
Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary


Fish head tofu soup is a common dish in our lives, fish head nutrition, good taste, high protein content, low fat, easy to digest, easy to absorb, for the elderly or weak people, there is a good therapeutic effect, the tonic effect is very good, such a pot of fish meat tofu soup in the restaurant to sell to dozens of yuan a portion, some will also be used as a signature dish, every time I go out I order, as long as I smell the aroma overflowing, oily and tender fish head soup, I can't help but drink two bowls, for which I also specifically looked for someone to learn, Also combined with some of their own experience, the following will be boiled fish head tofu soup skills, detailed sharing to everyone, especially in winter, very warm up.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

Boiling fish head soup, not all fish, must choose the head of the bighead carp (bighead carp), it has many names, silver carp, fat head fish, Baotou fish, big head fish, black silver carp, silver carp, silver carp, male fish, etc., it is one of the "four big fish", silver carp collagen is a lot, there is a kind of fish oil that the human body must have, fish oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, can play a role in maintaining, improving, improving brain function, improving immunity, after boiling the soup is thick and fresh, the soup is thick, the soup is thick, the tofu is smooth and tender, the elderly and children often eat this delicious dish, Can strengthen the body.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

Fish head tofu soup, the average person should eat, want to stew out the milky white soup, or there are certain small skills, the following will come together to share the method, like the small partner, you can first collect it, in case of emergency.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > fish head tofu soup</h1>

Ingredients: Fathead fish, cooking wine, tofu, coriander, ginger, mushrooms, black fungus

Seasoning: Salt, peppercorns

1, prepare a fat fish head, cut in half, clean up, dry excess water, the surface of the fish head with cooking wine, and then apply it again with salt, marinate for 15 minutes, boil the oil, fry for 3-5 minutes, slightly yellow and color.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

2, add 5 bowls of boiling water, can not pass the fish head, then put 4 slices of ginger, 2 green onions, 10 peppercorns, boil on high heat and reduce the heat, keep the "grunt" boiling state.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

3, in the process of cooking, there will be foam floating out of the soup, this is a normal phenomenon, if you mind, you can skim out, stew for 10 minutes, add 1 spoonful of cooking wine.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

4, tofu according to their own preferences, old tofu or tender tofu are OK, the tofu into a knife slice, directly into the pot, thousands of rolls of tofu roll fish, tofu is not afraid of long-term stew.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

5, the secret of fish head soup is to fry fish, so that the thick white soup is easier, stew to 20 minutes, has been obviously seen, the soup has become milky white, at this time, add some mushrooms, fungus, continue to stew for 10 minutes.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

6, the time of stewing fish head soup, control at about 25-30 minutes, add the right amount of white pepper, salt seasoning, sprinkle some coriander to freshen, stir well to get out of the pot, the soup is particularly fresh, the soup is as white as fat, very successful, the elderly and children love to drink.

Stewed fish head tofu soup, remember "2 put 3 do not put", fish soup has no fishy taste, soup milk white special fresh fish head tofu soup skills summary

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > skill summary</h1>

1, before stewing the fish soup, the fish head is fried yellow and colored, so that the cooked soup tastes not fishy, and it is more fresh and sweet, and the soup is also milky white.

2. According to your own needs, add mushrooms. Vegetables such as black fungus and white radish have better nutritional effects.

3, fish head soup is very fresh, the original taste is perfect, must not add MSG or chicken essence, to avoid destroying the original delicious.

2 puts:

Pepper, parsley

3 Do not put:

MSG, chicken essence, star anise

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