
Steamed pork ribs with rice noodles and coriander leaves are salty, spicy and fragrant, and the ribs are soft

author:The secrets of space

【Ingredients】1 hen, 100 grams of sprouts, 200 grams of pork, 2 pickled peppers and 2 eggs each.

【Seasoning】250 grams of lard oil, 800 grams of peanut oil, 10 grams of sesame oil and salt, 20 grams of ginger, 30 grams of cooking wine, wet starch, minced green onion, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of pepper salt, 15 grams of soy sauce, 2 pickled peppers.

【Preparation method】 1. Chicken wash, chop off claws, wing tips, remove internal organs, remove the lower leg bone; mince the sprouts; pork cut into strips; half sliced ginger, the other half shredded; pickled pepper shredded; lard oil washed and controlled water; chicken with cooking wine, monosodium glutamate and salt rub again, and then put part of the chopped onion, ginger slices to marinate into the flavor; use salt and egg white, wet starch to make a paste.

2. Pour the shredded meat into a hot oil stir-fry spoon and stir-fry it, then add sprouts, pickled chili peppers, minced green onion, ginger shreds, and then stir-fry in MSG, soy sauce, cooking wine, etc. into the chicken belly; wrap the net oil (wipe off the water and smear with egg paste).

3. Put the wrapped chicken in sesame oil, peel off the outer mesh oil skin, cut into rectangular cubes and place it around the plate, then take out the filling in the chicken belly and put it on the bottom of the plate, chop the chicken into strips and put it on the top of the filling; the pepper and salt are put on the table with the chicken.

Steamed pork ribs with rice noodles and coriander leaves are salty, spicy and fragrant, and the ribs are soft

【Ingredients】Pork ribs, rice noodles, coriander leaves, watercress each appropriate amount.

【Seasoning】Tofu milk, peppercorns, minced ginger, minced green onion, watercress, minced garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, vegetable oil.

【Preparation】 1. Chop the ribs into knots, add fried watercress, salt, ginger, minced green onion, peppercorns, tofu milk juice, pepper, monosodium glutamate and mix well, then add rice noodles and vegetable oil to mix well.

2. Place a lotus leaf on the steamer basket, put in the ribs, steam for 40 minutes until cooked, remove and add the minced garlic and coriander leaves, and put them on the plate. This dish is salty, spicy and fragrant, and the ribs are soft.

Steamed pork ribs with rice noodles and coriander leaves are salty, spicy and fragrant, and the ribs are soft

【Ingredients】 400 grams of bean sprouts, 135 grams of shredded chicken, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of soup.

【Seasoning】 3 teaspoons each of rice wine, wet starch, refined salt, vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon each of pepper, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil.

【Preparation】 1. First mix the chicken shredded with egg white and wet starch, put vegetable oil in the wok and heat it 30%, put the dried bean sprouts in the pot, use half of the wet starch to hook and put it in the dish.

2. Put vegetable oil in the wok, let the oil burn until it is 30% hot, put the chicken shreds into the oil until cooked, pour it into the fence and drain the oil. Steam until just cooked, heat in a brine pan until the meat can be removed from the bone, and then fry in a hot oil pan until golden brown and dry and fragrant.

2. Put the fried ribs into the smoker, light the smoker, smoke until the ribs are dark red and the smoke aroma is flavored, brush with sesame oil, cut into small pieces and plate. The dish is dark red in color and salty and fragrant.

Steamed pork ribs with rice noodles and coriander leaves are salty, spicy and fragrant, and the ribs are soft

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