
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

author:Great River Network

20th, one

Woman in Wugong Mountain Scenic Area, Pingxiang, Jiangxi

The news of his death during the "reverse penetration" has aroused concern

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

The relevant person in charge of Wugong Mountain Scenic Area

In response to media said

Born in 1997

It is not a scenic spot to develop

Outdoor crossing routes

Outside the jurisdiction of the scenic spot

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

Mountaineering route map (network screenshot)

Rescuer: The girl was in a terrible condition when she was found

According to Ms. Zhang, the daughter of the local innkeeper

The night of the incident

The girl's friend asks for help from the inn

Said the girl was unable to walk and could not speak

The innkeeper immediately organized a search and rescue

But the girl was found in a very bad state

Tents, sleeping bags and hot water are provided

Many innkeepers have also been guarding the girl's side

Firefighters then arrived to carry her down the hill and take her to the hospital

But unfortunately

On the 21st, the police in the jurisdiction confirmed that the girl had unfortunately died

On the afternoon of the 21st

The local police have been involved in the investigation

The cause of death is initially known to be hypothermia

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

It is understood that:

There is a saying that "wear it right" or "wear it backwards" while hiking

Reverse wear refers to taking a different route

Usually the difficulty increases

Some netizens said

On May 19, I went to climb Wugong Mountain by myself

The weather was bad

There are tourists who are soaking wet

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

There are also videos posted by netizens on the 19th

I climbed Wugong Mountain by myself and encountered strong winds and rain

The wind blows and makes people walk unsteadily

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

According to Jimu News, Mr. Liao, who has "reversed" Wugong Mountain many times before, said that good weather is needed to succeed in "reverse penetration", but the actual situation is that the weather in Wugong Mountain is changeable, and the wind speed on the top of the mountain can reach seven or eight levels, and heavy fog and rain may occur at any time, and the visibility is sometimes less than 5 meters.

In case of bad weather, you can't move forward blindly, you can retreat or find the nearest inn to rest temporarily, and wait for good weather before taking the next trip.

Scenic area responded: "Wearing a sling" mountaineering is a rumor

Some netizens on social platforms are discussing this matter, and some netizens in the screenshots circulated on the Internet said that the girl was wearing a suspender to take pictures.

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

A staff member of the Wugong Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee in Pingxiang City revealed that after receiving the request for help, a rescue team was dispatched as soon as possible. "On the way back from the rescue, the girl was actually (no)."

The staff member explained that the girl who was killed was not climbing the mountain in a sling as reported on the Internet. "She was dressed and it was enough for the weather. The girl is an outdoor enthusiast, hiking and climbing from the outdoor reverse route, and encountered a small range of relatively cold weather on the mountain, and at night, she did not have rich outdoor mountaineering experience, did not do a good job of thermal insulation and warmth, causing an accident. ”

In addition, the person in charge also denied that the woman who was killed participated in the "Little White Group" and that "her teammates abandoned her and ran away". He introduced that the three of them met on the 19th to climb the mountain and meet at the bottom of the mountain, without a guide.

Netizen: Respect nature and do what you can

According to the WeChat official account of "Healthy China", hypothermia, also known as hypothermia, describes the phenomenon when the core temperature of the human body is lower than 35.0 °C (the normal body temperature of the human body is 36 °C ~ 37 °C).

Hypothermia is divided into three stages, mild, moderate, and severe according to its severity. Among them, in the second stage of moderate hypothermia, the body temperature drops to 28 °C ~ 32 °C, muscle incoordination is more obvious, people's actions are more sluggish and difficult, accompanied by unsteady pace, confusion of direction, and abnormal undressing, which is the imbalance of the body's own regulatory mechanism, and the peripheral blood vessels that have always contracted are dilated, resulting in the illusion of "heating up" for a short time.

Many experienced netizens also said

Outdoor activities

We must respect nature and do what we can

Do a good job

Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined
Distressed! She has been confirmed dead, and the cause of death has been preliminarily determined

Away from home

safety first

(Source: China Youth Daily The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete (21))