
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market




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In order to further promote the economic development of the counterpart villages, build a useful platform for the display and sales of rural special agricultural products. On May 18th and 19th, seven "first secretaries" sent by Jinan Public Transport Group to carry out public welfare and agricultural exhibition activities in Baihuazhou, Daming Lake.

The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market

The "first secretary" of the bus stationed in Nanshan, Jiyang, Gangcheng and other districts and counties has built an open exhibition area relying on the central square of Baihuazhou to actively promote the culture and agricultural industry of their respective villages. The rural art team presented wonderful gong and drum performances to the citizens and tourists, and invited the citizens to communicate and interact.

The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market

Farmers from various villages brought more than 20 kinds of affordable and high-quality local special agricultural products such as watermelon, cherry, pancakes, sesame oil, honey, etc., which attracted many citizens to visit and buy. A number of exhibition areas were also set up at the event site to display the traditional culture and characteristic handicrafts of the countryside, so that the general public and tourists could appreciate the traditional rural skills at the same time, and more profoundly witnessed the unique charm of rural culture and the fruitful results of rural revitalization.

The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market

The successful holding of the public welfare gathering of the "first secretary" of the public transport to help agriculture has injected new vitality into the cause of rural revitalization. Through this activity, the "first secretaries" fully demonstrated the unique village conditions and characteristic industries in various places, helped the village to broaden sales channels and increase farmers' income. At the same time, it also promotes more "native products" of the village to a broader urban market, wins a good reputation from the general public, and effectively helps the village to achieve the "double promotion" of economic and social benefits.

The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market
The "first secretary" of public transportation helped rural revitalization, and Baihuazhou helped farmers to open a lively public welfare market

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