
Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

author:Good luck auspicious 6688

Dear parents, have you ever wondered what signal they seem to be sending to us the moment your little ones come to earth? Does it feel like they have a mysterious pact hidden in their eyes, which makes people both happy and apprehensive? Today, let's talk about this topic and see whether the child repays the favor or collects debts, in fact, this matter is not mysterious, just a little secret in life.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

First, let's hear what the great writer Mark Twain said, "Children are angels sent from heaven to bring laughter and hope." "Does this sentence resemble your mood when you first see your baby? The pure and immaculate eyes seemed to say, "I am here, and I want to love you." "That's the side of repaying the kindness, they thank us for the life we give in the purest way.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

However, reality is often more than sweetness. Psychologist Sigmund Freud once said, "Infancy is the most difficult period of life, and they need our care and guidance." That's right, the little ones grow up, crying, making noise, and not cooperating, as if to say, "I need you, I'm a little challenge." Isn't that a symbol of debt collection?

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

Remember that late at night, when you were awakened by the baby's crying, did you feel exhausted? But when you think about it, that's how they teach you how to give and how to take responsibility in the most direct way. This kind of "debt collection" is actually their desire for love, and it is also an exploration of growth.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

Children are not only our gifts, but also our tempering. Every time they smile, it is a thank you to us; Every time they cry, it is also a test for us. They teach us to love and they teach us to grow. So, don't think of them as a burden, they are a gift of life and hope for the future.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

In this process, what we have to do is not only to raise, but also to accompany, understand, and guide. Because every step of their growth is a reward for us. Children, whether they repay their kindness or collect debts, are the most beautiful poems in our lives.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

Finally, I would like to say that the arrival of a child is a wonderful journey. With their cries and laughter, they tell us what love is and what responsibility is. Therefore, let us welcome this special gift with a grateful heart, because every child is the best answer from God.

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!

Dear friends, do you have a deeper understanding in your heart after reading this? If you also resonate, you might as well like it and forward it so that more parents can see it and feel the miracle of life together. After all, children are our angels and our teachers, and they teach us how to love and grow in a unique way.

#孩子报恩还是讨债# #家庭教育# #爱的领悟#

Whether the child repays the favor or collects the debt, you can see it at birth, not superstition!