
The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

author:Drizzle clear

"Teachers, preach and teach karma to solve puzzles", the teacher's vocation is to teach and educate people, and they selflessly pass on the knowledge they have learned to their students.

It is precisely for this reason that respecting teachers and re-teaching has always been a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, and we are grateful to teachers and grateful for their "burning themselves and illuminating others".

However, in the real world, there are some graduate tutors who excessively squeeze and use students, so that students should work for themselves during the time of study, and even disregard the life and fitness of students.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Recently, a 34-year-old graduate student of Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology died suddenly in the study room in the early morning because of a large number of "unfinished projects and endless nights", which made people feel deeply sad and sorry at the same time, I think the responsible tutor must also be blamed.

Xie Peng, as a post-80s, is 34 years old this year, is the only child in the family, his parents are more than 60 years old, retired for many years, and the family conditions are particularly rich.

It is precisely because of his ordinary birth that Xie Peng has been very sensible since he was a child, he loves to learn, works hard, and in the eyes of his family and friends, he is a very self-motivated child.

Speaking of this, you may wonder, such a good child who understands things, why is he still studying for graduate school at such an old age of 34?

What's more, according to our existing education system, many people at the age of 34 should be able to graduate with a doctorate, and it is not surprising that they even go to work, marry and have children.

But in fact, there is such a group of people, they have already entered the society, just to be able to work better, will choose to return to school, graduate school.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

And Xie Peng is one of the tens of millions of graduate students.

In 2010, Xie Peng graduated from Hubei University of Technology, majoring in engineering technology, after getting his diploma, he came to a technology company as a small assistant, and slowly he found that he did not have any advantages in various aspects, so he made a bold decision and resigned to graduate school.

It is conceivable that Xie Peng, who has reached the age of confusion, actually gave up his existing job and chose to pursue graduate school, and his courage is really admirable.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Through his hard work, Xie Peng was finally admitted to the School of Civil Engineering of Liaoning Technical University in September 2018 and studied for a master's degree in geotechnical engineering.

Xie Peng, who was successfully admitted to graduate school, worked hard in school and did his duty, and he knew that he had no age advantage over his classmates, so he was doubly diligent.

I was supposed to graduate and re-enter the workplace in December this year, but I suddenly collapsed in the school's study room at 2:30 a.m. on November 23.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

He was then taken to the hospital for rescue, but unfortunately, Xie Peng's life was finally fixed at the age of 34, and the cause of death given by the hospital was sudden cardiac death.

How could a big living person with a good end suddenly die like this?

For Xie Peng's sudden death, the elderly parents could not accept it, the old two were such a son, and for many years they had been providing for them wholeheartedly, how could they just say they would leave.

Especially in Xie Peng's three years of graduate school, because there is no job and source of income, his parents have financially funded their sons a lot by relying on their meager pension, and in 2021 alone, there are more than 40,000 yuan.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

What's more, Xie Peng has not yet married and started a family, and he has not yet had time to let his parents hold his grandson, so he will die, and the pain of the white-haired people sending the black-haired people is too much of a blow for Xie Peng's parents.

When collecting their son's belongings, Xie Peng's parents checked their son's mobile phone chat records, and as a result, the two elderly people sat directly on the ground.

It turned out that his son Xie Peng had been squeezed in the past few years of graduate school, had endless work every day, and had not been wronged.

In a chat record between Xie Peng and his classmates, he wrote: "I postponed", although he had submitted his graduation thesis, he was still postponed by his supervisor.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

This is undoubtedly desperate for Xie Peng, who is already older, who was originally relying on the financial support of his parents to go to school, and this time he was postponed from graduation, and he could not join the work early, which was really ashamed of his parents who raised him.

Could it be that Xie Peng did not study well during graduate school and was postponed by his tutor?

In fact, on the contrary, in the three years of graduate school, Xie Peng wrote 2 high-quality papers, and participated in an invention patent, successfully obtained a patent application, it can be said that Xie Peng is a very good student.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

If such excellent students are postponed, what other students will be able to graduate successfully?

From the mouths of other students, we learned that the reason why Xie Peng was postponed from graduation was because his mentor Dong Tiantian wanted him to work for half a year, to put it bluntly, it was just a part-time job for the tutor.

In fact, in the three years of graduate school, Xie Peng did not help his mentors to work, not only with unfinished projects, but also with all aspects of life.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Every time he does a project, the tutor will entrust the relevant auxiliary work to Xie Peng to complete, such as data search, writing subject materials and making PPT, the research group to issue benefits, help other members of the research group to do experiments, travel and so on.

In addition, there are many personal affairs of teachers, such as cleaning the teacher's office, boiling water for the teacher in the morning, sending cigarettes to the teacher, and returning to the teacher's residence to get clothes.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Xie Peng once confided to his classmates, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the tutor, he felt depressed, he was unhappy every day, did he rely on luck to pick the tutor in graduate school?

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Because of the long-term high-intensity work, coupled with the fact that he often stays up late to do the project, Xie Peng's body also has problems, he once went to the hospital for examination because of heart discomfort, and when he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and wanted to take a leave of absence, he was rejected by the tutor.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Seeing this, we are really sad about Xie Peng's suffering, after all, the body is the capital of the revolution, since they are all sick, why is the tutor not allowed to leave him to rest?

This may be about Xie Peng's personality.

In daily life, Xie Peng is very frugal, he rented a 7 square rental house next to the school, but also built with partitions, in addition to daily living expenses, Xie Peng himself does not smoke or drink, does not have any bad habits.

In addition, as a graduate student at the same level, Xie Peng has always been a good old man and big brother in the eyes of his classmates, and perhaps the tutor Dong Tiantian will specifically bully honest people because he values Xie Peng's urgent need for graduation work.

In Xie Peng's exposed chat records, he wrote: "I am an army alone" and "I am a 5-person envoy", which can be imagined how intense his work is, and he can't finish it without staying up late.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

Although there is a lot of work, Xie Peng has also been gritting his teeth and insisting, and what is even more hateful is that the tutor Dong Tiantian does not even have a little human touch, and has not considered the students' economic problems at all.

In order to complete the experimental projects arranged by the tutor, Xie Peng often posted money to do it himself, and in the reimbursement of some official business trips, the tutor also cared about the results and did not consider the process at all.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

For three years, Xie Peng had endless projects and endless nights every day, not only feeling physically exhausted, but also mentally collapsing due to long-term squeezing, which eventually led to Xie Peng's sudden death at more than two o'clock in the morning of November 23.

Xie Peng's death has made his family and friends deeply sad, as his mentor has long squeezed his own students, I think he must be able to escape his blame, Xie Peng's family will definitely pursue his relevant legal responsibilities.

Behind the tragedy, I would like to ask what kind of relationship between graduate students and supervisors in today's universities?

Someone once said: "If the supervisor is a self-employed boss, then the graduate student is equivalent to the employee invited by the self-employed boss, and the relationship between the two is like the relationship between the superior and the subordinate."

So how should this sentence be understood? In fact, in my opinion, some tutors are not only the "bosses" of students, but also their "parents of food and clothing", giving students some symbolic project fees, and ruthlessly and infinitely suppressing their students to work for them, which is really disgraceful.

The 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the early hours of the morning at school, and the elderly parents were resentful after checking their son's chat history

I hope that through this incident, we can arouse enough attention from college tutors, re-examine their own teacher morality and conduct, and put more energy on teaching and educating people, rather than squeezing students for money and becoming cold-blooded capital exploiters.

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