
My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again


Source: Foodie Institute

As a child who grew up in the hometown of stews, my childhood memories always had a pot of chicken stewed potatoes. I remember the deliciousness of chicken broth and the softness of potatoes, and I have a few spoonfuls of bibimbap at the end of each meal.

But one of the most "popular" attempts at the combination of chicken soup and potatoes was the small box of mashed potatoes that I first ate at KFC as a child. I don't know how many post-80s and post-90s students are like me, surprised that it can be so cute and rich.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

Nowadays, I have eaten more and more delicacies, and I also understand the ingredients and preparation of fast food restaurants. It can exist in my heart for so long, also because the color and fragrance in my memory can always transcend reality. Today I'm going to share a fast food restaurant that can't eat, real chicken juice mashed potatoes!

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again


Real chicken juice mashed potatoes

Ingredients you need to prepare

Ingredients: 200 g potatoes, 150 g chicken bones/chicken meat, 20 g milk.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

Chicken broth ingredients: 5 grams of cooking wine, a little fragrant leaves, star anise and ginger slices.

Mashed potato sauce: 20 g butter, 1 g salt, 2 g black peppercorns, 2 g oyster sauce, 2 g starch.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

Production steps

1. Boiling chicken soup (lazy people can directly replace it with thick soup treasure)

(1) After the chicken wings are rinsed, put the pan in cold water. Pour in the chicken broth, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes. I used a few chicken wings left at home, and friends who had the conditions could put more chicken bones.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(2) After the chicken broth is boiled, first skim off the floating powder in the pot, and then fish out the chicken wings and rinse them with water. The chicken broth is filtered out, leaving a clear soup base.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(3) Re-pour the soup base into the pot, add the right amount of water to boil, pour in the chicken wings that have just been washed, cover the pot and simmer for 1-2 hours, you can also use a pressure cooker or rice cooker.

(4) After boiling again, use a spoon to crush the chicken wings. At this time, the chicken is already very tender, and it opens with a poke.

(5) Finally, add a little salt and cook for a few minutes on medium heat. At this time, the chicken soup has been cooked in a state close to white, and you can drink natural and delicious chicken soup without adding too many seasonings.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(6) Filter out 100 grams of chicken broth and leave it to make mashed potatoes. The remaining chicken broth can be frozen if it is strong enough, or it can be prepared in other dishes. In addition to boiling noodles, you can also make a very delicious street food "chicken soup tofu skewers", the production process is at the end.

2. Make mashed potatoes in chicken sauce

(1) Wash the potatoes and steam them in a pot with skin. Steaming with skin will reduce the water absorption in the potatoes, and the steamed potatoes will be sandier.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(2) After the potatoes are steamed, they can be easily penetrated with chopsticks, and then the potato skin is peeled off and crushed into a puree.

(3) Add 5 g of butter and 20 g of milk to the mashed potatoes and stir them hot to a softer texture, not too thin.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(4) Take out a small bowl, put plastic wrap on it, pour the mashed potatoes into it and pat it firmly with a spoon, and then buckle it upside down to make a nice semicircular shape.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

Third, make the pouring sauce

(1) First pour 15 grams of butter into a pot and melt over low heat, then pour in salt, black pepper, oyster sauce and starch and stir well, the starch should be stirred until it is completely fused with the butter.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(2) Pour the chicken broth you just left into the pot, heat it over low heat, and slowly stir it with a spoon to form a thicker sauce.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(3) Finally pour the juice on the mashed potatoes, and you complete the gorgeous transformation of the chicken juice mashed potatoes!

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

It's the smell of that when I was a kid

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again


Chicken soup tofu skewers

When I was a child, when the winter was particularly cold, I lined up at the school gate to buy a bowl of chicken soup and tofu skewers, held a bowl in the cold wind and drank a mouthful of garlic-flavored chicken soup, dreaming with a fragrance ~ Now people are not easy to eat in the field, but you can make it yourself!

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

Dried tofu, chicken broth, salt, coriander/green onion, minced garlic and chili oil to taste, toothpicks.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(1) Cut the dried tofu into small cubes, add a little salt to boiling water and cook for 1 minute.

(2) After the dried tofu is cooked, don't waste the water in the pot, throw the toothpick in it and cook it. After the toothpick is cooked, the tofu skin is rolled up from one corner, and four are worn on 1 toothpick.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again
My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(3) Pour the chicken broth and chicken into a pot and bring to a boil with some water. Put the dried tofu skewers in, add salt, simmer over low heat for half an hour to 1 hour, the longer the dried tofu becomes more flavorful.

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

(4) Pour in the minced garlic before boiling. The cooked garlic is not spicy and can also be flavored.

(5) Finally, fish out the tofu skewers, add coriander and peppers, and cry!

My childhood favorite X Deji chicken juice mashed potatoes, I ate it again

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