
When the construction of key projects is underway|Jiejia Technology's new plant started: innovation and iteration to promote the upgrading of the warp knitting industry

author:Quanzhou Net

Recently, next to the factory of Fujian Jiejia Technology Co., Ltd. on Chongxiang Street, Quanzhou Development Zone, the company started construction of a capital increase and expansion project, and soon after, two new factories will rise here.

Jiejia Technology started construction of a new plant: innovation and iteration to promote the upgrading of the warp knitting industry

Quanzhou Net, May 21 (Reporter Hong Rongdui, Chen Linglu, Xie Youming) Recently, next to the factory of Fujian Jiejia Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiejia Technology") on Chongxiang Street, Quanzhou Development Zone, the company started construction of a capital increase and expansion project. The project undertakes the production, R&D and application of innovative warp knitting machines and a full range of intelligent wireless jaccas, which will effectively promote the upgrading of warp knitting products and textile industry, and play a vital role in cultivating new quality productivity in Quanzhou Development Zone and even the city's textile, footwear and clothing industry.

When the construction of key projects is underway|Jiejia Technology's new plant started: innovation and iteration to promote the upgrading of the warp knitting industry

Renderings of the construction of the factory

With a planned total investment of 200 million yuan, the building covers an area of 1,240 square meters, with a total construction area of 7,898 square meters, including an underground construction area of 3,732 square meters and two above-ground factories with a total construction area of 4,166 square meters.

The project investor, Jiejia Technology, is an innovative national high-tech enterprise in the field of warp knitting machine control, focusing on the iterative development of software and hardware of warp knitting machine control system, process design software, intelligent wireless jacquard and other projects. At present, the company's intelligent wireless jacquard shipments are in the forefront of the domestic industry, especially the intelligent wireless short base jacquard is the first in the industry to achieve mass production, which will drive warp weaving enterprises to innovate and launch more styles and functions of the craft cloth, which is of positive significance to the product innovation of the textile, footwear and clothing industry.

When the construction of key projects is underway|Jiejia Technology's new plant started: innovation and iteration to promote the upgrading of the warp knitting industry

Cao Xiaobin, general manager and senior engineer of Jiejia Technology, introduced the advantages of the product

Cao Xiaobin, general manager and senior engineer of Jiejia Technology, said that when the footwear and apparel industry develops the process cloth required for new styles, it is often necessary to take into account both functionality and aesthetics, and the production of these fabrics is inseparable from the technical support of core components such as warp knitting machine control system and intelligent wireless jacquard. In order to further miniaturize the intelligent wireless jacquard and reduce power consumption, Jiejia Technology also independently develops chips to match and lead the overall solution of warp knitting machine manufacturing.

Due to the broad market prospects and obvious technological leadership, the previous plant space has been difficult to meet the development needs of Jiejia Technology. With the support and help of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Quanzhou Development Zone, Jiejia Technology obtained the right to use the industrial land adjacent to the existing plant, passed the expert review within two weeks, obtained the planning and construction permit within three months, and officially started construction on May 8. According to the project plan, the two new factories on the ground are expected to complete the main body capping in September this year and be put into use in May next year.

When the construction of key projects is underway|Jiejia Technology's new plant started: innovation and iteration to promote the upgrading of the warp knitting industry

Project construction site

"After the completion of the new plant, we will further increase R&D investment and promote the further mass production and iterative upgrading of innovative warp knitting machines and intelligent wireless jacquard and other product technologies." Cao Xiaobin said that at that time, the company will integrate the upstream and downstream advantages, develop innovative warp knitting machines such as creel jacquard warp knitting machine, monofilament warp feeding jacquard warp knitting machine, high-speed traverse warp knitting machine, etc., to meet the innovative needs of craft cloth styles and functions, and promote warp knitting products and industrial upgrading. After the project is put into production, it is expected to increase the annual output value by 50 million yuan to 80 million yuan, which can increase nearly 100 jobs.


"Smart wireless jacquard" usually refers to a technology used in textile knitting warp knitting machines, which can make the weaving process of the machine electronic and intelligent. The warp knitting machine with intelligent wireless jaccratic technology is more conducive to yarn walking and yarn finishing operations during production, reduces the stopping rate of yarn threading, shortens the yarn threading time, and can obtain the working status of jacquard in real time, which is convenient for maintenance and replacement, and improves product output and quality.

Editor in charge: Lai Minrong

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