
How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

Yangcheng faction

2024-05-25 21:04Published on the official account of Guangdong Yangcheng Evening News Digital Media Co., Ltd

I knew that there was a "difference" in height between people from the north and south, but I didn't expect this "difference" to be so big! Recently, a photo of primary school students playing basketball in two provinces on the Internet quickly became popular, causing many heated discussions. According to netizens, this is two primary school basketball teams from Guangdong Province and Liaoning Province playing a game, the dark blue team uniform on the left is from Liaoning, and the white team uniform on the right is from Guangdong. Is there really such a big difference in height between children in the north and south? How should the "Southern Little Potato" chase the height? On May 25th, the "Children's Heart, Children's Power, Happy Growth" China Growth and Development Health Communication Activity was held in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, attracting nearly 100 children and parents to participate, and child growth and development experts answered the hot issues that parents were concerned about.

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

The difference in height between children in the North and South is narrowing

According to the Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020), Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Jilin ranked third, fourth and ninth respectively in the ranking of the average height of all provinces in the country. And the last fifteen were all occupied by the southern provinces. From a statistical point of view, it is true that northerners are higher on average than southerners. Where do the southerners "lose"? It is understood that in addition to genetic factors, there are also acquired factors such as region, food culture and sleep duration.

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

"However, the height gap between children in the North and the South is narrowing." Yang Jinghua, chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News that with the continuous appeal of medical professionals and the continuous promotion of science popularization and education, parents are paying more and more attention to the growth and development of their children. However, it is difficult for doctors to accurately assess the child's growth and development based on the height of the child at the time of the visit. Yang Jinghua suggested that "hearted" parents can make preparations in advance before taking their children to the doctor, including measuring the child's height once a month at home and recording it, which will be very conducive to the doctor to draw the child's growth and development curve, so as to more accurately judge whether the child's growth and development is abnormal, and then find the cause of the abnormality.

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

Height against the wind, Chinese medicine has a trick

"In the past six months, the child has been hospitalized three times because of pneumonia, and his weight and height have not grown at all, is there a way to catch up?" One of the parents present asked, looking anxious. Chief Physician Yang Jinghua explained that there are many factors that affect the growth and development of children, and disease is one of them, especially repeated illness, but parents do not need to be too anxious, after the child's infection is controlled, parents take their children to traditional Chinese medicine treatment, such as through traditional Chinese medicine decoction and traditional Chinese medicine massage, which can improve the child's physique, improve immunity, and reduce the risk of illness. In addition, children are easy to get sick, thin and small, it is very likely that the spleen and stomach function is also problematic, the stomach is mainly accepted, the spleen is transported, and the digestion and absorption of the human body is completed by the spleen and stomach.

Sleep is also essential for a child's growth and development. It is understood that the secretion of growth hormone is regular, and the peak of growth hormone secretion is 11:00~1:00 in the evening and 4:00~6:00 in the morning. Children who do not get enough sleep for a long time and do not have a high quality of sleep will have their height affected. Chief Physician Yang Jinghua suggested that the child should soak his feet with Chinese medicine before going to bed every night, which is helpful for improving sleep.

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

Chief Physician Yang Jinghua introduced that there are many reasons that affect the growth and development of children, and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The characteristic therapies of traditional Chinese medicine, such as traditional Chinese medicine bath packs, compresses, auricular acupoints, ointments, massage, etc., can carry out systematic and all-round intervention, multi-pronged approach, regulate the balance of viscera, stimulate the body's yang energy, and let children grow taller and gain a good physique.

To help the healthy growth of "seedlings", the provincial traditional Chinese medicine is in action

According to previous reports, there are currently nearly 7 million short children and 39 million children with height deviation in the mainland, but the overall treatment rate is less than 2%. Chen Hai, vice president of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced in his speech at the event that the "Healthy China" 2030 Planning Outline proposes to reduce the growth retardation rate of children under 5 years old from 8.1% in 2013 to less than 5% in 2030.

How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

It is understood that in order to cope with the growing problem of children's growth and development, the subspecialty of children's health care and preventive disease (growth and development) of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has taken active action. It has strengthened the research on children's health care, taken the lead in formulating the group standard of "Classification and Identification of Children's TCM Constitution in Guangdong", participated in the writing of the "Expert Consensus on the Construction of Children's Health Care Specialties in China", and improved diagnosis and treatment techniques, such as the introduction of growth hormone therapy. Actively participate in community health education, popularize knowledge related to children's growth and development through public lectures and health consultations, and produce a series of medical science videos such as "100 Questions on Children's Growth and Development" and "Children's Healthy Diet".

In addition, in order to better promote and inherit the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and help the healthy growth of "seedlings", the Youth League Committee of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the parent committees of primary and secondary schools jointly organized and planned, with rich content, covering a number of traditional Chinese medicine experience projects and popular science lectures of traditional Chinese medicine.

Text | Reporter Chen Hui

Figure | Provided by the interviewee (except for the signature)

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  • How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event
  • How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event
  • How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event
  • How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event
  • How does the height of "Southern Little Potato" turn against the wind? There are answers to this event

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