
#春日生活打卡季#望子成龙望女成凤, but in the end, how many children have become dragons and phoenixes in the world? Do you know that the role of mothers during this period is irreplaceable. [Light the lantern]

author:Qi Fenglian

#春日生活打卡季#望子成龙望女成凤, but in the end, how many children have become dragons and phoenixes in the world? Do you know that the role of mothers during this period is irreplaceable.

First, in the process of a child's growth, the mother should be a role model for a child.

Second, mothers should pay attention to their children's learning and growth.

Third, mothers should provide a stable and harmonious family environment for their children.

Fourth, mothers should learn to communicate with their children and understand their thoughts and needs.

I think that the fourth point is the most important of these four aspects. Many mothers are able to provide a good family environment for their children when they are still very young, and pay attention to their children's learning and growth. However, some mothers become more and more difficult to communicate with their children when their children enter the stage of puberty, and they become less and less incomprehensible about their children's thoughts and needs. Such a situation is very detrimental to the child's growth and mental health during the adolescent years.

Therefore, in the process of children's continuous growth, mothers should pay more attention to how to communicate with their children, understand their ideas and needs, and become the most solid backing on the road of children's growth.

#春日生活打卡季#望子成龙望女成凤, but in the end, how many children have become dragons and phoenixes in the world? Do you know that the role of mothers during this period is irreplaceable. [Light the lantern]
#春日生活打卡季#望子成龙望女成凤, but in the end, how many children have become dragons and phoenixes in the world? Do you know that the role of mothers during this period is irreplaceable. [Light the lantern]
#春日生活打卡季#望子成龙望女成凤, but in the end, how many children have become dragons and phoenixes in the world? Do you know that the role of mothers during this period is irreplaceable. [Light the lantern]

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