
The hospital has released a series of public welfare projects

author:Shanghai Changning

Today (May 18), at the 20th anniversary celebration and ophthalmology academic seminar of Guangzheng New Vision Eye Hospital, Guangzheng New Vision Ophthalmology released and launched a series of public welfare, popular science and professional cooperation projects.

The public welfare projects released this time include: pediatric difficult eye disease assistance, corneal cross-linking surgery assistance, congenital cataract assistance, college entrance examination students to remove glasses, and at the same time launched the "Healthy Sanjiangyuan, Guangming Gander County" public welfare action.

These public welfare projects will be aimed at poor children aged 3-16 with congenital glaucoma, retinoblastoma, retinal detachment and other difficult eye diseases, keratoconus patients with difficult family backgrounds, poor eye disease patients suffering from congenital cataracts, and outstanding fresh college entrance examination students who need to take off their lenses.

At the same time, the Changning District Association for Science and Technology and Guangzheng New Vision Eye Hospital jointly launched the "Pay Attention to National Eye Diseases, Scientific Prevention and Treatment of Dry Eye" science popularization project, which will further improve the people's awareness and attention to the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. The United Front Work Department of the District Party Committee awarded the honorary medal of "Changning District National Unity and Progress Education Base" to New Vision Eye Hospital.

In the subsequent ophthalmology academic seminar, nearly 20 domestic authoritative ophthalmology experts successively delivered special speeches, covering refractive surgery treatment, diagnosis and treatment of difficult fundus diseases such as subretinal hemorrhage, diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus, cataract treatment and development, amniotic membrane transplantation and other eye diseases, and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with more than 200 ophthalmology colleagues on the latest research results, clinical practice experience and future development trends in the field of ophthalmology.

The hospital has released a series of public welfare projects
The hospital has released a series of public welfare projects

Written by Zhao Li

Editor: Bi Yangjing

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

The hospital has released a series of public welfare projects

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