
1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

Ghost drives to layup

2024-05-26 23:44Published in Sichuan

As we all know, the Lakers and Clippers, the two Los Angeles NBA teams, have never "dealt with"! As sworn enemies in the same city, they can be said to want to put each other to death all the time. The reason is simple, there is only one owner of Los Angeles, and both the Lakers and the Clippers want to be the owner of Los Angeles. In this way, it is bound to deepen the rivalry and hatred between each other!

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

In the past few years, although the Lakers have also had their troughs, they still firmly occupy the position of the owner of Los Angeles, which can be said to be completely denied a chance to the Clippers. Although the Clippers have been trying to improve themselves, they are eager to one day overtake the Lakers to become the new owner of Los Angeles. But it backfired, they couldn't always beat the Lakers to dominate Los Angeles! Although the Clippers have been very optimistic about winning the championship in recent years, they have not been able to break out of the Wild West so far! The Lakers have already rushed out of the West to reach the Finals and successfully won the championship, which makes the Clippers' position in Los Angeles further suppressed by the Lakers!

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

In the summer of 2019, Los Angeles was born with two Galaxy Battleship teams almost on the same day! The Lakers successfully formed the double giant of James + thick eyebrows after getting thick eyebrows in the trade, and the Clippers introduced Leonard and Paul George at the same time, and the pepper combination was officially born! In this way, there is also Zhan Mei VS Kajiao, who detonated the alliance. Since then, the Los Angeles derby has naturally become the most talked about event by local fans!

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

There is no doubt that the Lakers and the Clippers are natural rivals! But how would you react if the two teams were to make an epic deal one day? Shock, surprise or disappointment! If you were told that someone had suggested that the Lakers and Clippers should make a blockbuster deal for James and George swapping owners, would you think it was a genius idea?

Recently, celebrity Bill Simmons made a trade proposal on the podcast to let LeBron James and Paul George swap owners.

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

"It's a solution for Paul George — a double sign-and-trade with the Lakers, so James can stay in Los Angeles and he goes to the Clippers and ends his career there," Simmons said. Paul George can finally go to the Lakers to play, he can finally become a Laker. George and Bushy Brow plus Redick (potential head coach) then set off. It's a new era for the Lakers, and it's quite interesting, and I just love the plot. LeBron was on the Clippers, and Ballmer would say, 'This is fantastic, I have James to open my new arena.'" ’”。

1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

There's no denying that this is definitely a perfect solution to Paul George's stay this summer! James and George both have player options for next season this summer. On the premise of ensuring that James and George both stay in Los Angeles to play, the two swapped owners to rebuild the Super Championship lineup, which is definitely something that Los Angeles fans are looking forward to! While this sounds and looks crazy and bold, it's something to look forward to. What do you think?

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  • 1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically
  • 1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically
  • 1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically
  • 1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically
  • 1 for 1! Reverse the sky trading plan! James and George swapped owners, and Los Angeles changed dramatically

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