
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Qin Cavity "Huluyu - Sacrifice Lamp" Jiao Xiaochun played Zhuge Liang

The traditional Qin opera "Huluyu" is also called "Six Out of Qishan", "Upper Valley", and "Fat Powder Meter". Zhuge Liang left Qishan six times and wanted to duel with Sima and his father and son. Sima Yi could not hold out, and Zhuge Liang sent Fengguan Xia shuai to humiliate him, who expected Sima Yi to actually wear women's clothes to worship the stage. Zhuge Liang set up a fire attack at Huluyu again, but it rained heavily, and Sima Yi was able to escape. Zhuge Liang could not afford to be ill because of this, and sacrificed the lamp in the back tent, praying to the heavens, even if he wanted Wei Yan to enter the tent to incite the lamp to extinguish the life lamp, Zhuge Liang died after the Wuzhangyuan seal.

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Qin Cavity "Huluyu - Baitai" Zhou Jian played Zhuge Liang

This play is mainly based on beards and flower faces, and singing and doing are equally important. Among them, "Sima Baitai", "Sacrifice Lamp", "Toyin" and other singing segments are widely circulated. Senior masters Wang Wenpeng, Liu Yiping, Niu Limin, Jiao Xiaochun, Xue Zhixiu, etc. all have excellent performances in this play.

In the two folds of "Sacrifice Lamp" and "Toyin", Zhuge Liang is different from the previous victory tickets, and the hero's end is full of sorrow. "Zhuge Kongming came from the back tent, and there were mountain people reading the scrolls in Mao'an..." "The disciples were shallow in their studies from Nanyang, and they mourned that my master listened carefully..." "Zhuge Liang sat in tears and watched the great general of our battalion sit in front of the tent..." A low and sad singing voice showed Zhuge Liang, who "bowed down to death and died later", on the stage, and the grief and indignation of the lonely old minister's ambition, the pain of dying before he left the master, and the helplessness of being unable to save the defeat made people feel miserable and burst into tears.

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Qin Cavity "Huluyu - Toyin" Liu Suishe played Zhuge Liang

In the Qin Cavity's "Huluyu", the "Toyin" is folded, and Zhuge Liang is different from the previous costumes wearing bagua clothes, wearing a photo hat and a black python, and is supported by tong'er to the scene and entrusted with the aftermath in the military tent. Different from such a costume, some actors hang colored silk on their hats when performing this fold, and there are blue and red, which has caused widespread discussion among fans and even professional actors.

Today, we will discuss this question with you in "Opera is also more real": Should Zhuge Liang in "Toyin" hang colored silk on his head?

Teacher Zhang Jiangzhong, a famous Qin artist, believed that hanging up colored silk for Zhuge Liang was a completely wrong approach, and resolutely refused to support it. He has consulted some artists of the older generation on this issue, and many old artists have said that they did not hang it in the past, and this hanging red colored silk is invented by posterity.

Some people explained that the reason for hanging red colored silk is because Zhuge Liang is about to return to heaven at this time, and hanging red colored silk is to indicate the death of the scenery and brightness. Teacher Zhang Jiangzhong believes that such an explanation does not make sense, such a dress is inconsistent with the positioning of this character, and underestimates Zhuge Liang, a generation of sages who are cautious and cautious and dedicated to the country.

Some people explain that the red colored silk is because Zhuge Liang hopes to have the power to return to heaven in order to rush to the joy; in addition, some people believe that Zhuge Liang's soul has gone after the "Sacrifice Lamp", and the "Toyin" is the return to the soul, so it will bring red or black colored silk.

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Different costumes of different actors in "Huluyu - Toyin"

When Gao Guangjie, a famous opera artist from Zhou Zhi, performed "Toyin", he hung blue colored silk on his photo hat. For this outfit, he introduced that the old artists of the troupe have been circulating in this way in the past, and he has inherited it.

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Gao Guangjie dressed up in "Huluyu-Toyin"

As for why he wears colored silk, he gave this explanation, there are generally three types of colored silk on the head, one is required in the play itself, such as Bao Zheng in "Three Faces", "three feet of red silk to cover the denomination"; and then there is the role of gods and ghosts that are generally used, "Blessing of Heavenly Officials" wears red silk, and the white snake and green snake in "The Legend of the White Snake" wear white and blue colored silk; there is also a kind of reverence and praise for the people in the play by posterity, such as Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang, which is a special expression of jumping in and out of the opera. Let's listen to what Teacher Gao Guangjie said:

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?
Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Character modeling in "The Case of The Beauty of the White Snake", "The Legend of the White Snake", and "Yellow Crane Tower"

The above are a few answers we have found, perhaps you have a deeper understanding, may wish to leave us a message, let's explore together "Should Zhuge Liang in "Toyin" hang a colored silk on his head?" ”

Zhuge Liang in "Opera is also more true" in "Toyin", should he hang colored silk on his head?

Author: Banana Under the Guest

Edited/Reviewed: Yao Yang

Final Judge: Wang Mei

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