
Three-volt health food - steamed pork ribs with lotus leaf powder

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Three-volt health food - steamed pork ribs with lotus leaf powder

Practice steps

1. Preparation of raw materials

2. Make rice noodles for steaming meat first: when the rice is fried with star anise cinnamon and stir-fried over low heat until it is yellow, remove the star anise cinnamon

3, use a blender to press into some particles of powder (the steamed pork ribs will be somewhat chewy)

4: Repeatedly soak the ribs with water to clear the bleeding water, pour out and wash them, and put them in a container

5, add the southern milk, pepper powder, pepper, paprika, soy sauce, ginger and ribs mix well, marinate for half an hour to an hour, (I put the refrigerator to marinate overnight)

6: Mix the marinated pork ribs with steamed rice noodles

7, after washing the green onion and ginger, cut the green onion into sections and put them together (these are also to make the ribs smell better)

8: Spread out the lotus leaves, add the cut pumpkin pieces, and cut the pumpkin into large pieces

9: Spread the ribs wrapped in rice noodles

10: Wrap and put in the steamer basket

11: Medium heat for 60 minutes.


1. Pumpkin can be replaced with sweet potatoes, taro can be 2. The same method can be made into tamales, steamed chicken and the like 3. The time with a pressure cooker can be shortened

Mood story

Three volt days really do not want to open the fire to stir-fry, then make a steamed pork ribs bar, this dish staple food, meat dishes are together, do not have to cook rice stir-fry, really convenient, not only healthy, but also delicious, with lotus leaves to steam, lotus leaves of the fragrance and greasy. Guangdong side in the three volt day habits with lotus leaves and winter melon to cook summer soup, everyone knows that lotus leaves have the effect of weight loss, Chinese medicine says that lotus leaves have a clear heart fire, flat liver fire, diarrhea spleen fire, lung fire and heat nourishment, blood pressure diuretic, liquid antiperspiration, hemostasis and spermatination and other effects. "Lotus leaves lose weight, make people thin", China has regarded lotus leaves as a good medicine for slimming since ancient times (from Baidu), so fat paper is beneficial to eat lotus leaves, even if I eat two more pieces of meat, my burden is much smaller.

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