
"CCF Charity Day - Science Popularization in Action" series of activities, a feast of the integration of science and technology and public welfare

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“CCF公益日—科普在行动”系列活动,科技与公益的融合盛宴","en":"\"CCF Charity Day - Science Popularization in Action\" series of activities, a feast of the integration of science and technology and public welfare"},"description":{"content":"由CCF主办的CCF公益日启动仪式暨技术公益大会,以“技术有爱、公益无界”为主题,汇聚了中国技术公益领域的实践者及专家,...","en":"The launching ceremony of CCF Charity Day and Technology Charity Conference hosted by CCF, with the theme of \"Technology with Love, Public Welfare Without Boundaries\", brought together practitioners and experts in the field of technology philanthropy in China,..."}},"items":[]}

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