
Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

author:No-red cuisine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="72" > blanch pork ribs to make steamed pork ribs? Keep in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor and teach you from stir-fried steamed meat rice noodles</h1>

Autumn, but also out of the ambush, but still very hot Oh, a large bite of meat paste autumn fat, it is estimated that it is still too early, and the rib oil is relatively less, plus rice noodles, it is no longer so greasy.

Well, let's make a "steamed pork ribs" and paste it with autumn belly.

The flour is made by sautéing rice with spices and crushing them, then mixing the flour with the ribs marinated in the sauce and steaming them until crispy.

The finished product is a rich sauce with soft glutinous crisp. Rice noodles that have sucked enough gravy seem to be more delicious than meat; the meat is fat but not greasy, tender and not surisy.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

In the same way, you can also steamed chicken, tamales duck, tamales pork belly and so on.

You can also infiltrate potatoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, taro, lotus root with steaming, these rhizomes of multi-starch vegetables on the bottom of the powder meat, or layer by layer, can be, do not want to cook other, just like this can be a meal.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

Serve directly in a steaming bowl, upside down on a plate, like a button meat, or in a small bamboo steamer with lotus leaves on top.

In the Hui restaurant can often eat this dish, known as the signature dish, with a bamboo steamer served up, under the ribs cushioned with a lotus leaf, although there is no pork belly made of tamales to eat, but a little more fragrant.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

Tamales can be bought readily available or fried them yourself.

When sautéing rice noodles, add spices such as large ingredients, peppercorns, cinnamon, and chili peppers to your own preference, or directly replace them with five-spice powder or thirteen spices.

The amount of dosage is adjusted according to your taste, and the taste of others may not be suitable for your taste.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="73" > [steamed pork ribs].</h1>

Ingredients: 1000g pork ribs, 200g steamed rice noodles

Seasoning: 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, salt, sugar, ginger, green onion


1. Rinse 220g of rice, sauté dry, add 2-3 teaspoons and stir-fry until slightly yellow, then crush into large granules.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

2. After soaking the ribs in warm water, wash them and chop them into small pieces, put them into a large basin, and mix well with soy sauce, soy sauce, salt and sugar.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

3. Mix the rice noodles with the meat.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

4. Divide into two large bowls, pour some water into the large basin where the meat has just been mixed, and pour into the two large bowls.

Tip: The amount of water is very small, the rice will dry if it is not steamed, and if it is added, it will become rotten rice.

Sprinkle some chopped ginger on the surface, or mix the ginger into the meat.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

4. Divide into two large bowls, pour some water in the large basin where the meat was just mixed, and pour into two large bowls.

5. Steam the pressure cooker for 25-30 minutes, decompress and eat.

Tip: Rice noodles are steamed and steamed thoroughly to taste good, if you use a regular pot may need to steam for at least 1 hour.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

Subtle whispers:

1. Ribs must be soaked in warm water, but can not be blanched, after making tamales blanched water, the meat will become tighter.

2. To make tamales, you must add a little water, the steamed meat will not dry, and the amount of water is determined according to the humidity of the meat.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > with steamed rice noodles:</h1>

Ingredients for steamed meat and rice noodles: 220 grams of rice, 1 large ingredient, 1 gram of peppercorns, 2 grams of salt

1. Wash the rice, drain and sauté over low heat.

After frying dry, add large ingredients, peppercorns and large salt and continue to stir-fry over medium-low heat.

2. Sauté until the rice is slightly yellow, sauté until the aroma is strong, turn off the heat and let cool.

3. The sautéed rice is crushed into coarse particles with a rolling pin and the steamed rice noodles are ready.

Note: You can also use a blender, but it may be a small one. Personally, I like to eat coarse grained rice noodles, depending on whether you like it.

There is also the choice of spices as you like to add or subtract, when frying can put more, after frying if you feel too much can be picked out, that is, do not all the spices and rice with the same mill.

Do you need to blanch the steamed pork ribs? Keeping in mind the 2-point powder sticky flavor, from the sautéed steamed meat rice noodles to teach you to make tamales pork ribs to blanch water? Keeping in mind the 2-point sticky flavor of the powder, from the stir-fried steamed pork rice noodles to teach you [tamales and pork ribs] with the preparation of steamed meat rice noodles:

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