
Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

Breastfeeding is known to have many benefits for children. Breast milk is the healthiest and safest food for babies. At the same time, breastfeeding also has many benefits for mothers, such as promoting the recovery of the mother's uterus and body shape, promoting the recovery of the mother's body, and breastfeeding saves money and effort, which is really the best choice for lactating mothers.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

However, the quality of breast milk is affected by the food consumed by the mother, and some foods will help the mother improve the quality of breast milk and provide more nutrition for the child. Some foods need to be eaten with caution, and some are best not to eat because they can have a great impact on the maternal body.

Today, Xiaobian will introduce in detail the food summary of not eating, eating carefully and eating more during lactation for breastfeeding mothers. In order for the baby to be healthier, for the baby to thrive in the future, so that the baby can be one step ahead of the starting line, nursing mothers must pay attention to the importance of breastfeeding.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

First, the food that should not be eaten

1. Chocolate

Many women like to eat chocolate, and the sweet taste is difficult to give up. Normally eating some is fine, but for nursing moms, if chocolate is your favorite, then you should be careful.

Theobromine in chocolate will enter breast milk, and after the mother breastfeeds the child, theobromine will enter the child's body, causing harm to the child's nervous system and heart function. This can lead to adverse reactions such as indigestion, poor sleep quality, and non-stop crying. Another thing to note is that chocolate is very high in calories, but the nutrient content is not high, which does not actually help the growth and development of children.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

2. Citrus fruits

Breastfeeding mothers can supplement vitamins by eating oranges, but everything they eat must follow one principle - eating more hurts. If you eat too much orange, it will catch fire, so you must control the amount of food. Citrus fruits are juicy and delicious, but the taste is relatively strong, and some babies are difficult to accept and may vomit. In addition, such fruits can also stimulate the child's immature gastrointestinal function.

3. Alcoholic coffee and strong tea

Nursing mothers must avoid tobacco and alcohol, and stay away from strong tea and coffee. Babies have too low levels of alcohol-relieving enzymes and have weak metabolic capacity to metabolize alcohol. If alcohol enters the baby's body through breast milk, it will cause a very serious impact, the child's nervous system and heart and liver will be damaged, and it must not be played.

Coffee contains caffeine, we usually work tired, like to drink a cup of coffee to refresh, that is, caffeine in play a role. However, if the baby consumes caffeine through breast milk, it will cause the child to be hyperactive, difficult to sleep, and will also cause some stimulation to the child's brain.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

Strong tea is rich in oxalic acid, which is easy to damage kidney function, and is more serious for babies. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers must pay attention not to drink too strong tea, which is not only not conducive to their own health, affects the quality of breast milk, but also allows children to have adverse reactions. Introduce the foods you don't eat, and then talk about foods to eat carefully.

Second, eat food carefully

1. Peanuts

Breastfeeding mothers eat peanuts, which can play a role in unclogging the mammary glands and improving the quality of milk. However, it should be noted that breastfed babies will consume peanut protein in their milk, which is the culprit that makes babies have allergic reactions.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

After a long-term clinical trial in an American medical institution, it was found that several different peanut proteins are present in the milk of lactating mothers in the two to six hours after eating peanuts. And these peanut proteins are the main reasons for potentially triggering peanut allergies in babies.

If you are nursing your child after eating peanuts and your child has a serious allergic reaction, such as hives, eczema or asthma, you should take your child to the hospital in time. Of course, not all children will have peanut allergies, but it is best to choose not to eat or eat less peanuts, just in case, after all, the child's health is the most important.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

2. Seafood scallops

Although seafood is very nutritious, the foreign body protein present in it is not a small burden for babies, and they cannot digest too much foreign body protein in milk. Therefore, it is easy to be allergic to seafood, and symptoms such as convulsions and eczema appear. If one parent is allergic to seafood, the child may experience the same situation at an early age, so be more careful.

In other words, a nursing mother is not allergic to seafood herself. But her husband, has an allergic reaction to seafood, as long as the mother eats seafood food, it is very likely to cause the child to have allergies, and the mothers who are breastfeeding still need to pay more attention.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

3. Dairy products

Usually, many children will have symptoms of lactose intolerance. If you drink milk or other dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese, etc., these allergens may also affect your child. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include stomach pain, vomiting, eczema, itchy and dry skin, etc.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

Third, it is recommended to eat more food

1. Eggs

Eggs are all too familiar to us, but for nursing mothers, the usual eggs can have a big effect. Eggs are rich in protein and amino acids, while eggs have high mineral content, high digestion and absorption rate, which is a high-quality source of nutrition for babies, and breastfeeding mothers can choose to eat more eggs for the healthy development of their children.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

2. Fish

Fish is very suitable for lactating mothers, fish is low in fat content, rich in protein, vitamin A and vitamin B, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. Xiaobian especially recommends the use of crucian carp stew soup, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "crucian carp soup is good for water to reduce swelling, strengthen the spleen and stomach, promote milk secretion", which is really the best choice for lactating mothers.

3. Millet porridge

Although millet porridge is vegetarian, it has high nutritional value and many effects. After eating millet porridge, it can not only prevent nausea and vomiting, but also nourish qi and blood, which is very suitable for women with cold constitution, and can play a role in nourishing menstrual blood and restoring physical strength. For babies, rice porridge is rich in vitamin B, dietary fiber and iron, which is of great help to their physical development.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

4. Summary

Breast milk contains antibodies that enhance a baby's resistance to disease, and breastfeeding is only good for your child and not harmful. Therefore, mothers in the nursing period should eat more foods that are good for their health, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, eat reasonably, improve the quality of their breast milk, so that the baby can get better quality and rich nutrition.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

The conventional wisdom is that "colostrum is not real milk, cannot be fed to newborns, and should be squeezed out." "It makes no sense and there is no basis for any information. In addition, breastfeeding is of great help to the child's intelligence and physical development, and it is also an important factor for their healthy growth.

Summary of breastfeeding foods: Breastfeeding mothers eat accordingly to care for the health of their babies

Every mom is asked to breastfeed their baby and keep in mind the proper diet when breastfeeding. Let the baby be like a small tree, the mother works hard to irrigate, let the baby thrive, and every baby should not lose on this starting line.

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