
Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

author:Meigetsu Bunshi

"Hey, comrade policeman, I am a teacher at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a student has been missing for more than a day, and now the school and her parents are dying! ......”

It's good to see more of the outside world, but safety is always the first, and in 2020, there was a case of death due to tourism, and the death was a girl named Huang Yumeng, who was already a pile of white bones when she was found, and after DNA comparison, the deceased was confirmed to be Huang Yumeng.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

What is even more surprising is that Huang Yumeng's body turned out to be naked. What the hell is going on, why does a female college student go to such a dangerous place as Hoh Xil alone?

Female college student disappeared in Hoh Xil

Huang Yumeng, a student at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said that she is a person who likes to travel very much, and usually sets off when she is in a bad mood. This time, it was also because of the pressure that I decided to go to the no-man's land of Hoh Xil.

On July 5, 2020, she left the school without asking for leave for tutoring, and did not tell her roommate which city she was going to, so she secretly left the school with her luggage.

Three days later, when the counselor checked her bed, she found that there was no one in her bed, and the counselor quickly contacted Huang Yumeng's parents, who said: "She told us that she went to Hoh Xil, but we were still in touch two days ago, and I can't contact her today." ”

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

The family began to be anxious, the phone could not be reached, and no one paid attention to the WeChat message. During this period, Huang Yumeng's roommate also called her, but she couldn't get through, and the counselor decided to call the police.

The Nanjing police received this news and launched a rescue without delay. The police learned Huang Yumeng's identity information, and through the identity information, they found that she went to Golmud City, Qinghai Province. The police quickly contacted the police station and the public security bureau in Qinghai. A quick investigation followed, but no investigation was made about Huang Yumeng's whereabouts.

Parents and counselors were very anxious, parents said that two days ago, their daughter called them and told them to bring them some Qinghai specialties, and the police advised the family not to worry, things may not be as bad as imagined.

After that, the police finally made some progress after several days, and the Nanjing police investigated on the train where Huang Yumeng was riding, and found a passenger in the same sleeper car as Huang Yumeng, and the passenger also had a few words with Huang Yumeng.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

The family reported to the police in Golmud City. Through a close search by the police, it was found that Huang Yumeng's identity information had appeared at the Nanshan checkpoint of National Highway 109 on the Qinghai-Tibet Line. and found the taxi driver who had sent Huang Yumeng to Hoh Xil.

According to the taxi driver's description, Huang Yumeng also bargained with him, and saw that she also carried a tent that day, and heard Huang Yumeng say that he planned to stay in Hoh Xil for the night, and the driver said: "I told her that it was very cold at night over there, and persuaded her to go back." ”

But Huang Yumeng didn't listen to it, and still insisted on going to Hoh Xili.

The driver said that he could only send her to Qingshuihe, because the traffic was inconvenient, so she got out of the car and went on foot.

After the police got the information, they launched a carpet search in the no-man's land of Hoh Xil, but the area is too large, covering 45,000 square kilometers. Search and rescue is also not an easy task. And the environment is very harsh, the temperature difference between morning and evening is very large, and the tent with yellow rain is not enough to spend the night.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Huang Yumeng has been missing for a day and a night, and whether he is still alive is a difficult thing to say, the police said:

"Actually, I'm lucky to be alive, but to put it mildly, the chances of going missing here and surviving are very small." Every year, many people disappear in Hoh Xili, and they come alone, and this girl is also bold.

The police were also unable to locate the exact location of Huang Yumeng, but they were ready for a long-term search, but to their despair, there was no progress for a whole day.

But at this moment, the police grasped an important clue based on Huang Yumeng's mobile phone information, Huang Yumeng was in Qumalai County, Yushu Prefecture on the evening of July 8. But this made the police even more puzzled, this place is more than 200 kilometers away from the Qingshui River, and a normal person can't walk more than 200 kilometers in half a day.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

When it was found, it was a pile of bones

This can be said to be impossible for a girl, through the device to capture Huang Yumeng's mobile phone signal, showing that Huang Yumeng's mobile phone has been turned off.

The police's search and rescue work suddenly lost its direction, and they didn't know where to start, so they had to suspend their work first. The family was even more anxious when they heard that there was no news, and on July 12, they and the Nanjing police rushed to the Sonam Dajie Conservation Station in Qinghai.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Huang Yumeng's mother couldn't stop crying: "I only have this one child, comrade police, you must help me if you are troubled!" The police understand Huang Mu's mood very well, but they can't do anything about it, so they can only pay attention to whether there is Huang Yumeng in Qumalai County, Yushu Prefecture.

At this time, the case of Huang Yumeng's disappearance on the Internet has been widely spread, and netizens have also tried to find ways to come up with countermeasures, a friend of Huang Yumeng said that Huang Yumeng also contacted her a few days ago, saying that he was buying some special products to go home to his parents.

But after several days, there was still no news of Huang Yumeng, she seemed to have disappeared from this world, and Huang Yumeng's mother almost fainted.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Finally, on July 13, the police found that Huang Yumeng's identity information appeared in Nanshankou on the Qinghai-Tibet Line, which was very close to Golmud City where she got into a taxi, but it was not reasonable.

On July 8th, the location where her identity information appeared was still in Qumalai County, Yushu Prefecture, and now she has returned to the original point, 400 kilometers back and forth, and it is impossible to hike in five days.

Could it be that someone stole Huang Yumeng's ID card? But there is no monitoring in the no-man's land, and there is no way to find out. After more than ten days of carpet search, no trace was found, and the police could only euphemistically give the parents a vaccination: "Huang Yumeng's situation may not be good." ”

Until July 25, the police mobilized the police, armed police, public security and firefighters, and even local forest rangers were dispatched on a large scale to carry out a large-scale search and rescue operation.
Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Finally on the 30th, there was an eyebrow, but unfortunately, what I got was a bad news, the police found a pile of white bones in the uninhabited area on the south side of the Qingshui River in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, and there were still human red tissues on the white bones, which looked very scary.

There was a backpack next to the corpse, and the police looked through it and found that it was Huang Yumeng's ID card, student ID, and mobile phone.

Huang Yumeng's mother, who learned the news, immediately fainted and was sent to the hospital, where she fell seriously ill. The police also felt sad that the life of a young girl in the flower season stopped in the indifferent no-man's land, who did not feel an uproar when they saw it.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

But the careful police also found that the clothes next to Huang Yumeng were intact, and it stands to reason that if they were bitten by wild beasts, the clothes should be tattered, what is going on? Could it be that Huang Yumeng's naked body was torn and bitten when he died?

In the face of these suspicions, netizens also have different opinions, saying everything, some say that she can't think of running to commit suicide, some say that she was murdered by someone who plotted to kill her, some say that she was killed by a bad guy halfway through, and some people say that she was frozen to death because she was too cold, and she was eaten by animals after death.

So what are the facts?

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Huang Yumeng once confided in a friend that he was under pressure

The police believe that perhaps Huang Yumeng came to the no-man's land with suicidal thoughts from the beginning, because there is a key point, that is, Huang Yumeng carried sleeping pills with him, and he was worried about insomnia when he went to the no-man's land. Carrying sleeping pills with you is not quite reasonable in itself.

The police also interviewed Huang Yumeng's friend, who said:

"We used to talk on the phone a lot, and recently she always felt stressed and should have graduated, but because of her thesis, the school asked her to delay her graduation, and since then, he has often suffered from insomnia and a little depressed."

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

It is not difficult to see from the words of Huang Yumeng's friend. Huang Yumeng did withstand a lot of pressure. I also learned from my parents that Huang Yumeng had always wanted to be a pilot and studied aviation in college, but due to a mistake in an exam, she was forced to transfer to the flight attendant major.

And is this the reason for Huang Yumeng's suicide? It's just that people can't help but sigh that such a young life has disappeared like this.

The chairman of the Blue Sky Emergency Rescue Center in Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province, revealed that the clothes at the scene were neat, there was no bloodstains, and it was unlikely that he killed him, and the deceased was very likely to have taken sleeping pills and overdosed to cause a coma, and the climate in the uninhabited area of Hoh Xil was very harsh, which could easily cause altitude sickness, and the temperature at night was even colder, and the mobile phone signal here was also very poor, resulting in the loss of contact with Huang Yumeng.

Naked and eaten by wild beasts, what did the female college student who hiked in Hoh Xil experience?

Nowadays, the pace of life is getting more and more blocking, and unconsciously adding a lot of pressure to themselves, but they don't know that living happily is the most important thing. Many people like to travel to release their stress, and some people will seek thrills and adventures, play some extreme sports and the like.

Every year, because there are not a few people who have accidents, the pursuit of excitement and adventure should have a degree, you can't blindly indulge yourself, life is the most important. There is only one life, and everyone should cherish their life.

Travel is good, but it's best to bring a playmate with you to a dangerous tourist spot like Hoh Xil, and never go into a no-man's land alone.

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