
Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

When I was a child, I always thought that others snored when they slept, and I envied others for sleeping soundly.

When I grew up, I found that this kind of blessed love wants who wants.

The 260-pound Jiangsu guy died suddenly in a dangerous dream when he snored

Recently, according to media reports: Xiao Zhang in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, usually snored like thunder when he slept every night, but every once in a while he would be awakened, but recently his family found that he suddenly did not move in the process of snoring, even if how to shout did not respond, so he had to rush to the hospital.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

After diagnosis, it was found that Xiao Zhang suffered from "sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome", it is reported that Xiao Zhang, who is only 1 meter 7 tall, once soared to 260 pounds in weight, and the doctor speculated that it was obesity and caused by snoring.

At present, Xiao Zhang has undergone surgery and his condition has improved.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

Snoring is severe, really sick

In real life, snoring is a common phenomenon, and many people have snored before.

Causes of snoring are also very common, such as excessive physical fatigue or incorrect sleeping posture. If it is snoring caused by these factors, as long as you rest properly and correct your sleeping position, the phenomenon of snoring will soon disappear.

But severe snoring is not a good sign and may indicate a "obstructive sleep disorder syndrome" that poses a serious health threat.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

What are the causes of thunderous snoring while sleeping?

1. Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

This is a sleep-like respiratory disorder in which people with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome snore and thunder when they sleep, accompanied by recurrent apnea.

In the early morning, patients will also have headaches of different degrees, dry mouth and tongue and other phenomena. During the day, patients are easily sleepy. Most patients also have emotional abnormalities.

When suffering from obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, if it cannot be treated and adjusted in time in the early stage, it may affect the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory system, and even the nervous system, digestive system and other parts, which is very harmful to human health.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

2. Rhinitis

When suffering from rhinitis, it can cause the patient to snore while sleeping.

Mainly because of inflammation of the nasal mucosa in patients with rhinitis, there is serious edema and congestion in the nasal cavity, resulting in a narrow nasal passage.

When sleeping, when breathing through the nasal cavity, there will be poor airflow, which will cause the patient to snore. If left untreated, it may cause apnea and hypoxia.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

3. Cardiovascular diseases

Snoring is a two-way association with cardiovascular disease, and if snoring for a long time, it can lead to cardiovascular disease.

When snoring, there will be different degrees of apnea, so it will lead to hypoxemia, which will increase blood pressure, induce hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

People with some cardiovascular diseases or hypertension diseases will also be prone to snoring.

People with cardiovascular diseases and hypertensive diseases, if they snore for a long time, there will be ischemia and hypoxia in the heart and brain, and it is easy to suddenly break some cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases during sleep, which is very harmful to health.

In addition, if the body is too obese, or if there are some lesions in the respiratory tract and throat, there will also be frequent snoring.

Snoring is also a serious disease, 260 pounds of guy almost died suddenly! Improve snoring, starting with 3 reasons

Snoring is severe, how to improve?

Once there is a phenomenon of snoring when sleeping, you should be admitted to the hospital immediately for corresponding examinations, find the cause and give symptomatic treatment.

People who snore frequently should pay attention to the adjustment of sleeping position when sleeping, it is best to choose a sleeping position of lying on their sides, and try not to appear supine.

At the same time, to quit smoking and alcohol, not to mention drinking before going to bed, if drinking before going to bed will aggravate the phenomenon of snoring, there may be apnea and hypoxemia, which seriously threatens the health of patients and even life.

As the previous news showed, obesity and sleep breathing disorders are also a vicious circle of mutual cause and effect, and obese people with sleep breathing disorders are far higher than ordinary people.

Therefore, all of you who are overweight friends still need to lose weight and control weight.

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