
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, your depression may be triggered by menopause, two steps to help you get out of the haze

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, waking up from a dream, your depression may be caused by menopause, and Chinese medicine can dissipate depression in just two steps and let you sleep peacefully.

I have a patient, 52 years old, who suddenly one day all the menopausal symptoms came out, and the fuse behind this was just a small thing.

That day, when her daughter went out, she forgot to turn off the gas valve, and the patient found out in time that she opened the window and turned off the gas, which was a small matter, and she felt anxious, thinking that it was too dangerous, and what would happen if she didn't find out...... I had insomnia that night and went to the kitchen to check the gas more than a dozen times. This was supposed to be everyone's sense of safety, but her anxiety intensified.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, your depression may be triggered by menopause, two steps to help you get out of the haze

In the days that followed, I was haunted by the gas incident, and it did not weaken at all, and I checked it repeatedly when I stayed at home, and I had to check it several times before going out, and I was also restless after going out.

Someone has to ask, what kind of menopause is this? I tell you that the arrival of menopause will amplify this mental obsessive-compulsive symptoms. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it boils down to the five internal organs, and the symptoms of this patient's excessive anxiety are liver imbalance and yin and blood deficiency.

First of all, the liver hides blood, the main emotion, the main plan. Lack of liver and blood, loss of nourishment, so restlessness at night, excessive anxiety and depression in the mood; Overthinking can lead to indecision, so she will have OCD symptoms. The liver is the main tendon, and the tendon has no blood nourishment, so it has convulsions.

Then the patient had a series of pathologies: no sexual desire, frequent urination, and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and could no longer sleep, so he could only fall asleep with sleeping pills. These are all complications caused by long-term yin and blood deficiency in the liver.

Since she has not yet reached retirement age, she can only skip work and go home to check when it is serious, and her leadership colleagues feel that she is inexplicable, and they whisper about her behind her back, saying that she is chattering about whether there is something wrong at home.

Until one time, the 7-year-old granddaughter was injured at school, which was a trivial matter, but it made her fall into a state of collapse and cry all night. At this time, her family felt that something was wrong, and her husband and daughter took her to the hospital for examination, and the result was menopausal syndrome and moderate depression.

The hospital advised her to take psychotropic medication to relieve her mood, otherwise the depression would worsen. But she couldn't accept being treated as mentally ill, so she found me.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, your depression may be triggered by menopause, two steps to help you get out of the haze

My first impression of her was: her soul is gone. After listening to her story and physical condition, I was basically sure that she was a menopausal syndrome caused by liver and blood deficiency.

After the diagnosis, my judgment of the patient was confirmed: the patient's tongue was weak, his pulse was weak, and his eyes were yellow and white

I decided on the treatment idea of treating his internal organs and calming his external affairs, that is, to soften the liver and nourish the yin + nourish the blood and nourish the blood go hand in hand. These herbs are mainly used, and you can also collect them.

1. Angelica, white peony, ejiao

Needless to say, these are well-known traditional Chinese medicines that nourish blood and nourish blood, and the blood tonic effect is the best.

2. Rehmannia root, wolfberry seeds, mulberry seeds, and scorched shouhouwu seeds

The common effect can soften the liver and reduce yin, especially wolfberry, which is common in life and tastes good, and friends who usually like to make a big liver fire can use it more.

After the medication, the patient's compulsive behavior was relieved, he no longer woke up with convulsions in the middle of the night, and his urine returned to normal. After a course of treatment, I instructed the patient to insist on exercising, or cultivate her own hobbies, and combine some tranquilizers and sleeping drugs to consolidate the effect of the medicine, and finally I prescribed her some drugs to reconcile the heart, spleen, and kidneys.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, your depression may be triggered by menopause, two steps to help you get out of the haze

Three months have passed, and now the patient is in a cheerful mood, ruddy complexion, very energetic, holding my hand and saying: "Fortunately, there is Dr. Ha, now I think about the depressed days at that time are really terrible, without you, it is estimated that I will have to rely on sleeping pills and those drugs to treat mental illness in the future." ”

Forty or fifty years old is the high incidence of menopausal syndrome, if you have any emotional abnormalities, you must not ignore them, solve them in time or seek psychological support from your family, or you can also seek help from professional doctors.