
The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

the other day

"Station B apologizes to the families of employees who died suddenly" topic

Rushed to the top of the hot search list

25 years old, the only son in the family

He died due to sudden sudden death and ineffective rescue

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Work is full, 24 hours on call

It has long been the norm for many people

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


Shi Xiaobian wants to give workers

Especially young people

Wake up

But everyone earns money at the same time

Also pay attention to rest

After all, the money we earned

I have to spend it comfortably

The heart is fragile at certain moments

Sudden death is also prone to occur

Zhengzhou Central Hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou University

Liu Chang, director and chief physician of the emergency department, said

In recent years, there have been reports of sudden death

Commonly seen in the news media

Especially the sudden death rate in young adults

It is also showing a trend of increasing year by year

Suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness

Breathing and heartbeat stop

These sudden death symptoms

70% to 80% are caused by cardiac causes

For example, acute myocardial infarction

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day
The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

10 are easily induced

Cases of sudden cardiac death

Be sure to be careful!

1. Overeating

Eat too much

The burden of digesting food in the gastrointestinal tract is heavy

More blood is needed to help

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

The heart receives instructions

It's about working overtime to send out more blood

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

When the blood of the heart

Consume > supply

The myocardium is prone to ischemia

Eat too much oil

Elevated blood lipids tend to lead to blood vessels

Plaques and blood clots are produced

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Even myocardial infarction

Excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause a rapid heart rate

Elevated blood pressure precipitates arrhythmias


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

2. Stool is too hard

Abdominal pressure rises when the stool is forcefully relieved

Causes a rapid rise in blood pressure

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Induces angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

Malignant arrhythmias


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

3. Excessive pressure

Continuous overtime, long-term pressure is too great

The nerves are in a state of excitement for a long time

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

The burden on the heart also increases

May cause a heart attack

Increased risk of death


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

4. Take a long shower

Blood vessels dilate throughout the body during bathing

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

The chamber is relatively closed and hypoxic

It's been a long time

It is easy to cause cerebral and vascular ischemia

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

5. Strenuous exercise

During strenuous exercise

Sudden increase in blood pressure

Rapid heart rate, hypoxia of the myocardium

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

People who already have cardiovascular disease

There is a risk of inducing myocardial infarction

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

6. Extreme emotions

Encounter extreme sadness, fear

When things are angry and surprised

The nervous system secretes large amounts of hormones

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Reduces the heart's ability to pump blood

Causes chest pain and shortness of breath

Symptoms such as shock

Medically known as "heartbreak syndrome"

More common in women

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

7. Sit still


Blood flow is slow

Thrombosis may form

Once it comes off

Block the brain, heart and lungs

This may result in sudden death

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

8. Get up too hard

The alarm clock went off suddenly

With the gas of getting up

Awakens from a "semi-dormant" state

Breathing and heartbeat will be instantaneously faster

Blood flow accelerates

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

This is a greater test for cardiovascular disease

If you suddenly sit up

Or get down to the ground right away and stand up

The heart is prone to injury

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Elderly people and high blood pressure

Parkinson's patients and other groups

Be more careful


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

9. Sleep and snore

Snoring doesn't necessarily make you sleep soundly

May be sleep apnea syndrome


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

At this time, the brain, heart and other organs are hypoxic

It is easy to induce acute myocardial ischemia at night

Even acute myocardial infarction


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

10. Extreme temperatures

When temperatures are low, blood vessels constrict

This can lead to increased blood pressure, vasospasm, etc

It is easy to induce angina

Myocardial infarction, etc

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

Extreme temperatures in winter and summer

The incidence of sudden death is higher than in spring and autumn

Summer craving air conditioning

When the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large

It is also prone to heart disease

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day


The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

These 4 groups of people have a higher risk of sudden death

It is even more necessary to avoid the above problems

People who have had cardiac arrest but have been rescued successfully

People with sudden death in their families

People with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary heart disease

People who smoke and drink heavily for a long time

Director Liu Chang stressed

If chest pain or chest tightness occurs

When symptoms of dyspnea

Hospitalization should be made immediately

The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day
The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day
The 10 things that the heart is most afraid of, you do every day

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