this complex era. In short, Lu Su is definitely the most powerful and difficult to see through character in the Three Kingdoms period.

Lu Su, the "first strategist" of Eastern Wu, is unfathomable in the city and is unfathomable, and Cao Cao is stunned by his hand!

He is not only thoughtful and sophisticated, but also has a forward-looking vision and pattern. From this point of view, we can completely regard him as the "first strategist" of Soochow. He used his wisdom and skills to go through the most critical decades for Soochow, which can be called an indispensable contribution. So don't underestimate this honest "good old man" anymore, because he is the well-deserved first advisor of the Three Kingdoms!

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