
2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

The wife was only 2 months pregnant, with a monthly mortgage of 21,000, and the husband was only 28 years old and died suddenly while working out at the gym.

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?
2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

I think many people have seen this news. This is the most unfortunate news to hear at the end of the year.

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

Over the years, I have also rescued many patients with myocardial infarction, syncope, and sudden death, including many young people:

I rescued a 14-year-old middle school student 3 years ago, he fainted while running, was taken to the hospital, I was thinking of myocardial infarction, after doing the angiography found that the heart's largest blood vessel opening tear and blockage. Later, the rescue was successful, and now the child is in high school. Of course, this child is mainly congenital cardiovascular angiodylopathy, and myocardial infarction induced by stimulating blood vessel tearing after exercise is not the same as our usual myocardial infarction.

A 20-year-old college student I rescued 8 years ago was a typical myocardial infarction caused by a blood vessel thrombosis, which is exactly the same as what we usually say about myocardial infarction. He was preparing for the graduate school, staying up late every day to smoke a lot, and as a result, he had a heart attack, and later the graduate school did not pass the exam, but he was lucky and saved.

A small number of sudden deaths are caused by cerebrovascular disease, aortic disease, pulmonary embolism, and digestive tract diseases, and the vast majority of sudden deaths are caused by heart disease.

So which heart diseases are prone to sudden death?

First, clarify the coronary heart disease, especially in patients with more serious coronary heart disease

1. The probability of cardiac arrest occurring before and then occurring within 1 year is as high as 70%.

2. People who have had angina or myocardial infarction in the past 6 months, especially in the past 1 month, are at high risk of sudden death.

3. Patients with clear coronary heart disease, if the coronary heart disease is not well controlled, it is easy to develop myocardial infarction and lead to sudden death.

These are basically coronary heart diseases, and basically have a clear medical history.

Second, heart disease in non-coronary heart disease

In addition to sudden death due to coronary heart disease, a small number of other heart diseases are caused by other heart diseases, such as arrhythmias (long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, third-degree atrioventricular block, narrow QRS wave up-ventricular velocity associated with the pre-excitation syndrome itself), which requires electrocardiogram or Holter ECG.

There are also some cardiomyopathy and heart failure that require cardiac ultrasound examination; very few people with a family history of sudden death may also need to be examined by genetic testing.

The detection of these heart problems requires aggressive and regular treatment to reduce the risk of sudden death.

Speaking of which, it is still necessary to say that most people, most of the sudden cardiac death, is myocardial infarction, the 28-year-old young man, also suspected that the sudden death caused by myocardial infarction.

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

How do we usually prevent sudden death of myocardial infarction?

1, smoking and drinking, eating and drinking, obesity, staying up late, irritable and angry and other unhealthy lifestyles, will aggravate the narrowing of blood vessels, aggravate atherosclerosis, will cause coronary heart disease. If the above unhealthy lifestyle is continued, it will also induce plaque rupture to form blood clots, block blood vessels, and sudden death of myocardial infarction. Therefore, to prevent sudden death, we must first live a healthy life. The college student I rescued was induced by myocardial infarction under the continuous staying up late and smoking a lot of cigarettes!

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

2, appropriate exercise has benefits, but strenuous exercise is not advisable, exercise should be based on their own physical strength, for healthy people's exercise advice is that exercise can cooperate with talking, but can not sing, this intensity is more appropriate. But recently very tired or often stay up late, in a state of fatigue, it is not recommended to exercise, fatigue state first rest. Wait until your physical strength is restored before exercising. The junior high school student I rescued induced a blood vessel tear under strenuous exercise, resulting in myocardial infarction. The 28-year-old company employee is also said to have suffered cardiac arrest induced during exercise!

3, to check the body: to know whether you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, to know whether your ELECTROCARDI is normal, whether there is arrhythmia; to know whether your heart ultrasound is normalized, whether there is cardiomyopathy and so on. Problems must be controlled, otherwise it will increase the risk of sudden death.

4, most of the sudden death before the actual clues, the study found that 75% of the sudden death, before have similar symptoms of angina. Judging angina is complicated, and we share a relatively simple method. Even if you can run, go up to the 5th floor and the 8th floor, you can exercise, and there is no discomfort. However, recently after running, or going upstairs or exercising, there have been various discomforts such as chest pain, chest tightness, precordial pain, headache, toothache, back pain, stomach pain and so on. This discomfort can be relieved by resting for a few minutes, then you have to go to the doctor as soon as possible, at this time you have to suspect that it is angina, is the myocardial infarction sudden death in the police!

What can we do before 120 arrives?

The incidence of ventricular fibrillation within 1 hour of acute myocardial infarction is 25 times higher than after 24 hours. That is, the first hour, the most prone to sudden death!

And this time, it is also the time period before 120, what should we do?

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

1, do not blind treatment, pat the arm, beat the chest, cough hard, needle prick bloodletting not only can not slow down the disease, or even aggravate the disease, the patient sit quietly or lie well on the line!

2. Find AED around as much as possible for emergency use, because if ventricular fibrillation, electric shock defibrillation is the most effective.

3. If there is no AED, be prepared for chest compressions and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

4. If the blood pressure is not low, you can take nitroglycerin under the tongue, if there is no relief, you can take it again every 5 minutes, if there is still no relief, it is not recommended to continue to take it, so as to avoid side effects such as hypotension. You can also take heart-saving pills, but everyone should be clear that when myocardial infarction occurs, the drug cannot solve the problem, and only by opening the blood vessels as soon as possible can they save their lives. At this time, the biggest effect of the drug is actually to comfort the patient.

5. After waiting for 120 and 120 to arrive, it will be handed over to 120.

2 months pregnant, monthly mortgage 2w, 28-year-old husband sudden death! What can we do before 120 come?

In short, sudden death is caused by diseases, most of them have clues, the key is to see if we can find it, whether we can prevent it!

Sudden death of young people is almost always caused by staying up late, stressful and unhealthy life, so young people must work hard, but they can't be desperate!

28 years old left, the wife is pregnant for 2 months, there is a huge mortgage, the future days are over, I hope she will get out of the sadness as soon as possible, I hope that the future life of the mother and the wife will be better!

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